The Beginning and the End of Love 【3】

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: The Beginning and the End of Destiny (3)

  A moon-whispering wolf came galloping towards me. When I saw the Moon Lotus disappearing from the pool, my eyes suddenly cracked, the hair on my head stood on end, and my mouth was dripping with saliva. . The saliva dripped onto the ground and corroded into pits, which showed that it was extremely toxic.

  Bai Luo clenched the sword in his hand. It seemed that Ban Yue Lian was originally the treasure of this moon-howling wolf, but now that he got there first, no wonder he was so angry.

  This Howling Moon Wolf is obviously of a higher level than him. If he is accompanied by his senior brothers and sisters who are in the foundation building stage, his life will not be in danger. But he was alone now, and he would definitely be seriously injured.

  Bai Luo secretly took out the talisman that Xuan Qing had prepared for him, and when Xiao Yue Lang pounced on him, he quickly dodged and secretly threw the trap on the ground. Bai Luo looked particularly small in front of the Howling Moon Wolf. The Howling Moon Wolf's mouth was wide open, feeling that being swallowed by it was not enough to fill the gap between his teeth.

  The sword swung by Bai Luo didn't even damage its fur. Stealing food from a wolf's mouth is really not something that ordinary people can do.

  Bai Luo was forced to dodge again and again, and his clothes were stained with blood. Bai Luo calculated his position and rolled to the side when the Howling Moon Wolf rushed towards him. The Howling Moon Wolf just happened to jump into the trap that Bai Luo had arranged earlier. inside. Taking this opportunity, Bai Luo smashed down many lethal talismans and magic weapons.

  Howling Moon Wolf looked up to the sky and roared. It was seriously injured, but it also aroused its animal nature even more. It broke away from the trapped formation. Judging from its appearance, it seemed that it was determined to fight Bai Luo until death.

  At this critical moment, Bai Luo felt that everything around him had disappeared. Howling Moon Wolf's movements slowed down infinitely. He concentrated all his spiritual energy on his hands and sword, pinched a magic formula, and waved at Howling Moon Wolf. go.

  The black sword light was like substance, shooting away with arrogant force, hitting the heart of Howling Moon Wolf, and fell to the ground dead under its fearful and disbelieving gaze.

  Bai Luo supported his body with his sword. His expression showed that he was at the end of his strength. He said coldly: "Come out."

  The grass behind the trees moved, and a little fat man with a pale face came out from behind. He was the one who was surrounded by everyone. Surrounded by 'Senior Brother Chu'.

  When Bai Luo was fighting Xiao Yue Lang, he noticed someone else's aura coming towards him. He couldn't tell the difference at the time, but he didn't expect it to be this child.

  Bai Luo took out the healing elixir, and after eating it, he meditated to heal his wounds and circulate his spiritual power. Before he could absorb the Moon Lotus he had eaten before, he ran into the Howling Moon Wolf. Now after the fight, Bai Luo has a new understanding of the mental formula. In addition, with all his spiritual power used up, and now the Banyue Lian in Dantian is taking effect, Bai Luo's level has reached the peak of Qi training.

  The little fat man was always white and fat, but now his face was even whiter than paper. He was trembling and didn't dare to look at Xiaoyuelang's body and the blood next to him. Standing on Bai Luo's side, he didn't dare to get close to this fierce and evil figure. Howling Moon Wolf is also a ferocious fellow sect member.

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