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It was like Coriolanus didnt care— "your a monster." Avi spat to the boy, as he exited the hall, after hearing what he had said, the ideas he had expressed to the head gamemaker, it sickened her.

"Im not, im keeping her alive." Coriolanus defended himself, like he had every right, like Lucy gray's life matter over the life of all the other district children.

"And your killing thousands of other children from the districts," Avi said, "Do you not get it Coriolanus?"

He only shrugged, "Not my problem." And he began to walk away.

Avi shook her head, grabbing his arm and pulling him back, "theres is something sick in your head" she pushed him behind a nearby piller, away from the watchfull eyes of the capital civilization.

"Im only doing what I have to."

"No, you dont have to do anything. Do you even care for lucy gray? Do you?" Avi questioned shoving him harder against the piller, he shrunk back at her hardened gaze, just like he had under the boy from eleven's grip.

"Its not like that." He told her.

"Then what is it like?"

"You wont get it." He shook his head, like the concept was too complex for her to understand.

"What are you getting at?" She bit her lip.

"You know exactly what im getting at." He glanced at her, looking her up and down, he took notice of her missing uniform jacket, the only peice she had willingly worn, the only part of the capital she had ever accepted, instead she wore simple clothing, that made her look district. The same look that made civilians, back away from her when she walked down the halls and streets, cowering away from her like she was some monster. They had saw what she had done, in that arena. It wasnt something that was easily forgotten. "Your district, Merit." He said it, like it was something Avi had forgotten, "you went into the games, you wont understand my view."

"And me being district says what, Coriolanus?" She glared, waiting for him to say it, "what does it say?"

"That your worthless, just some district scum." He spat, "Your a monster, way worse than those in that zoo." Avi released her grip on him, looking down at the floor, "those deaths were all your fualt, thats why we have the games, dont we? So you all know your place—"

He didnt get to finish as Avi straightened up, slamming her fist into coriolanus's face. So hard it made him stumble back from out of behind the piller, clutching his nose as he stumbled away.

"What the fuck!" He shouted at the girl, only raising his eyesight to glance at her nearing, moving back to avoid her touch, falling onto his back.

Peacekeepes swarmed the area, pointing they're guns at the small girl, but they knew better not to shoot, grabbing her and pinning her hands behind her back, they slammed her so harshly against the wall it made her cry out in pain, her face squished against it, no doubt going to leave a bruise. Avi tried to push them off, to get to Coriolanus again, or to even just get away, but it was no use.

Sejanus rushed forward, glancing between his two friends, confused. He knew that Avi was the only one who would get consequences, Coriolanus facing no wrath for the words he had spit upon Avi, what he had said to her, completly forgotten.

Avi cried out in pain as she was slammed harshly against the wall once more, her knees scraping against the harsh brick as she was finally pulled away and shoved forward. "Move!" They told her, and she did. Sejanus had never seen her comply so easily, but the look in her eyes made him shift on his feet, what had Coriolanus said to her? He watched her step forward, glancing back at him, like a plea for help, but the both know he couldnt do anything, and if he tried it would only make it worse for her, but she couldnt help but look back at him, desperate to call out. She didnt care about herself, she couldnt get introuble right now, she needed to get to the zoo, maybe she should have thought about that before she had taken that action against the capital boy.

Sejanus moved to step infront of Coriolanus, who had only just brought himself up off the floor. The hit couldent have been that hard, maybe he was only acting to get Avi in even more trouble.

Sejanus raised an eyebrow at him, like he wanted to explain, but Coriolanus didnt utter a word about the situation, as if he was afriad of what Sejanus might think. "Come on, lets get to the zoo." Was all he said, Sejanus nodded grabbing the bag of sandwitches he had and ran after his friend, who had already stepped out of the academy. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Avi getting tossed into the back of a van, and he wondered where they were taking her.

It wasnt long before they neared the zoo, the tribute kids cramped near eachother, districts sticking together, huddling on near-bye rocks.

It took awhile for Sejanus to spot Avi's tribute, choosing to go over to him first, suspecting that'd he'd want to talk to him more than marcus. "Treech!" He called out, the boy shot up from the rock, but frowned when he didnt see Avi, and some other capital student.

"Who are you?" He frowned, glaring at him.

"A friend of Avi, she wont be able to make it today." Sejanus frowned, as the boy neared him, another boy rushed forward, frowning that he didnt see the girl he was looking for.

"Your not his mentor?"

"Yeah I know, thought Avi would want me to get you all some food, and water." Sejanus handed out what he had in his bag.

"Where is she?" Treech asked, frowning as he took the food.

"Got herself in a bit of trouble." Sejanus face almost told the pair that it was more than a 'bit' of trouble.

"Is she okay?" The younger boy asked. Sejanus shrugged.

"She'll make it through." This only worried the boys further.

"Blondie got anything to do with it?" Treech asked, anger bubbling up inside him, but he only recieved a nod from Sejanus, no reasoning . Like he didnt want them to know.

"Your mizzen right?" He asked the smaller boy, to change the topic.

"Yeah I am."

"Avi talked alot about you." A small smile formed on his lips, as the two boys scarfed down the food, he noticed the way both of them split the sandwitches in half, tossing it to they're district partners. Like it didnt matter if they went hungry.

"She did?" The boy perked up at that, his mouth still full from the sandwitch he was demolashing.

Sejanus nodded, "she tried to get home to you, but it was no use. Not with the capital watching her like a hawk— and I probally shouldnt be telling you this."

Mizzen face furrowed, like he was trying to wrack his brain around it. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, forget I said anything." Sejanus went to get up from his spot on the rocks, to avoid any further conversation with the pair, but Treech grabbed onto his wrist pulling him back down onto his spot, he leaned in close, his face almost touching the bars.

"Where is she?" Treech demanded, it wasnt like he could do anything about it, but he wanted to know, know if she was safe or not. He didnt know why, but he felt a sense of protectivness for her, he didnt even know her, but he worried for her, and cared for her way more than someone he actually knew, espeically from the capital.

"I dont know." Sejanus told them, shaking his head, "Last I saw her, some peacekeepers threw her into a van, drove off."


Sejanus glanced towards the only reason, and shook of Treech's grip. He wasnt going to throw his bestfriend under the bus, espeically to some tributes who already wanted to kill him enough. "I dont know when she'll be back, soon though." Was all sejanus told them, before he walked away.

Mizzen sighed, staring off into the distance, before he stood up, not even bothering to dust himself off, and went back to his district partner, Coral.


UHM WHO DOES Coriolanus think he is? Like keep ur mouth shut preety boy... I know im updating this at 1Am, atleast for me, but im bored! I have another Treech fic on my page, called Crybaby, and im working on another one, becuase what better things do I have to be doing?

Remember to vote and comment!!!

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