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Tino, pressed tightly against the rock, next to Avi, almost restless, the girl knew he was tired, but his eyes never shut, and he never let the sleep take over him, he only stared forward, not saying a word to Avi, next to him. It was almost as if something was weighing on him, one if his knees pressed so tightly against his chest.

Avi tried to reajust, twisting only slightly, but the small action cuased a fire of pain to shoot up her leg. Tino, who had most likely forgotten of the girls injury, in the terror of Aretmi's passing, turned towards her, and placed his arm on her shoulder. "Dont move." He said to her, it was too calm for anyone in they're situation, and he moved to his knees, peering at the wound, "you trust me?"

Avi nodded her head, biting on her lip in pain. Any loud sound could alert other tributes of they're whereabouts, and only one of them was in fighting shape, but there was no way Tino alone, could hold off a whole pack, if anything he'd probally make a run for it, back to the tunnels where he had came from, he had lasted this long in they're, he could probally last the whole games if he wanted to.

Tino peeked his head out from behind the wall they had been hiding behind, checking for other tributes around them, and when he had decided the coast was clear enough, he hopped over the wall, and dissapeared, sprinting down the stands.

"Wait— Tino!" She whispered yelled, but it was too late, he was already far enough down the stands, that he couldnt hear her. Avi sulked farther in her position, her hand gripping on her spear tighter, had Tino really just left her here to die? Then why the hell would he have went through all the trouble to save her, from Ric. If he was just going to leave her.

It felt like hours, that Avi had just sat there, the arena had begun to turn dark, the shadows casting on her face, and she felt her eyes begin to close without her relizing, threatining to shut completly. Sweat beaded her forehead, and she felt like she was burning up, since when had it become so hot in the arena? The loose strands of her hair, had begun to cling to her face, And it was flushed a deep red, and her lips were chapped, almost bleeding from how dry they were. She knew she was going to die, and her eyes welled up at the thought, who was going to take care of Mizzen? Was she going to die in the Arena, just like her older brother Kirke had? It was too late for her, and she knew that, but she didnt want to die alone, she had never imagined it'd be like this, hidden, where noone would find? Dying a slow agozing death, from a simple wound. It wasnt here that bad, was it? She wouldent know, she hadnt had the time to look.

A quite shuffling in the stands, cuaght her attention, it was quick, a body rushing over the seats, a sense of urgency in their movements. Maybe it was the pack, coming to end her misery, with mercy, but it wasnt, no, it was Tino. He slid to the floor infront of her, worry cascading over his face, as he saw her disheveled shape, it was worse than he had left her, by a good amount.

"I didnt think you'd come back." Avi gave him a small smile, but he didnt smile back, glancing over her, like it was his fault.

"I wouldn't leave you." He told her, " not like this."

"Good," she nodded, as much as she could, with her dissapearing fate, "I dont want to die alone."

"Your not going to die." He said, but it was more like an order, as if he was saying she didnt have a choice, but he had to know she wouldnt last.

"Dont lie to me." She wasnt smile anymore, shaking her head, as she swallowed back sobs, the tears that had begun to well in her eyes, threatened to fall.

"Im not." He said, cupping her face in her hands, "listen to me, Avilyne." His eyes bore into hers, sending so much sincerity through her body that it made her listen, "I'm not letting you die on me."

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