Keeping the Contract 【4】

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Keeping the Contract (4)

  Bai Luo bought several books on adolescent health and physiological knowledge, "Xiao Chen, look here, adolescents will have secondary sexual characteristics physiologically. These are normal and prove that you are Grow up, don't be afraid."

  Most of Chu Yichen's knowledge was taught by Bai Luo, so Bai Luo was naturally responsible for explaining Chu Yichen's youth health and physiological knowledge.

  Chu Yichen was beside Bai Luo, blushing and listening to Bai Luo's careful explanation. Bai Luo rubbed Chu Yichen's head, thinking that Chu Yichen was shy.

  Bai Luo got the admission notice from the university. He could ask a tutor to study the courses before university, but university was different. The atmosphere and resources of the university were far beyond what he could get at home.

  Bai Luo sighed. Xiaochen didn't like to communicate with others except him. If he went to school for a whole day, Xiaochen would definitely be bored by himself like before. Maybe he could finally improve a little bit in the past few years. The situation of autism will worsen. He doesn't need this degree as a stepping stone, but it's just more difficult at the beginning of his career, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

  During dinner in the evening, Chu Yichen said: "I want to go to university with Bai Luo."

  The others looked at Chu Yichen in puzzlement and surprise. They never expected that one day Chu Yichen would take the initiative to propose it. Going to a place with many people.

  Chu Yixuan said in a deep voice: "When school starts, you and Bai Luo go to school together, and I will make arrangements for you."

  After hearing the satisfactory answer, Chu Yichen lowered his head to eat again, and even picked up some food for Bai Luo.

  Bai Luo looked at the hair on Chu Yichen's head, which was full of complexity. He knew that Chu Yichen went to school because of him.

  As expected, Chu Yixuan had great powers. Not only was Chu Yichen qualified for admission, he was also assigned to the same dormitory as him.

  Bai Luo didn't know what it was like to have Chu Yichen accompany him in the classroom every day. Chu Yichen was young, couldn't understand professional courses, and was not interested yet. He should be the only one Chu Yichen cares about and is interested in. As long as Chu Yichen can be by his side, he has no requirements for anything else.

  Bai Luo is smart, diligent, motivated, and has strong self-control. The key is that he loves Xiao Chen very much, and the Chu family is very satisfied. The one with the least status is Chu Yifei. Among the juniors, Chu Yichen is the family's favorite, Chu Yixuan has real power, and Bai Luo is quite popular among the elders because of Chu Yichen.

  In the beginning, he might have only existed as Chu Yichen's playmate, but over the past few years, Bai Luo's actions have been noticed by the Chu family, and the Chu family sincerely regards him as their son. Whether it is the resources or funds used on him, they are similar to those of Chu Yifei.

  Bai Luo and Chu Yichen were sitting on the sofa watching a movie. Chu Yichen was nestling in Bai Luo's arms, eating the fruit plate, occasionally pricking it with toothpicks and feeding it to Bai Luo. Bai Luo didn't even raise his eyes to look at it. Open your mouth and eat it directly. Xiaochen had been clinging to him since he was a child, and Bai Luo didn't think there was anything wrong with the habit he had formed over the past few years.

  When Chu Yixuan was in his thirties, he married a well-matched woman. But Chu Yifei still hasn't found a place yet, and Mrs. Chu has been urging her to get married all day long.

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