53| love made me crazy

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I could feel my back aching, my arms bound behind me. I was tied to a chair, the ropes cutting into my skin. I could still smell Isaak's cologne on his blazer, the scent lingering in my nose. I had no idea where I was, what had happened, or why I was here. And I couldn't see anything - there was some kind of bag over my head, blocking out all light. I felt a surge of panic, my heart racing. I had to get out of here, I had to escape. But how?

There was a sudden ripping sound, and the item covering my head was pulled off. I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek, the sharp sting of a slap. My eyes fluttered open, and I blinked several times, adjusting to the dim light of the room. I could make out the shadowy figures of several men, and then my eyes landed on the man standing in front of me. Luciano. He was staring at me, a look of triumph on his face.

"Yulia?" I said, my voice hoarse. "Is that you?" I struggled against my bonds, trying to get free. But it was no use, the ropes were too tight. "Wakey wakey, you little blonde," Yulia said, a malicious grin on her face. "Where am I? What am I doing here?" I demanded, trying to sound strong and fearless. But my voice quavered, betraying my fear. Yulia just laughed, the sound cold and cruel.

She clicked her tongue against her teeth. "What, are you scared?" she asked, her voice taunting. I clenched my jaw, refusing to let her see my fear. "I've never been scared of you, Yulia," I said, my voice steady. "What is there to be afraid of if you're my opponent?" Yulia's eyes flashed, and I could see her temper rising. "Oh, you think you're so tough, don't you?" she snarled, taking a step closer to me.

"You were with him, weren't you?" she demanded, her voice cold and accusing. "Answer me, you were with my husband." I couldn't help but chuckle, the absurdity of the situation hitting me. "Your husband?" I said, shaking my head. "As far as I know, he left you at the altar. I guess you weren't enough for him, huh?" Yulia's face flushed red with rage, her eyes dark with fury. I knew I was pushing her buttons, but I couldn't help myself.

"You're nothing but a sicko, you know that?" I said, my voice harsh. "Aren't you embarrassed that you're obsessing over someone who can't even stand your presence? Don't you have any dignity left?" I was goading her, I knew I was, but I couldn't help myself. Yulia's face was scarlet, her eyes wild. And then, before I could blink, she swung her fist and hit me across the face. I saw stars, my head spinning from the impact. I tasted blood in my mouth.

I turned back to face her, licking my dry lips. "Does it make you feel better?" I asked, my voice low and measured. Yulia's face was a mask of fury. She glared at me, her eyes burning with rage. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" she spat, her voice thick with anger. And then, she lunged at me, driving her fist into my belly. I gasped, the wind knocked out of me. She drew back her hand again, and I braced myself for the next blow.

I kicked out, catching her in the side and sending her sprawling to the ground. But she was up in an instant, her anger only growing. She grabbed my head, yanking it back and running the blade across my jaw. "Now who's got the power?" she said, her voice mocking. I bit my lip, feeling the sting of the cut. I tasted blood again, coppery and metallic. My heart was racing, my breaths shallow and rapid. I had to get out of here.

"You'll think about this every time you're by his side," she whispered, her eyes brimming with tears. "You'll always know that you were with me first." She pressed her hand against my neck, squeezing it slowly. I couldn't breathe, my lungs burning. My vision began to darken, the edges of my sight blurring. I thrashed against her grip, trying to free myself. I had to get away from her, I had to get help. I had to escape.

"Yulia-" I gasped, barely able to get the words out. "Shut up!" she shouted, her voice raw and ragged. "You ruined everything! You took him from me!" I felt her grip tightening, my air supply dwindling. I struggled, trying to fight her off, but I was getting weaker by the second. I was going to black out. I was going to die.

There was the sound of the door creaking open, and Yulia spun around, her knife raised. I saw a figure standing in the doorway, their face shrouded in shadows. Without thinking, Yulia lashed out, her knife slicing through the air. I heard a cry of pain, and the figure crumpled to the ground, blood seeping from a wound in their chest. I felt my blood run cold. I was going to die. I was sure of it.

"You see what I did?" Yulia exclaimed, her voice wild and manic. "You see what you made me do?" I shook my head, my whole body trembling. "I didn't make you do anything," I said, my voice shaking. "You're the one who's gone crazy. You're the one who's hurting people." Yulia shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I couldn't help it," she sobbed. "I just wanted him back." I felt a surge of pity, but I knew I had to get away from her. I had to get help.

She did the last thing I expected. She dropped to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I had never seen her so vulnerable, so broken.

Yulia's face was flushed, her eyes swollen and red. Her cheeks were wet with tears, which flowed freely down her face. Her shoulders heaved with each sob, her body shaking. She looked small and fragile, a far cry from the confident, fierce woman I had known. She looked lost, broken.

"He turned me into this," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I thought we could be something. I thought love would make me happy. But love made me crazy." She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy. "I just wish I had never met him. Then none of this would be happening." My heart ached for her, but I knew I had to get away. I had to get help.

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