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My mom's eyes scanned the table, coming to rest on Yulia. She narrowed her eyes, taking in the sight of Yulia's face. "Yulia," she began, her voice filled with concern. "What happened to your face?"

Everyone turned to look at Yulia, who quickly averted her gaze. "It's nothing," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.
"It doesn't look like nothing," my mom pressed, her brow furrowed in worry. "What happened?"

"I hope you've learned your lesson about tennis," Claudia said to Yulia, a sly grin on her face.
My mom looked confused. "What lesson?" she asked, furrowing her brow.

Claudia turned to my mom. "You didn't know?" she asked, an amused look on her face. "Well, I guess I should probably tell you then," she said.
"Tell me what?" my mom pressed, her curiosity piqued.

My mom shook her head no and I too was confused. I had asked about the bruise yesterday but she never answered. "Yulia over here insisted on playing tennis with Diane yesterday," Claudia uttered and it took me a couple of seconds to know where the story was going

"Yulia was just being nice and the inexperienced blonde hit her with the tennis ball," Polina said. Claudia glared at her. I couldn't help but fight back a smile at the image that popped into my head.

My Diane. As much as she looked at me with hatred, she hadn't changed

I couldn't help but smile at that. It was like seeing the old Diane again.

My mom's smile mirrored mine, but then she let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry," she said, clearing her throat. "The mental image of that was just too amusing." She paused, and then added more seriously, "But I know it's a serious situation. I'm sure you'll be fine." She looked over at Yulia.

My mom had never liked Yulia, and it was clear that she still wasn't. But I couldn't blame her - no one liked Yulia.

"The blonde is clearly unfit and maybe she should practice more," said Polina.

"Maybe you should spend less time running your mouth," I said, my voice low and dangerous. Polina looked over to Yulia for support but got none.

"I think it would be good if we went," Diane got up. "So soon?" My mom asked, looking surprised.  "I have a lot to do for the couple's

+ wedding preparations," she said. gesturing to Yulia and I.

"Oh, of course," my mom said, standing up as well. "We don't want to keep you from your work."

"Come over to dinner sometime," My mom said to Diane. "We'd love to have you," Diane looked hesitant but smiled anyway. "I'd like that,"

Yulia stood up, a small smile playing on her lips. "See you," she said, her voice airy and insincere. She adjusted her diamond ring as if to draw attention to it.

I caught the way Diane's eyes flickered to the ring, her expression unreadable.

Then Polina said something that made my jaw tense.  "I hope to be planning your wedding soon,"


"Who does she think she is?" Yulia seethed as we got out of my Maserati. Her voice was shrill, like nails on a chalkboard.

I ignored her, not wanting to get into a fight with her, but I was starting to get annoyed.

I locked my car door and hurried away, not wanting to hear any more of Yulia's yelling. I walked quickly, my feet pounding against the pavement as I tried to put as much distance between us as possible. I turned the corner and saw the mansion looming in the distance. I took a deep breath, grateful to be away from Yulia.

I pressed my thumb against the identification pad, and the heavy doors of the mansion unlocked with a click. As I stepped inside, I could hear Yulia's heels clacking on the marble floor, growing fainter as she walked in the opposite direction.

She had been ranting about the same thing since breakfast, and I was tired of hearing it.

"I'm so sick of your mother trying to interfere in our lives," she continued, her voice rising in pitch as it echoed in the empty mansion.  "She needs to back off."

I turned to Yulia, my eyes burning with anger. Before I knew it, I had her pinned against the wall, my hand pressed against her shoulder. "Leave my mother's name out of your mouth," Yulia's eyes widened slightly, her lips parting in surprise. But then, a smile spread across her face. She moved closer, her hand reaching up to touch my neck.

I felt a jolt of revulsion, and I shoved her away. She stumbled back, falling to the floor. "I don't want you," I said, my voice shaking with emotion. "Get that through your thick skull."

Yulia's eyes flashed with hurt and anger, but she didn't say anything. She just stared at me, her mouth set in a tight line.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, the screen illuminating my face. I brought it to my ear, my voice sharp. "What is it?"
I listened as the voice on the other end spoke. "Boss," the voice on the other end of the line said. "We have the guy, but he's not talking."


I was in the mood to ruin someone's intestines. 

My heart started to pound, the anticipation of what was to come thrilling me.

"Bring him to me," I said, my voice low and steady. I hung up the phone, my body tingling with excitement.



I leaned back in my chair, puffing on my cigar as I regarded the young man across from me. He was fidgeting nervously.

"Now, what seems to be the matter?" I asked, keeping my tone light and non-threatening. I could tell that the young man was terrified, and I wanted to put him at ease. After all, I was in no hurry to get what I wanted from him. I could afford to be patient.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice shaking. I could see the fear in his eyes, and I relished it. I took another puff of my cigar, the smoke swirling around us.

"Isaak Rivera," His body tensed, his eyes wide. "W-What do you want from me?" he stammered, his voice hoarse.

"Just a name,"

"Hit him," Yulia ordered, her eyes cold and calculating. My men started to move forward, but I held up a hand to stop them.
"Don't touch him," I said, my voice hard.

"You seem to have forgotten who's in charge here," I said, my gaze never leaving hers. "I am the boss."

"But I'm your woman, Isaak. I-" she started to say, but I cut her off. "This is my business, Yulia,"

But Yulia wasn't backing down. "He won't talk," she insisted. "You won't get anything out of him."

I clenched my fists. "I can get him to talk," I said, my voice dangerous. "I have ways of making people talk."

Yulia stared at me, unblinking. "I know what you're capable of," she said, her tone challenging. "Unleash him," She poked at my chest. "Unleash the Isaak I know so very well,"

Before I could even process what was happening, Yulia pulled the trigger. 

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