The Obsession of a Substitute 【1】

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The Obsession of a Substitute (1)

  Returning to modern times again, Bai Luo was still a little confused at first. He was used to the life of leisurely clouds and wild cranes, but now that he was commuting to and from work on time every day, he was a little uninterested.

  When Bai Luo went downstairs to get something, he vaguely heard Bai's mother's choking voice, complaining to Bai's father that Bai Luo didn't get close to them, with a cold face all day long, "If Chen'er were here, he would be an adult now, Chen'er would be so He is lively and laughs when he meets people. If not..."

  "Luo'er was still young at the time, and he didn't mean to do it. Stop talking about it. We have been looking for Chen'er all these years." "

  If he hadn't been playful and lost his brother. , Chen'er will not leave us. Chen'er doesn't know how much suffering he has suffered outside. We don't blame him. Why is he still cold-faced to me? He doesn't see me as a mother. Look at how he has grown since he was a child. His attitude toward me was indifferent."

  Bai Luo didn't disturb the two people downstairs, and quietly returned to the house. He could still hear Father Bai's comforting voice, "Okay, okay, there are a lot of them. You are too old to care about your children."

  These words no longer had any impact on him. At first, when he heard them accidentally, he would be a little sad. Later, after the expectations for my parents wore off, it didn't matter anymore.

  In Bai Luo's memory, Bai Mu took six-year-old him and three-year-old Bai Yuchen out shopping. Bai Mu met a friend on the road and stopped to chat. Bai Luo and the nanny went to buy ice cream not far away, and Bai Mu chatted. In her excitement, she didn't notice Bai Yuchen staggering away beside her. When Bai Luo and the nanny came back, Bai Mu discovered that Bai Yuchen was missing. She was shocked and quickly searched around, but she couldn't find him.

  Bai Luo was ignorant at the time. He pulled Bai Mu's sleeve and held up the ice cream for Bai Mu to eat. Bai Mu raised her hand and slapped Bai Luo. Bai Luo was thrown to the ground by Bai Mu's force. "Eat, eat, you know how to eat. You've lost your brother and you still eat."

  Bai Luo's face was hurt and scared, and he cried with a 'wow' sound.

  Bai's father received the call and contacted the police. Bai Luo sat on the ground, and Bai Mu told what happened in a high-pitched voice, "Bai Luo made a fuss and insisted on going to buy ice cream. I didn't allow him, so he just stood there and refused to leave. It was okay to go by himself, but he still insisted. Take Chen'er with you. You know, Bai Luo has always been willful. I had no choice but to let him take Chen'er with me. Qian Dingzhu and Wan told me to take good care of my brother, but he was just doing well and just enjoying himself. I Seeing that they didn't come back for a long time, I went to look for them, only to find that Chen'er was missing."

  Bai Luo couldn't understand Bai Mu's words, but judging from her tone and expression, he knew that he seemed to have done something wrong. He didn't dare to say anything and sat down. in the corner.

  Bai Luo thought of the things in his memory and sneered. He shouldn't have gone back to his parents' house to affect his mood.

  As a child, Bai Luo admired his mother very much. Every time he came home, he would talk happily about what happened at school, his achievements, and his favorite friends. Bai Luo's mother would always push him away impatiently, hating Bai Luo's influence. She puts on makeup or paints her nails. Sometimes, when Bai Luo was talking about being excited, Bai Mu suddenly mentioned a new topic to the person next to him, and then Bai Luo realized that Bai Mu was not listening at all. Gradually, Bai Luo stopped talking to Bai Mu. If she didn't want to listen to him, there was no need for him to talk to her.

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