38| lost

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The hot tears kept falling, like a never-ending rainstorm. I stepped into the shower, letting the water wash over me, hoping it would wash away the hurt and the pain. I wanted to feel better, even if it was just for a moment. I leaned against the tiled wall, my knees weak and my body shaking.

I scrubbed at my skin, desperate to erase every trace of Luka. I felt tainted like I had been dirtied by his touch. I scrubbed at my face, my hair, my body. I wanted to erase it all, to make it go away. But no matter how hard I scrubbed, I couldn't get rid of the feeling of violation that lingered.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Just then, the doorbell rang. I furrowed my brows, confused and slightly alarmed. It was nearly 2 AM. Who would be at my door at this hour?

I quickly dried myself off, throwing on a robe and slipping on my slippers. I padded over to the door, my heart thudding in my chest. I didn't bother to ask who it was, just flung the door open. I was shocked by what I saw. It was the last person I expected.

I found myself looking into his stormy gray eyes, the seriousness that was there the last time we met was now replaced by something else. His eyes seemed to sparkle, filled with something that I couldn't quite place. "Isaak, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice still shaking. It was nearly 2 AM, and I was just in my robe. I couldn't comprehend why he was here.

"Won't you invite me in?" he asked, a small smile on his lips. His expression was one of contentment, and I couldn't understand why. I sighed, not wanting to argue. I stepped aside, allowing him to enter my house. "Make yourself comfortable," I said, not knowing what else to say. He looked around, taking in the familiar surroundings.

My eyes were drawn to the bloodstains on his white shirt. I was shocked, but somehow not surprised. I hurried to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit. I had a feeling I would need it. I returned to the living room, where Isaak was still standing. "What happened?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"The mission was successful," he said. I couldn't help but doubt that. The blood staining his shirt told another story. "Was it?" I asked, my eyes falling on the deep gash on his side.

The wound wasn't as deep as I thought it would be, which was a relief. He was lucky.

He took off his shirt, revealing the extent of the injury on his arm. It looked deep and painful, but it wasn't the only wound he had. My eyes scanned his bare chest, searching for any other signs of injury. I tried to focus, not wanting to get distracted by his bare torso. But it was hard to look away.

I froze for a moment, my mind racing as I tried to process what he had just said. "What do you mean, it's off?" I asked, my voice unsteady. He seemed to sense my confusion, and he took a deep breath. "I mean, the wedding was canceled," he said, his voice soft. "Viktor called the deal off and I found out he was the one who shot me,"


I finished treating his wound, and he took my hand in his. His eyes were full of emotion, and I knew what he was thinking. "We can finally be together," he said, his voice husky. His hand caressed my cheek, his touch gentle and tender. I felt a wave of emotion wash over me, and I knew I couldn't deny what I felt for him.

I tried to resist the temptation to give in to his touch, but it was difficult. I closed my eyes, shaking my head. "No, we can't," I said, opening my eyes and pulling away from him. "You know we can't." I tried to keep my voice steady, but it was hard. I had feelings for him, and I knew it was wrong.

I don't care what he said, he was getting married.

"I don't know," he said, his voice low. "I don't know what to think." I could feel my mind racing, trying to come up with something, anything to convince him we couldn't be together. "You're getting married in a few days," I blurted out. My heart was pounding, and I didn't know what else to say.

"Did anything I said to register with you?" he asked, his face now expressionless as if he had shut himself off. I felt like I was losing him, and I didn't know what to do. "You're going to marry her Isaak, she loves you," I said, my voice breaking.

"She doesn't love me, she is full of hate."

"You don't get it," I muttered, with a sigh. "Then talk," He said. It was easier said than done and he didn't get that.

"I can't,"

He shook his head, picked up his shirt, and headed towards the door. I tried to stop myself from calling out to him, from begging him to stay. I was angry at myself for so many things. Angry that I had let myself Luka fool me, angry that Isaak had hidden the truth about Roseline from me, and angry that I was the one pushing him away this time.

I sighed, realizing that this wasn't what I had wanted. I had thought I wanted to push him away, but now that I had done it, I felt empty. I felt like I had made a mistake, and I didn't know how to fix it. I was lost.

I made my way into the kitchen, my feet feeling heavy as I walked. I grabbed a bottle of wine from the cabinet, the one that I always kept for special occasions. I poured myself a glass, lifting it to my lips. But then I stopped, remembering that I couldn't possibly be drinking wine if I was pregnant. My hands were shaking, and I felt like I was losing control.

I slammed the glass down on the counter, the sound of it breaking the silence that had engulfed the kitchen. I felt a sense of relief as I finally allowed myself to cry. I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I let the tears flow, the pain and the confusion overwhelming me.

I heard the ping of my phone, and I grabbed it, seeing that it was a text from Luka. My heart was in my throat as I opened it.

It read;

Step 1 of our revenge- completed.

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