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Silver chased down one of the back tunnells, After one of the tributes from ten, Ric didnt follow after her though, stopping and pulling Avi back.

"Shes got it." He told her, and they both waited, untill an angry Silver came back over to them.

"That bitch!" She shouted, her voice echoeing off the tunnel walls, "She slid under one of the compartment doors!"

"Just get her next time." Avi said, going to walk off.

"No!" Her voice was so angry, it made Avi turn back. "Im so fucking done with this shit! I want to go home!"

"And you will." Ric told her, "Just gotta give it some time."

"Im done 'giving it time." She snapped, pointing her knife towards Avi, like she was the problem. "we just gotta get someone else off our list."

Avi's eyes widened in fear, not even taking a moment to think about it before she sprinted down the tunnels, they hadent went far, just a few feet in before Silver had finnally snapped. She knew it was going to happen sooner or later, she had just hoped it wouldnt be today.

Avi emerged from the tunnels in just minutes, tumbling into the sand, as Silver collided with her, both of them rolling around in the dirt, Silver managed to land ontop straddling her waist she tried to push a knife through Avi's head, but Avi swatted Her hand away, just narrowly avoiding a few hits as Silver penetrated the ground behind her. Avi tried to push her off her, just managing, to shove her a foot or two, but silver regained her footing quickly stabbing her knife into the calf of her leg, she slid it down, cuasing Avi to scream out in, pain. Silver left a large gash, deep enough that it would cuase her problems later in the game, if she had gotten that far.

Avi tried to shuffle back, scrambling as far as she could away from the pair, and as much as she tried to hold back her cry's of pain, every now and then a few whimpers were let out.

"Your such a baby." Silver rolled her eyes, as they both began to circle her, "come on! Its not even that bad."

Avi felt them poking her, with they're blades taunting her. She tried to get up, to attack Ric, but he only laughed and pushed her back down, his attempts useless.

"I think we deserve some fun? Dont we, ric?"

Ric didnt answer, and Avi hadnt heard him say much at all in the time she'd known him. He only smirked. She felt silver by her injured leg, but she couldnt do anything about it, besides kick. She managed to land one right in her forehead, cuasing her to stumble back.

Silver's anger only increased and went to charge forward, but Avi raised her spear just intime, shoving it right through Silver's head, she dropped to the floor quickly, and it took Avi a moment to even register what she had done.

"Im going to fucking kill you." Ric screamed at her, as soon as he saw what she had done to his district partner, and Avi scrambled to try and get her spear out of Silver's head, but it wouldnt budge, and with Ric's quickly aproaching figure, she knew it was fatal. He'd reach her before she could even attempt to fight back, "im going to fucking kill you, avilyne!" He screamed even louder, before he could take the final blow, a brick smacked him in the side of the head, sending im flying into the dirt.

It was Tino, the boy from eight, he sent one final hit to Ric's head, with the already bloodied brick and tossed it to the side. There was no use beating someone who was already dead.

"Get up, lets go!" Tino rushed forward, helping Avi too her feet, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and helped her limp to the stands. "Its okay, ive got you." Tino let go of her for a second, letting her hold onto the wall as he pulled himself up, and then reatched down to pull her up too. Tino didnt leave her there like she expected him too, he was helping her, wobbling over the seats, it took them a few minutes to even get to the top, but when he did, he pulled them behind a pillar.

"Avi!" The girl heard scream, she knew it was Aretmi, but where was Leer? Avi went to get up but Tino pushed her back down, holding a hand over her mouth, he shook his head.

"Dont." He mouthed, and for a moment she was confused, untill Aretmi, didnt call out again, and Tino peeked his head from out of the piller, then immediately pulled back squinting his eyes shut.

She took the moment to look for herself. There was a group of tributes, hovering at the top of the stands, and Artetmi was beneath them, just barely holding on to the ledge, he hadnt botherd calling out again, becuase he was too busy, fighting for his life, his hands were turning white As he desperetly tried to hold on for a minute longer, but he was slipping. One of the tributes stepped forward, and stepped on Aretmi's hands, cuasing him to fall, he had only fallen a few good feet before he landed on a loose pole, and it had gone straight through him. Making him situated right in the middle, with both sides sticking out of him. He layed there limp, his arms dangling, and it took everything in. Avi to pull herself away.

"Hes dead." She whispered to Tino, and for a moment she felt like puking, but she swallowed it back.

HEHEHE WERE STILL IN FLASHBACK, So not much to say, expext for the fact Tino saved her lfieee, how cute....

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