58| promise me

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That night, everything was going to come to a head. But for now, we were on our way to Isaak's family home.

I wondered if Teresa was there, or if she had gone with Ezekiel. But I knew that it was likely the latter. Ezekiel had made it clear that he was going to do whatever it took to get what he wanted, and I knew that Teresa would be by his side, no matter what.

Teresa was a master manipulator, that was for sure. From the cruise incident, to the lies she had told Luciano and Isaak, she was always one step ahead. And the worst part was that she did it all so convincingly.

After a long drive, we finally arrived at Isaak's family home. I couldn't wait to see Roseline again, it had been 6 months since I last saw her. But I was also nervous about meeting the rest of Isaak's family.

As I followed Isaak into the house, I knew that I had to be strong.

The Rivera brothers were known for being overprotective, and I knew that the security at the house would be tight. But I was still surprised when we had to go through multiple checkpoints, and even then, the guards were still on high alert.

It wasn't until one of them saw Isaak and let us through that I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. And then, I was hit with the familiar scent of home-cooked meals and I knew we had arrived.

I stepped into the house, and was greeted by a familiar face - Isaak's mother.

She smiled as soon as she saw me, as if she had been waiting for this moment. I smiled back, my heart warming. She wrapped her arms around me, and I felt like I was home. As she pulled away, my eyes landed on a young girl who looked very similar to Sebas. "Is that..." I started, not sure if I was seeing things. "Yes," Isaak's mother said, her smile growing even wider.

"That's Sebas' twin," Isaak's mother said, and my eyes widened in surprise. She smiled, playing with the end of her braided hair. "Hello there," I said, crouching down to her level. "Hi my name is Lucia," she said, looking at me curiously. I took a deep breath before asking the question that was on my mind.

"Where is my brother?" She asked, and the room went silent. I looked up at Isaak's mother, and she had a sad look on her face.

"He's with his mother," Isaak said, breaking the silence. "Oh, that's good," Lucia said, her eyes lighting up.

The doorbell rang, and the maid made her way to the front door. I heard laughter coming from the other side, and then I heard a voice that I recognized. It was Roseline's. I felt my heart leap into my throat. She was okay. I rushed to the door, relief flooding through me.

As I walked over to Roseline, I couldn't help but smile. Seeing her made me feel like I everything was complete. She and Claudia were in the middle of a conversation, but they both stopped when they saw me.

Roseline's eyes widened, and I made my way over, giving her the biggest hug and she held her tightly. I felt like I could finally relax, knowing she was safe.

"You're okay," I said, relief washing over me. "Of course I am," Roseline said, a smile on her face. "Luciano and Claudia couldn't let me out their sight," she said.

"We have a lot to talk about," I said, still holding her close. She looked at Claudia, and they shared a knowing look. "Claudia may have filled me in on a few things," she said, and I couldn't help but laugh. I knew that Claudia was a big gossip.

"Well, since everyone's here, let's have a family lunch," Isaak's mother said, clapping her hands together.

Everyone made their way to the dining room, and the chatter was almost deafening. I took a seat next to Roseline, and she took my hand in hers. I knew that tonight it would all be going down but I tried to focus on the present moment, on the people around me

"I've got something to show you," she said, her voice full of excitement. I nodded, my curiosity piqued. "Just wait," she said, slowly getting up from her wheelchair.

I watched her with anticipation, my heart in my throat. She grabbed the back of the chair for support, her gaze fixed on me. Then, she let go of the chair, and I gasped.

She was standing on her own two feet. My eyes filled with tears. "I don't believe it," I said, my voice shaking. "You're walking," I said, my voice filled with awe.

"No shit, Sherlock," she laughed, and pulled me into a hug. It was different this time, like something had shifted between us. I pulled back, looking into her eyes. "I'm so proud of you," I said, my voice thick with emotion. She smiled, a genuine smile that reached her eyes. "I'm proud of me too," she said.

Hours passed, but the atmosphere in the house was still jovial. Laughter filled the air, and there was a sense of peace and happiness that was rare, but so special.

I found myself sitting next to Roseline, watching as the people around us talked and laughed. But I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, like this moment wouldn't last forever.

Isaak and I slipped out of the room, away from all the chatter. We sat in silence, my head resting on his shoulder. His hand was gently caressing my arm, and I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. His other hand was drawing small circles on my thigh, his touch was so soothing. It felt like we could stay like this forever.

"Could you imagine our kids?" I blurted out, and then I burst out laughing. "Actually, don't," I said, shaking my head. "I'm not ready for that." "I already have," he said, his voice soft. "I can picture a mini you running around, in our own house. And it's honestly my greatest wish." I looked at him, my heart swelling with emotion. "I love you," I said, and it felt like the simplest, most honest statement I could make. "And I love you,"

"I can't imagine having a mini you," I said, shaking my head. "I'd probably get a headache from all the trouble they'd cause." I thought about having a child with Isaak's eyes, and I couldn't help but smile.

The idea of a child with his eyes, his personality, his smile...it was so sweet and wonderful. "I'd want them to have your eyes," I said, looking at him. "Blue eyes are so enchanting, but you made me fall in love with gray ones."

"But what about their names?" Isaak asked, and I froze. I hadn't thought about that. I had always been too focused on the idea of having a child, that I never thought about the details. "Well," I started, trying to think of a name. "If it's a boy it'd be Micah," I say and Isaak tilts his head back.

"My poor son," I gasp. "Hey what's wrong with Micah?"

"Nothing I'm just playing with you,"

"Okay," Isaak said, a smile on his face. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We'll cross that bridge when you're ready for it." I nodded, he was right. "But just in case," he said, winking at me. "I'd choose Esme,"

"Promise you won't leave me,"

"I promise," He said without a doubt. I smiled to myself, closing my eyes. His phone pinged but I still kept them closed.

"One of my men just told me Teresa is here with Sebas," Isaak said and I looked up at him. "Let her in,"


"Just let her in," Isaak sighed but in no time, the doorbell rang again but no one seemed to hear it. They were all lost in conversation, enjoying each other's company. But then, the door opened, and in walked Teresa.

The chatter stopped, and everyone turned to look at her. Claudia was quick to step in front of Luciano, as if she knew he'd go crazy upon seeing her. Teresa stood there, her eyes cold and calculating. "Hello, everyone,"

"I apologize for interrupting your family dinner," Teresa said, her voice dripping with disdain. "But I wanted to come here to apologize." Everyone remained silent, waiting for her to continue. "I was wrong," she said, her words sounding forced.

"Well, we heard enough you can go." Teresa glared at Luciano. "You have no right to talk to me that way,"

"Just like you have no right to talk that way to my son," Isaak's mom came, and she glared?

She glared.. at Teresa?

"Just remember who's house you're in," she added.

Go momma bear.

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