Star Hero 【5】

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Star Hero (5)

  When Bai Luo woke up in the morning, he felt refreshed and comfortable, but his waist felt a little sore and numb. He had sporadic memories of Bai Luo's hand rubbing his forehead. , lifted the quilt and looked at his body, it turned out that it was not a dream, the obvious hickeys on his body showed his presence. The sheets were changed to clean ones, which made Bai Luo breathe a sigh of relief. Moreover, his body had been wiped, and no liquid was left. Even if it was his own thing, Bai Luo didn't want to sleep next to it all night.

  There was no one else in the room, and Bai Luo felt a little entangled in his heart. Last night, he relied on instinct and desire, and more with the cooperation of another person. His spirit was not clear at all, and he didn't even know who he slept with. However, since he is at home, that person is also very proactive and cooperative, so he must not be a stranger.

  Bai Luo still thought about getting along with Lin Chenfeng naturally and slowly cultivating their love life. Unexpectedly, after a drunken meeting, the relationship between them developed rapidly and changed too quickly. The playmates who had been together almost day and night before were suddenly separated from each other. Taking off the sheets, Bai Luo didn't know how to face Lin Chenfeng for a moment.

  Bai Luo was not an indecisive person. Faced with the current situation, he felt embarrassed and then let go. He is a bit slow emotionally and is not the one who takes the initiative. Others approach him first. But he is not a heartless person if he is emotionally slow. He can still feel the good things others do to him, but he just doesn't know how to get along with each other emotionally.

  Accepting the kindness of others and enjoying the contributions of others is like owed a debt to others. He feels that he owes the other person something, so he will give the other person whatever he wants to repay or offset the kindness that the other person has done to him.

  Bai Luo went downstairs to the living room and was a little surprised to see Lin Chenfeng. It was rare to see Lin Chenfeng at home. Why didn't he go to work?

  Linchenfeng saw Bai Luo, his eyes flashed, he put the plate in his hand on the table, and said with a smile: "Get up, I just made it, try it and see if you like it?"

  Bai Luo sat on the table and took the He took a bite with his chopsticks and nodded.

  Nowadays, few people know how to cook, and almost no one chooses to eat. It is too troublesome. Everyone will choose nutrient supplements. One nutrient supplement can be drank in one gulp. You will not feel hungry for a day, and it can supply the energy needed for the day.

  Nutritional supplements come in many flavors and can fully meet people's requirements. Therefore, no one will waste time on cooking and eating. Moreover, according to history, washing and cleaning tableware after eating is also very time-consuming. It’s so labor-intensive that I can’t even imagine how prehistoric people lived.

  It looked like a poached egg. Although the edges were a little burnt, it was acceptable. Bai Luo was very proud and finished eating it, although he felt that there was too much oil and it was a bit greasy.

  Bai Luo finished his poached eggs, drank the nutritional supplement Lin Chenfeng handed him, then sat on the sofa and opened his personal terminal, browsing the web on the Star Network.

  Linchenfeng placed the cut fruits beside Bai Luo, and also placed several plates with snacks. The females don’t have the time or the inclination to eat these, only the males have too much free time. These snacks taste good and are very popular with the males.

  Their relationship had always been light before, and Bai Luo was not used to being so close all of a sudden. However, thinking that he had done all the intimate things last night, Bai Luo became more patient with Lin Chenfeng.

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