44| checkmate

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"Where is she?"

"Where is she Isaak?"

I clench my jaw. "I don't know dammit,"

"Where's Diane?" she growled, her voice harsh and cold. I felt my frustration rising, but I tried to stay calm. "I don't know," I said, my voice steady. She narrowed her eyes, clearly not convinced.

"You were with her, weren't you?" she pressed, her voice sharp as a knife. I clenched my jaw, my patience wearing thin. "I was with her, but I don't know where she is now," I said, my words clipped and sharp.

The hurt in her eyes was palpable, the tears glistening on her cheeks. "How could you?" she whispered, her voice breaking. "We were supposed to be together, we were supposed to get married. You were supposed to love me, not her. You're mine, my fiancé. "

"Ex fiancé," I correct her. "We're not together anymore, okay? Get it through your thick skull."

"B-but" Yulia stammered, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to find the words. "You... you can't just walk away like this," she said, her voice quivering with emotion. "We... we can work it out, I can... I can be the woman you want me to be."

"No, Yulia, you can't," I said, my voice firm but not unkind.

"It doesn't have to be arranged this time. I swear I won't rush,"

"No, Yulia, NO." My voice boomed. "I don't love you Yulia ok? And you knew that from the beginning,"

"After everything she's done? She's a nobody, she doesn't deserve you. She's just a civilian, she doesn't even have what it takes to be part of our world. She's weak; look how she left you. She doesn't have what it takes to be one of us."

I clenched my fists, my anger simmering just below the surface as I pin her body against the wall. As expected she smiles, biting her lip at the move.

"Listen, Golov." I begin, my voice low and steady. "I don't care about your little obsession okay. Didn't your father raise you better to be crawling after a man- right after he left you at the aisle. Do you not respect yourself?"

"I better not hear you talk about Diane like that, otherwise I'll leave it to her. And we both know, trained or not, she'd outdo you in every way. She already has right?" Her jaw clenched at this and I was happy to finally have shut her up.

I released my grip on her, my hands shaking with barely contained anger. I gave her one last look, my eyes cold and hard. "I'm done with this," I said, turning my back on her. "You're not worth my time."

"You'll regret this," Yulia hissed, her voice low and threatening. "You'll see. You'll come crawling back to me, begging for forgiveness. You'll be sorry you ever let her into your life."

Without another word, I let her go. Giving her a once over before turning my back. "You don't know what's coming Isaak,"

"Did your mom never teach you not mess with a broken-hearted woman?"

She was literally an example.

"Do your best Gulov. I have better things to take care of," I say, walking away.


"I'll think about it aunt," I say. It had been 2 days now since the wedding and my mother, along with my aunt was insisting that I head to Italy since in her words 'You have nothing left there'

"But you've been gone for so long," my aunt voice pleaded over the phone, the worry and sadness evident in her tone. "I miss you so much, and I know your mom does too. Please, just come home for a visit. You don't have to stay long, just a few days."

I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I leaned against the wall. "I know, aunt. I've got so much going on right now. I just need some time to sort it all out, and then I promise I'll come see you."

"What ever happened to that lovely lady?" I heard my mom's voice over the line.

"What lady?" My aunt asks. There was no one as nosy as my aunt. "Uncle has girl? Wasn't he married?" I hear Sebas' little voice. I tilt my head, pinching my nose as I shut my eyes.

"I'm pretty sure you heard that wrong, Sebas," my mother said, trying to diffuse the situation. "Uncle doesn't have a girlfriend, he's happily married."

But Sebas was not to be deterred. "No, I heard him. He said 'that lovely lady'. What lady? Why didn't he say 'that lovely wife'?"

My aunt let out a strangled laugh, clearly trying to hide her amusement. "Sebas, I think you're making too much of a big deal out of nothing. Uncle was probably just talking about someone he met."

"And he never loved his wife, well your uncle is no longer with her so,"

"Seriously ma? What are teaching him?"

"I'm just being honest. You'll understand when you're grown Sebas,"

"But I am," Sebas puffs and I cant help the little smile that forms on my face.

"Sebas, just because you're getting taller doesn't mean you're all grown up," Luciano said, his tone patient and calm. "You have a lot more growing up to do, both physically and emotionally. But don't worry, you'll get there."

"But I'm ten," Sebas protested, his voice filled with frustration. "How much more growing up do I have to do?"

"A lot," my aunt interjected, her voice brimming with amusement. "Just wait until you're an adult, then you'll realize how much more growing up you have to do."

And suddenly, that all came to a halt when I heard the screams over the phone.


But there was no response. I look over to my brother Luciano who has the same look on his face. "Sebas, can you hear us?"

"Son, there are men outside."

"Where's the security ma?"

"I told them they could takd the day off," I shut my eyes in utter disbelief.

"Mom! What were you thinking?" I exclaimed, my voice rising in alarm. "You can't let the guards take the day off, it's not safe. Where are you?"

"They won't hurt us boy. Don't worry," I hear my aunt say. "How could you be so sure?"

But there was only silence on the other end of the line. I felt my heart begin to race, panic rising within me. I looked at my brother.

"Sebas, is everything okay?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. "Can you tell me where you are?"

"I... I don't know,"

I groan, nearly tossing the phone on the side of the room. Luciano puts his own phone to his ear. "Elio, tell all the men to my mom's house right now. I don't care how but you're doing it. Kill every single person that dares to even lay a finger on one of them,"

My call dropped and as if on queue, I received another one. I picked up, placing the device on my ear. "What?"

"Ooh, rude much," I heard a familiar Russian accent. "Yulia I don't have time for this-"

"You thought you could get away with everything huh? Now I got your family in the palm of my hand," I could almost see the smirk on her face.


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