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Nobody had believed Treech, no matter how many times he begged the people he was close too. They only laughed at him, and as the days went further on, it became less and less believable. Treech even tried his close friends when he went back to work, but they only shook they're heads and told him to go to the girls who were fawning over him, since he had arrived home, but he paid them no attention, due to the fact he only had eyes for one girl in particular, who he had heard no word from, it was like she just dissapeared, and he supposed that was true, since he didnt know where she was, but he still had hopes that one day she'd come back to him, but it had been a week since he arrived home, and there had been so sigh of her.

"Come on Treech!" His friend sawyer groaned, as Treech was yet again zoning out in his thoughts, "will you focus, man?"

"Yeah sorry." Treech snapped back to the wood, bringing his axe down on it.

"Whats been up with you, lately?" Sawyer questioned, his gaze focused on the task infront of him, but everynow and then he'd glance up at the boy.

Treech scoffed like his question was stupid, and refused to answer. His friends exchanged looks.

"You still hung up about her?" Sawyer asked, "I mean— you've got three of the hottest girls in seven, at your feet, just begging for your attention, and you just ignoring them!"

"They're not her." Treech shook his head.

Sawyer rolled his eyes, "Yeah I know, but have you seen them? Espeically Alina?"

"I'd rather not."

"Are you being seriouse?" Sawyer put his axe down for a moment, "Alina is the preettiest girl here."

"she never had any intrest in me before, why now?"

"You werent a victor before." Sawyer explained.

"And that makes me desirable?" Treech glared, putting down his axe aswell, to stare up a sawyer.

Sawyer swallowed harshly, intimidated by Treech's gaze, "I mean yeah."

"And whys that?" Treech's voice sounded like he was taunting Sawyer, at any moment he could snap. Sawyer didnt know what to expect anymore from him, he changed.

Sawyer shrugged, "Makes you cooler, I guess."

Treech scoffed loudly again, "Going into the games doesnt make you cool." He confessed, "it makes you feel like an animal."

"What are you saying?" One of Treech's others friends asked, Axel.

"Nothing." Treech shook the thought away.

"Ok man, I gotta know." Axel said suddenly, "was it real, you and her?" The whole group tuned in at the question.

Treech took a moment to answer, swallowing harshly, "It was real to me, I dont know if it was for her."

Axel nodded, and glanced towards his friends, "have you heard from her."

Treech's expressions saddened more visibly, "no, not yet."

"Are you making this up?" Fir asked, from beside Treech, "im sorry to like accuse you, but we asked Lamina the other day, and she didnt confirm it."

"What'd she say then?" Treech was curiouse, he knew that Lamina knew of Avi.

"Nothing." Fir said, "Just told us to go away, and that she didnt know."

"She said know." Treech replied.

"She thinks she doesnt." Fir shrugged, "whats even going on between the two of you, Ya'll were fine before you left."

Treech didnt answer, he knew better too, espeically after his family's reaction.

"You like try to kill her or something?" Sawyer said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood, but he froze when he noticed how Treech paled drastically, "did you?"

Treech bit the side of his cheek, and his friends stared at him with a undeniable look.


"No." He denied, "I didnt."

"Then why do you look so guilty." Treech inhaled a shaky breath, glancing up at his friends.

"Its nothing man."

"What'd you do to Lamina?" Fir stepped forward, anger on his face. Fir has had a crush on Lamina ever since they were little.

"I didnt do anything!" Treech told them, "well I did— but I didnt try to kill her, I'd never do that!"

"I dont know what you would do anymore." Fir sent an accusing finger at him, "youve changed, Treech."

"I didnt have a choice."

"Lamina's the same, your the only one whos not."

Treech felt anger rise in him, "Becuase Lamina didnt have to kill anyone!" He snapped, and Fir took a step back.

Treech's eyes widened when he relized what he had just confessed, and took a sharp breath.

"Atleast not like I had too." His voice dropped low, "Lamina only did it out of mercy."

Fir swallowed harshly, "Man, you've changed. Its like I dont know you anymore."

"Im still me." Treech told them, "I just need a minute, okay?"

"Yeah whatever." Fir, grabbed a pile of wood and walked off.

"Dont mind him." Axel sighed, "hes just mad over Lamina, you know how he is."

"Yeah I know." Treech went back to his work, ignoring the rest of the boys, who looked back at him worriedly. None of them would understand what it was like at the games.

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