08| his left side

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The sound of the gunshot was deafening, like an explosion of thunder in the small, crowded room. I felt my ears ringing, and the world seemed to slow down around me.

Time seemed to stretch out, and I could see the faces of the people around me contorted in fear and confusion. A split second later, everyone was moving at once. People were screaming and pushing past each other, trying to get out of the room. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I knew I had to get out of there. But I couldn't move, frozen in place, I watched as everyone panicked and I just stood there.

As another sound of the gunshot filled the room, the old man's words were drowned out by the screams of terror.

Everyone was moving, trying to get away from the source of the sound. It was chaos, a blur of motion and noise.

The soft lights were now dim, and the world seemed to go dark. And then, suddenly, the old man was on the ground, a pool of blood spreading out from under him.

I was frozen in place, unable to move, as the world around me turned to chaos. I watched as his eyes closed shut. I looked over my shoulder only to find Isaak, watching me, unfazed by the chaos around me. A silver gun in his hand and that's when it hit me.

He killed him.

My heart pounded in my chest- so loud, I thought I was going to die. Isaak takes my hand in his and drags me out of the room. Once we were out, I was welcomed with the chilly air.  I let out a breath I wasn't aware that I'd been holding in.

Like I was some crazy person who seemed to not value their life, I got into his black Maserati with my heart still pounding in my chest. He got into the driver's seat and started the engine, speeding off to God knows where.

"They're coming,"  I tilted my head to the side. "Who?"

"My enemies,"

"Who the hell are you for God's sake," My eyes widen. "Oh, now you want to know?" His tone was unwavering, like this was the norm for him but he couldn't help the concern creeping in his tone.

"Get me out of here!" My tone was frantic, as I shuffled in my seat.  "And go where?" He said nonchalantly.

Did he not know he was human and that he was allowed to show that he was concerned?

"Anywhere that's away from you because you're just dangerous," I stumbled upon my words but couldn't care less at this point.

"I'm in danger? Come on  Diane, you knew I was dangerous before I even killed Gonzalo,"

"Gonzalo?" I looked at him. "The married man?"


He drove the car even faster so I did the one thing I had hoped would calm me down; I slid the car window down and let the cold breeze fan my face.

My thoughts came spiraling down as I thought about my family. Where were they? Were they safe? Would they be safe after this? Will my life change from this point on? What will happen to Gonzalo?

So many unsaid thoughts raced through my mind but the sound of the car stopping forced me out of them.

Isaak looked my way as he parked in a random area. "Get out,"

I looked at him. "What?"

"You said you wanted to be far away from danger right?" I blinked, licking my lips. "I know I said all that but I'm afraid ok? For the first time in a while, I felt fear and I don't like feeling fear. I just-" My words were cut short when Isaak took my hand in his.  He placed it on his left side where I could feel his heart racing just as fast as mine.

The action took me off guard but I felt a rush of relief once I did so. My eyes closed as a small smile appeared on my lips.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I laid my eyes on was him. His eyes had never left mine as they stared with a sense of softness, worry, and protective ness but I must've been imagining it all because he was Isaak after all.

His was still perfect even in the night time as he shone beneath the silvery light of the moon.

"What are you afraid of?" I whispered.

"It's not what I'm afraid of," He began, his it's something else. Much bigger than that,"  His eyes never left mine as he uttered those words and my curiosity began creeping in again.

What did he mean by that?  What was he referring to? However, before I could even ask him, the sounds of screeching wheels interrupted my train of questions. I turned my head in the direction of where the noise was coming from.

My eyes landed on a familiar vehicle and my heart sank at the sight. It was Dante, with two armed men. "Well, well, well," He blew smoke out of his mouth by the help of his cigar -- a smug plastered on his face. A gun in his hand is clearly visible and the two men trailed behind him.

"What do we have here? Oh Mr. Nobody, trying to take my woman."

"Dante, think about what you're going to do." I stepped closer but Isaak pulled me back.

"Oh trust me I've thought about it, sweetheart. I'm tired of seeing this guy; first, he was at your house, then at my establishment,  where next, huh? Huh? Please enlighten me,"

"We broke up Dante, that's none of your concern!"  I exclaim and I find my neck in his grasp. His eyes flashed with malice but that didn't last for long because he was on the ground within a second.

Dante let out a roar, his hand covering his now bloody shoulder blade. I saw every detail, from the glint of sweat on Isaak's brow to the way his muscles tensed and released as he dodged the men's punches. I could smell the fear in the air, and I could hear the sound of their breathing, quick and shallow.

I backed away   like electricity was running through my veins, a tingling in my skin.

"Kill him and I'll shoot," I glared, holding Isaak's silver gun in my hands.

The bald one thought he was sleek when he reached for his gun. So I pulled the trigger, just to scare him.

"That was just a warning,"

It was as if time had stopped, and the world had narrowed down to this single moment. Everything was silent, save for the sound of my breath, quick and shallow. And then, everything snapped back into real-time, and everything happened so fast that it was almost a blur. The silence was silence was swept away by something that made my blood run cold.

Dante looked at me, a twisted grin on his face, and said,  "This one's for you,"

So I looked over to the source of the sound and my lips parted at the sight of Isaak lying on the ground, motionless.

"No!" I ran to the figure that just lied there. My eyes scanned him all over and fear built up inside of me. "Isaak,"

"Isaak hang in there," I said, reaching for my purse so I could call the ambulance.  I rested my palm on his left side, hoping it would calm me down but all I could feel was his heartbeat slowing which alarmed me.

His grey eyes were covered by his eyelids that I longed to see. I dialed the ambulance number as a lump formed in my throat.

He's going to be fine. I told myself. A tear trailed down my cheek as he lied in my arms, unconscious. 

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