The Obsession of a Substitute 【2】

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Substitute Infatuation (2)

  "Chen'er, if anything happens, just tell me. Mom will make the decision for you. Is someone bullying you?" Bai Mu understood something when she saw Bai Yuchen's face.

  "No, no, it's just," Bai Yuchen was a little worried. Finally, under Bai Mu's encouraging eyes, he plucked up the courage to continue: "Brother doesn't like me, does he? I must have made him unhappy somewhere. Mom will give it to eldest brother for me." Can you apologize?"

  Bai's mother raised her brows and was about to speak indignantly, but Bai's father stopped her. "You two haven't seen each other for several years. It's normal for you not to be familiar with each other. After all, you are brothers. You will be close to each other soon. Now."

  After Bai Yuchen went back to his room to rest, Bai Mu still looked unhappy, "Listen to what Chen'er said, is he afraid that someone will divide the family property with him when Chen'er comes back? Chen'er finally returned home. , he also bossed around Chen'er, how can he bully Chen'er in the future? They are all your children, you are not allowed to be partial." "

  Look at what you said, the palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh, how can I be partial? Maybe it's Bai Luo I'm not ready yet. After all, it was too sudden for us to bring Chen'er back. It's possible that he couldn't accept it for a while. He'll get used to it in a few days." "He did something sorry

  for Chen'er, so how could he still have the face to face Chen'er? Erzhi's face?"

  "Okay, please stop saying a few words. Didn't Chen'er come back safely? This matter is not allowed to be mentioned again in the future, let alone in front of Chen'er."

  Bai Yuchen waited until the sound of the conversation disappeared. The gap in the door closed quietly.

  At the request of Bai's father and Bai's mother, Bai Luo did not go back to where he lived, but stayed in the villa for one night to enhance the relationship between the brothers. The villa is a bit far from the company, and it takes more than half an hour to drive. Plus there is a traffic jam in the morning, so he has to get up an hour earlier than usual.

  After washing up in the morning and going downstairs, Bai's father, Bai's mother and Bai Yuchen were having breakfast. They were surprised to see Bai Luo. Bai Yuchen smiled and asked Bai Luo to have breakfast, "Brother, you got up so early. Come and have breakfast, it will be cold in a while."

  Bai Mu was startled, "Look at me, you are often not at home, I have forgotten about you and didn't prepare your breakfast."

  Bai Luo shook his head coldly, "It's okay , I'll go to the company to eat. I'm too late to go to work, and I don't have time to eat at home."

  Bai Yuchen's face was full of envy, "Big brother is so awesome, I have never seen what a big company is like."

  Bai's father laughed, "That's good. What's so enviable? If you want to go, just ask your elder brother to take you there and I'll arrange a position for you."

  "Really? Dad, you're so kind. Brother, please, I have no experience at all. Don't be dissatisfied. I'm stupid."

  "Brother, you didn't learn anything little by little. You have to eat well and let Bai Luo take you after eating." After Bai Mu said to Bai Yuchen, she turned to Bai Luo Said: "Wait for a while Chen'er, you are the only younger brother, take good care of him in the company, don't let him suffer any grievances."

  Bai's father disapproved and said: "Look what you said, in our own company, who dares to let Chen I'm wronged."

  "You can't tell. There are so many people with dark hearts. Hey, eat slowly and be careful not to choke. It's not like Bai Luo won't wait for you."

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