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Treech took a shaky breath as he picked up the phone, pressing Mizzen's number into the dials, he remmebered it from being on the inside of his hat, the memory of it engraved into his head, and it felt impossible to forget.

The line rung twice, before someone on the other side picked up, "Mizzen?"

"Treech?" Mizzen's voice was confused, hesitant as if he never expected Treech to call him. "whats wrong?"

Treech sighed, "have you heard from V? I havnt—" Treech couldnt finish, since Mizzen cut him off.

"I have." He confessed, "but I think its best, if you dont call again."

"What?" Treech asked confused, his voice shattering at his words. He wondered what Mizzen was saying, his head worked as he tried to decipher Mizzen's small words, which only cuased his thoughts to run wilder.

"Dont go looking for her." He warned him. His voice low, sending a shiver down Treech's spine.

"What do you mean, is she okay?" Treech became worried, just the thought of Avi not being okay made his heart thump against his chest, picking up the pace every second of silence that went by. Mizzen took a few moments to answer, like he was thinking out what he was going to say. The small mere moments felt like centuries to Treech, the clock ticking on the wall rang in his ears. Tick tock.

Then finnally he answered, Mizzen squeaky voice coming through the phone.

"Shes fine." Mizzen told him, his voice sounded angry, like he didnt want to talk to Treech, but Treech couldnt find a reasonable reason on why, he hadnt done anything to Mizzen. The two of them had always been on good terms, atleast till now. It was hard to believe Mizzen could even be angry at him, not with that squeky voice of his that made him sound like a child, but Treech could tell he was doing that thing where he tried to made his voice deeper, like he was speaking from the back of his throat to appear scarier but it wasnt working.

Treech swallowed harshly, looking to his friends who waited silently, "Is she mad at me?"

"Its not like that." Mizzen said quickly, and a voice whispered from his side of the phone, it was too low for Treech to make out what it was saying, but Treech peiced together it was probally someone telling Mizzen to get off the phone, maybe it was Avi, or one of the other district four civilians who knew Mizeen shouldnt be talking to him, or maybe it was a parent scolding Mizzen that it was past his bedtime. The thought almost made Treech laugh, if it werent for the panick spreading through him. He could almost imagine a parent figure yelling at mizzen from the other side, asking him questions like wether or not he brushed his teeth or did his chores. "I gotta go."

"Wait Mizzen!" Treech called out, stopping him from putting the phone away.


"What are you saying?"

"Dont call again, Treech." Mizzen warned, and the phone line went silent. Treech put the phone back on the wall, and sunk into one of the chairs in his house, he was frusturated. He had lost one of his only chances of getting to know where Avi was, to know wether she was safe or not.

"So?" Sawyer asked, inpatiently.

"He told me not to call again." Treech told them sadly, not quite believing it himself.

"What why?" Fir leaned in, his elbows resting against the table. Treech eyed them, if they were capital kids they were sure that they would have gotten yelled at and told that it was unmannerly, but they werent capital children, something that the games reminded Treech of. He would never have the freedom that they had, to live without pain or struggle, he was just a district boy, a boy who had lost the love of his life.

"I dont know." He shrugged, "just told me, not to go looking for her."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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