Keeping the Contract 【7】

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Keeping the Contract (7)

  Not long after Bai Luo and Chu Yichen arrived home, Chu Yixuan also came back. Bai Luo was embarrassed. Sure enough, the eldest brother just wanted to avoid coming back with them. He asked if the work was done, and the elder brother obviously nodded. As soon as he saw Xiaochen kissing him, he changed his story and said that there were still some finishing touches. It was just an excuse to avoid them.

  Bai Luo pinched Chu Yichen's face depressedly, the two of us were embarrassed in front of eldest brother.

  Chu Yichen looked around, then quickly stepped forward and kissed Bai Luo's face. Every time his brother pinched his face, he would kiss him, so he felt that pinching his face was a sign of kissing.

  Bai Luo couldn't laugh or cry, "Let's go wash our hands. It's time to eat later."

  At the dinner table, Chu's mother asked, "How is Xiaochen doing today?"


  Several others were a little surprised to hear Chu Yichen's answer. , "What makes Xiaochen happy?"

  Chu Yixuan accidentally choked, coughed twice, drank two mouthfuls of soup, and waved his hands to indicate that he was fine.

  Everyone's eyes returned to Chu Yichen again, but Chu Yichen stopped talking and lowered his head to eat his food.

  Seeing that the eyes were focused on him, Bai Luo was ashamed. Brother Chu had nothing to do with himself and was eating, "Xiao Chen printed out a few documents today, and helped me send a contract to my brother, and also helped me pour the food." A cup of tea."

  Chu Yichen looked sideways at Bai Luo, "We will do it tomorrow."

  Chu's mother sighed: "Our Xiaochen turns out to be so good, he can do these things. He is better than your second brother who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. Too many."

  Chu Yifei, who was affected, looked confused, "What does it have to do with me?"

  Chu's mother became very angry when she said this, "Tell me how old you are. If you don't get married, let's see who will want you in the future. All the good girls have been booked, where can you find them? Even your brother..." Chu's mother was speechless bitterly.

  Chu Yifei, who had been scolded inexplicably, was full of grievances. He looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him. His father and his brother were eating their meals calmly, as if they didn't hear anything. Bai Luo was serving food to Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen had no hope for that brat, so he couldn't help but feel sad. He was just giving it for the phone bill, right?

  Chu Yichen couldn't understand the sadness in Chu Yifei's heart. After dinner, he waited for Bai Luo to take him for a walk in the small garden.

  Chu Yifei watched helplessly as everyone went about their own business, and no one comforted him. He ate another bowl of rice in anger.

  The gardenias planted in the garden are in bloom. The white flowers are beautiful and the air is filled with the fragrance of gardenias. The corners of Chu Yichen's mouth kept rising.

  Infected by Chu Yichen's good mood, Bai Luo was also very happy, "Xiao Chen is so happy?"

  "Being with my brother, happy."

  Bai Luo felt a warm current flowing through his heart. At this scene, he only felt the emotions in his heart fermenting. , Bai Luo hugged Chu Yichen's waist and kissed it domineeringly and fiercely. The taste was so sweet that he wanted to swallow it.

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