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Leer wandered around the tunnels, spear tightly gripped in his hand as he searched for his district partner, Avi. He was beyond furiouse with Tino, who he had trusted. He should have known better, he should have left her with Aretmi, he had done her good, in the arena, he could trust him more. Tino should have been the one to lead the pack away, just like they had discussed before, but Tino had run off to save Avi, and the two other boy's trusted him. Aretmi was closer in districts to Leer, they knew eachother better, since only one district layed between their communication, and some of the basis of district four, clashed with two. Letting them talk only occasionally when it was safe. Aretmi had known Kirke, they were close enough for them to trust eachother. Leer had known Kirke had mixed feeling about Tino, but still he left Avi with him.

"Avilyne?" He called out quitly, as he rouneed the corner, it had to be hours by now, and he had scoped out the entire arena for her, but she was no where to be seen, "V?" He called out again. There was a loud bang above him, startling Leer, as he raises his spear to the vents, one of the hatches popped open, and Avi jumped down, dangling slightly as she tried to make the fall more steadily. She closes the hatch quickly and turned to Leer, a startled expression on her face.

"Im sorry, I couldn't stay—" Avi couldnt finish her explanation as Leer pulled her into a tight hug.

"I should have never left you with him." Leer shook his head, this was his fault not hers.

"Its not your fault." Avi pulled back, trying to reassure the boy, she layed one hand on his shoulder, balancing herself.

"It is, Aretmi was supposed to look after you, not him." Leer explained, "and I trusted him when I shouldn't have."

"Mistakes happen." She frowned, "but you should have told me."

"You werent supposed to be apart of this." Leer told her, "Aretmi had promised you'd be left out of this, he knew it was kirke's wishes."

Avi froze at the mention of her brother, "Kirke? Why doesent he want me to be apart of this?"

"He didnt want you to get hurt, he made me promise on my life you wouldnt be dragged into this." The 'this' in the situation, was clear between them, but they couldnt risk it getting on camera.

Avi didnt speak for a moment, as if she was thinking, and changed the topic arubtly, "where have you been."

"The tunnels." Leer gave her a small smile, "theres certain hatches where you can just hide in, but they're all the way near the back."

Avi nodded, glancing around her, "we should move, its not safe out here." She said, startling Leer, since when had she become so aware. Avi moved past him slowly, and he frowned, noticing the way she limped forward, her face showing the small bit of hesitance, and he relized she was hurt, when she had fallen from the vent, she wasnt startled, she was in pain.

"What happend to your leg, V?" Leer asked, did Tino do this?

"Silver." She answered, turning to face him, and waved him forward, "come on, the pack hunts the tunnels around this time."

Leer walked forward, stopping her, he moved infront of her, and crouched down, "get on."

"What?" Avi frowned.

"Its hurting you." Leer noticed, "you need to get off it." Avi didnt argue, s trusted Leer, and hopped on his back, her arms wrapping around his neck, and he walked forwards.

After a few moment of silence, just the thud of Leer's feet, Avi spoke up, "kirke," she started, even though she knew it was a sensitive topic for the both of them, "What did he think?"


"This whole rebellion." She said it just quite enough for the camera's not to pick up, right in Leer's ear.

"The one thing he was sure about, was you and Mizzen not being apart of it." Leer told her, "he'd argued with countless people about it, espeically when they tried to drag you into it. He ended up punching the boy from three, think he got the hint by the end of it though." Leer paused for a moment, "but He knew this all needed to happen, he planned to get you and Miz out, wanted to get you far away from the districts, just incase you got reaped."

"You think its a coincidence we both got reapeded."

Leer shook his head, "this whole thing is rigged, its a way to set the districts inline. They wouldnt just pick anybody, they saw kirke as a threat, his name wasnt even on the paper."

"How do you know that?"

Leer let out a small laugh, "I saw it. The mayor said that name way too quick, the paper wasnt even unfolded all the way."

"He had his name in there abunch of times."

"So did half the boys in the district, some way more than him." Leer explained. "Im suprised no one voulenteered for him."

"No one has ever volunteered."

"For Kirke, someone would have had too. He was too kind for this world, he had helped half the people in that district. I would have voulentered for him, but he told me not too."


"He needed someone to take care of you both." Leer shrugged, "You werent old enough just yet, and he wanted someone to be able to voulenteer for Mizzen if he got picked."

"That doesnt make any sense, if the roles were reversed—"

"He thought his name would just be pulled the next year, wanted to play it safe, I guess."

Silence evolped them again, for a few minutes, before it was unbareble. Avi didnt like it quite.

"Do you know how many tributes are left?"

"Seven?" Leer took a guess, "theres the pack, thats four, then us, thats seven."

"So its just us and them?"

"Yeah." Leer laughed, "I saw them take out the last of the tributes awhile ago."

"So what now?"

Leer paused, confused, "what do you mean?"

"I wanted to go after you, after the tributes from one passed." She hopped off his back. "But Tino didnt want me to, said something about how you cant take humanity away from someone you know."

Leer seemed angry at his words, like a lighbulb went off in his head, "Thats from Kirke."

Avi frowned, not quite understanding.

"Thats Kirke's qoute, Avi." Leer looked at her like it stunned him, that she couldnt remember, "thats why you listened to him, becuase it was familiar. Kirke used to tell you that all the time."

Avi thought for a moment, then pulled out a new qoute, "theres always a—"

"Way out." Leer finished, a laugh echoing off his lips, "what a copy cat."

"Did he know kirke?"

"Not well." Leer shook his head, "Just a few brief meets."


AVI AND LEER BACK TOGETHEEER! Not for long but... thats okay!
Thats rlly all I have to say

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