14| eye for an eye

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As I hurried down the hotel corridor, I could feel my chest heaving up and down. I was gasping for air, and the burning sensation in my chest was almost unbearable.

I tried to calm myself down, but my heart was racing and my thoughts were jumbled.

I knew I had to get to my room and get some rest, but the pain was making it difficult to focus.

As I stumbled into my hotel room, my eyes fell on the pile of clothes lying on the bed. I walked over and started packing them into my suitcase, my head spinning and my thoughts racing.

I knew I needed to get out of there, but my body felt like it was moving in slow motion.

My breath came in short, shallow gasps, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

I forced myself to keep moving, desperately trying to get my things together and get out of the room. I just wanted to be somewhere safe, somewhere I could process what had just happened.

I stopped packing, shaking my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts. I knew I had to get out of the hotel, away from the room that now held so many memories. I headed for the door, my heart pounding in my chest as I made my way down the hall.

The night air hit me like a wave as I stepped outside, and I took a deep breath, feeling some of the tension leave my body. I started walking, not sure where I was going, but knowing I had to get away. As I walked, I found myself drawn to the sound of the sea.

As I drew closer to the beach, the waves grew louder, their rhythm almost hypnotic.

I took off my heels and walked barefoot across the sand, feeling the soft grains between my toes. I looked out at the ocean, the moonlight reflecting off the water like a million tiny stars.

I sat down on the sand, my eyes fixed on the horizon, watching the waves roll in and out. I felt a sense of peace wash over me as if the ocean itself was healing me. The troubles of the day began to fade away, replaced by the beauty of the sea.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as the cold water covered my feet, but I continued to walk deeper into the ocean, the waves lapping at my ankles.

I could feel a presence behind me as sank deeper into the ocean, like someone was watching me. I turned to look over my shoulder, and there he was. His stormy eyes reflected the clouds.

I turned back, ignoring his presence.

I sank lower until the water was up to my waist. I closed my eyes, blocking out the sight of Yulia and the hotel behind me. The only sound I could hear was the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

I let myself sink lower still until the water was up to my chest. I could feel the weight of the ocean pressing down on me, but I didn't fight it. I felt a sense of comfort wash over me, and I let myself relax in the water. I could feel the tension leaving my body, replaced by a sense of calm. I let the waves carry me, rocking me back and forth like a lullaby as I sunk deeper and deeper.


I woke up with my eyes stinging as I opened them. I sat up, disoriented, trying to remember where I was. Then the memories of the night before came rushing back, and I felt a weight settle in the pit of my stomach.

I reached for my phone, swiping it open to check the time. It was still early, and I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.
I got out of bed, took a shower, and got dressed. As I was getting ready, I heard my phone buzz. I glanced at the screen and saw that I had a text from Claudia, asking if we could have breakfast. I thought about it for a moment, then texted back,

Sure. Just give me an hour.

A few moments later, I got a text back, that made me chuckle.

Girl you know you need more than that.

I rolled my eyes, switched my phone off, and decided to get a head start on the day, grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

Today was a new day. The first few days were not treating me well but the night at the ocean somewhat healed me. It was time after I thought it was impossible to take revenge on the man I loved, and I was finally ready.

There was nothing more dangerous than a scorned woman lurking.

He wasn't going to know what hit him.


The sun was shining brightly, and the air was crisp and cool. I was glad I had chosen to wear a light outfit.

I walked slowly, taking in the scenery around me. The grass was green and lush, and the trees were swaying gently in the breeze. I could smell the freshness in the air, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I was grateful to be in such a beautiful place.

As we sat down at the table, I saw that Claudia had already ordered herself a matcha latte, her favorite drink. She was dressed in her signature style, with her hair perfectly styled and her makeup flawless. She was glowing, and I couldn't help but smile.

She reached for her phone, taking a picture of her latte and then a selfie of the two of us. "For the Malika and the  'gram," she said with a wink. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but laugh. She always knew how to lighten the mood. "So, how are you..." She trailed off.

Her eyes caught something and my eyes followed suit as they landed on a familiar figure.

Before I could even begin to respond, I noticed the familiar face walking towards us. I recognized her immediately as Isaak's mother, and she was heading in our direction.

"Ms. Johnson," I said, getting to my feet as she approached. She smiled warmly at me, her eyes bright and twinkling. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that she was related to the man who had caused me so much pain. But I pushed the thought aside.  "Good morning," she said, extending her hand. "Luciano is on his way," She told Claudia, who nodded like it wasn't new information.

Just as the words left her lips, I noticed Luciano and Isaak walking towards us, followed by Yulia and her friend Polina.

"Good morning everyone,"  The Russian chirped.

As Luciano greeted Claudia, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

It was clear that the two of them had a special bond, and I was happy to see that they were finally together after everything they had been through. They deserved it. Isaak noticed how my eyes followed the couple so I tore my gaze away.

"Good morning, Mom," Luciano said. His mother wrapped her arms around both of them, hugging her sons tightly. "I'm so happy you're both here," she said, her voice full of emotion. "I missed you."

"We missed you too, Mom," he replied.

"Would you like to join us?" she asked. I hesitated, not sure what to say.

"We don't want to bother," I said, trying to sound casual. "You've never been a bother," said Isaak.

"We've already reserved a table," Yulia chimed in.

The mother laughed. "Isaak's right. When have you guys ever been a bother," she asked, her eyes twinkling. "Please, join us."

Eventually, we followed them to their table, knowing that it would be a long and interesting morning.

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