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Avi had fallen asleep later that night, after Tino had reassured her countless time that it was alright, and she could take the time to rest. She knew the boy needed it more, but the warm comfort he had given her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his side so she could rest her head on his chest, made it hard for her to deny it.

It didnt last for long, since a few hours later she was awoken by movement in the arena. Tino's grip around her had tightened, his eyes were darting around warily, with scrunch down eyebrows, that made him look like he was concentrating. His free hand held a small knife, it was one of Avi's. He must've taken it from her when he heard the commotion.

He felt her stirring in his arms, and his eyes shot down to look at her. There was no fear in his eyes, as if the tributes hustling around the arena, hunting them, didnt bother him. His only concern was her, and that had become quite obviouse when she had seen his reckless actions. If it had been anyone else yet, they would have been dead by now, but Tino was way to smart for his own good, it was like he always had a step above everyone else, and he probally did.

Tino shook his head at her, pressing his lips together, but his grip on her didnt waver. He was afraid that if he let go, she'd run off, to the tributes at the bottom of the arena, and get herself killed, but he knew she couldn't be that stupid.

Avi frowned at him, trying to make out the commotion in her own mind. It must've been the pack, since there were various voices speaking out, in loud whispers. Did they not know how loud they were being? The whole arena could probally hear them at this point, most too afraid to attack a big group of them.

"Its not that easy silia!" One of them called out, but Avi couldnt figure out who was speakint. She knew she regonized the voice, probally from the zoo.

"I know that, Fince." The girl, who Avi presumed was Silia replied.

"Oh my god, will you two stop arguing, like a married couple for once?" A boy demanded, "we still have like five more tributes to go."

"Yeah we know that, Tyre." Fince spoke again. "But where the hell are they? We've scoped out the entire arena, Twice!"

"Probally together, theres the pair from four, right?" Tyre pointed out, "The girl's an easy kill, her only protection was the career pack, and by the looks of it—" Tyre's voice was cut of for a moment as he laughed, " That cut out preety quick."

Avi's face visible paired, as Tino sent her a glance, squeezing her shoulder, as he pulled her closer before. The gesture giving her as much comfort as possible.

"Wonder how that happened." Silia giggled, "was waiting for that girl from one to go."

"Werent we all?" Fince agreed.

"Back to what I was saying, shes only got her district partner, and who says they're even together at this point."  Tyre said.

"Maybe he cut her off, after he relized how useless she'd be." Silia laughed.

"Probally." Tyre agreed, "Shes an easy kill, now that all her body guards are out of the way."

"And if shes still with Leer?" Fince asked.

Tyre didnt reply for a moment, as if he was thinking, "Im preety sure the boy from eight, will have him covered. Maybe they'll both get eachother out of the way at the same time."

Fince and Silia laughed, "I bet he got the whole career pack. Avi's probally bolted down the tunnels, to get away from him."

"Wouldnt doubt it." Tyre replied, "you think the pack, did all the killing for her?"

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