Rebirth and Ascension 【7】

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Rebirth and Ascension (End)

  Bai Luo's expression was solemn and solemn. Jun Limo, who originally wanted to act coquettishly and lean on Bai Luo, straightened his body unconsciously and sat upright opposite Bai Luo.

  Could it be that he was going to tell him that he was going to take the little bitch home? He is the main wife, so he should be generous, Jun Limo told himself secretly, but he was so angry that he still had to keep smiling.

  "Master Xiong, tell me, I won't be angry."

  Bai Luo organized his speech for a while and slowly narrated the events of the past life.

  "I have experienced this world once. The difference from this life is that I didn't see you when I woke up that night. When I went downstairs, I saw Lin Chenfeng cooking and thought it was him that night. But you have always been with me. I stayed together, and we fell in love for a long time, and we were together secretly. When I wanted to end the relationship with Linchenfeng, Linchenfeng was found to be pregnant, and I mistakenly thought it was because of that night. Because of this matter , I wanted to break off the friendship with you, but I didn't know that you were pregnant with a baby at that time."

  Bai Luo drank some water, took a breath, and continued: "Maybe you sensed my rejection, so you avoided me for a while. , I thought you had figured it out, but I didn't know that you were pregnant with a female child. After Lin Chenfeng gave birth to a male child, you appeared in front of me again. I couldn't bear to part with you, and I couldn't be with Lin Chenfeng who had just given birth to a male child. Chen Feng was very entangled and embarrassed when he broke off the relationship. It wasn't until one day you told me about what happened between Lin Chenfeng and Sun Zeyu that I breathed a sigh of relief. I made an appointment with Lin Chenfeng to break off the relationship with him." Bai Luo lowered his head. Eyes

  , slowly recalling what happened that day, "On the way there, we were attacked by star thieves. In order to protect me, you exhausted the mecha's energy, and finally held me to block the last energy cannon. If it weren't for me, It's more than enough to protect yourself with your own skills. It's all because of me that you died."

  "That's not the case." Jun Limo stepped forward and held Bai Luo's hand, with tears in his eyes, "That's not the case. . If I can't protect you, there is no point in my life. You don't know what happens next."

  Jun Limo told Bai Luo about the chaotic space where his soul entered after death and only one book. He read the content in the book.

  "That book is nonsense. I was so angry and unwilling to give up that I just wanted to destroy the book. Then a burst of energy burst out from my body and hit the book. Our misfortunes and misses were just manipulative. Branch line, I just thought that if I had a chance to save everything, I would pay any price. After being destroyed together with the book, I lost consciousness. When I woke up again, it was that night. I want you to know what happened that night Since I am the one who is here, I have no choice to leave."

  Bai Luo hugged Jun Limo hard, feeling a rare panic in his heart. Reversing time and space requires a price, and he didn't know what price he would have to pay. He was reborn in the third world, and it was because Lin Yehan paid the price in his previous life that they were able to be reborn. I think of Lin Yehan's words, "I have no future." Is it because the soul is sacrificed and there is no reincarnation?

  If this person can no longer accompany him in the future world, what about him?

  According to Yilimo, it was only after he destroyed the book that he returned to the world he had experienced, and his connection with world consciousness was reduced. Could it be that there is some connection between this?

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