Keeping the Contract 【8】

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Keeping the Contract (8)

  The house is being renovated, and Chu’s mother has been keeping an eye on the progress and materials. It doesn't take long if you drive, and they can live on both sides.

  It was a little strange for Bai Luo to receive the invitation from the Chen family. He had no friendship or contact with the Chen family, and the two families were at odds with each other recently. Many of the troubles in the company were caused by the Chen family. I don’t know what I want to do by meeting him at this stall.

  We went to a small private room in a restaurant. The second son of the Chen family, Chen Zimo, was sitting aside with a smile. When he saw Bai Luo come in, he hurriedly stood up to greet him, "I've heard that Director Bai's name is well-deserved." "Thank you,

  Mr. Chen. " His name is also very famous, and everyone in the circle knows about it." Chen Ershao is rich and beautiful, and he plays very freely in the circle, making many friends. It is said that there is no taboo between men and women, and he is involved in various activities such as horse racing and racing.

  After chatting for a while and drinking a few glasses of wine, Chen Zimo began to call him brother and brother, "You are younger than me, and I regard you as my younger brother. Don't think I'm too talkative, brother. I really can't stand it." . With your ability, you can't go anywhere. Do you have to work as a cow or a horse for the Chu family and dedicate your life? You have to be a nanny every day without stopping, and let some fool order you around." Bai Luo lowered his eyes,

  his expression A little gloomy, "The Chu family has raised and trained me for so many years, and I should do all these things."

  Chen Zimo felt happy when he saw Bai Luo's face. He felt that he was talking about Bai Luo's embarrassment, and his tone became more and more indignant. stand up.

  "Shit! They just treat you like a dumpling. I can't stand being an outsider anymore. You've been serving their mentally ill young master for almost ten years. You have no credit but hard work. They just spend money on you. You After repaying so much, the kindness has been repaid long ago. I can't bear to see them letting you sacrifice a lifetime of happiness to accompany your son because he likes you, and depriving you of your right and freedom to pursue happiness."

  Is Chen Zimo here to sow discord? Bai Luo smiled inwardly, looking a little lonely, "It's right to take care of him. I was brought out from the orphanage just to take care of him. This is my responsibility. If he didn't need me, I wouldn't stay in the Chu family. It's necessary."

  "You are stupid," Chen Zimo reprimanded angrily: "You have been brainwashed by the Chu family. You should live for yourself, and your value does not exist because of that mental illness. The Chu family will Do you agree with you to marry and have children? As long as that young master still likes you for one day, you will not be able to have a normal life. You should want to have a family and have children more than anyone else. I know you long for the warmth of a family, but you are ruthlessly deprived of it. You have the right to be a father, they are so selfish."

  Bai Luo looked a bit struggling and painful.

  Chen Zimo was overjoyed and took advantage of the victory and said: "People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Living in the shadow of the Chu family is so depressing." "But,

  where else can I go besides the Chu family? I I grew up there and only knew people from the Chu family."

  "You are capable and talented, and you will be treated as a guest in every company you go to. The general manager is definitely not a problem. There is no need for you to do odd jobs for Chu Yixuan. ?You come to our house, and based on your ability, the position of general manager is nothing at all, and the annual salary will definitely be twice as much as that of the Chu family."

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