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Avi rushed to the train station, but by the time she had arrived the train with the tributes had already left, and she sighed, leaning against an old pillar.

"Avi?" A voice called out to her, as Sejanus appeared infront of her, a confused look resident on his face, "your not dead?"

Avi frowned, "no? What are you talking about sejanus?"

"We thought they mightve killed you." Sejanus explained, "For what you did. . . But obviously not."

"Highbottom actually thanked me, hes letting me go back to the districts."

"That easily?" Sejanus seemed suprised.

"Yeah, im aloud to go wherever I want now, free train rides." She laughed, pushing herself off the pillar, but her face sunk as she relized something, "do they think im dead?"

Sejanus didnt answer for a moment, staring sympatheticly, "Yeah— well they know theres hope."

"Treech thinks im dead?" She blinked in shock, what had sejanus told them.

"Im sorry V, he was real upset, still defended you when one of the boys was making sly comments." Sejanus continued, "you've got a real one there."

Avi couldnt even let the words register in her brain, her mind too cloudly, "I need to go."


"Im going to seven." She stated, not leaving an opportunity to argue, "I need to see him."

Sejanus nodded understandingly, "okay, the next train is in ten minutes. Should I phone someone?"

Avi thought for a moment, "yeah actually. Thank you."

"Ofcourse." Sejanus smiled, happy to help, "who am I calling?"

"Just call this number. Mizzen should answer— or Minso, but whoever does, tell them, im okay, and Im in seven." She grabbed sejanus's hand and reached into her pack pocket to pull out her mentor pen, and began scribbling a few numbers on the palm of his hand.

Sejanus nodded, "I can do that."

"Good, dont tell them anything else. The capital is always listening." She warned him, "Keep it as breif as possible, and they'll understand."

"How brief?" Sejanus frowned, "they deserve an explanation, dont they?"

Avi shook her head, like thought was out of the question, "they'll get it, when the times right. Not from you. Say 'V's In seven.' And hang up the phone, dont wait for them to say anything back, got it?" For a moment Avi was afriad that if Sejanus waited for them to say anything else, he'd cave and spill the whole story to them, so it was best if he left before he could.

"Yeah, I got it." He nodded, knowing that he needed to do this one thing for her. It was simple, say that one line, then abandon the call.

"Wait till tommorow morning, 10am." Avi remembered the district 4, sqheduale precisly, and Sejanus frowned st the specifics she was giving him, but he nodded again.

"Ok." Sejanus pulled her into a hug, "we'll miss you."

"I'd hope so." She laughed, sinking into Sejanus's embrace.

"Will you be back?"

Avi shook her head, pulling away from his grip, "probally not."

"So this is the last time, I'll see you?"

"Most likely." She answered sadly, "you'll do great though, Sejanus. You'll work to make a diffrence?"

"Always." Sejanus confirmed, "I'll do everything I can."

"Good," she smiled, glancing back to the nearing train, and Sejanus pulled her in for another hug. "Look after yourself?"

Sejanus nodded into her shoulder, "same for you, four."

Avi, spared him one last glance before She hopped onto the train without another glance, dissapearing into the darkness. It would take awhile to arrive at seven, probally not even till tommorow.

She wondered what Treech was thinking right now, wether or not he was upset of the news of her 'death.' Or if he still believed there was hope, that she'd come back to him. He did still owe her that promise, to get her away from the capital. In more way than one, he was already fuffiling that wish, she had finnally escaped the capital grip, even if it was just for a few moments.

Still, Avi felt unerved as she waited to arrive, she had never been to District seven, and she had no idea what it was like, but Treech talked so fondly of the place, so it must have some good qualitys. She knew noone in the district, besides Treech and Lamina, but she didnt know Lamina well, and any chance of knowing her had drifted when Treech accepted Coral's alliance. She had a place to stay, that was assured, a small apartment in the outskirts. She'd only stay for a week, or two, just to see Treech, but she was eager to arrive back in four, just the thought of going home had a heavy grip on her. She wanted to feel the warm air against her skin again, and to see the bright blue water, twinkling in the sun.

She knew District Seven was nothing like four, it was colder, and as she glanced down at her clothes she wondered if it'd be enough, since they were orriganlly for the hot summer days in four. It was a pair of dark blue shorts, almost like Mizzen's pants, but was cut shorter. They had a small seastar stiched into the back pocket, and she had a old Woven belt around her waist, with small star desighs, incrested. The shorts had orriginally been Kirke's, from when he was little, so they didnt fit perfectly, and finnally she had a white and grey striped sweater. She was glad to be out of the capital stricken clothes, she had worn for the last two years, and back in the outfits she was used to wearing, though she knew she'd stick out like a sore thumb in seven, since most of them had probally never seen starfishes in they're life, or even woven belts.


SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES, I dont really like How i ended the stories in the unpublished chapters so I might redo it, or just keep it. Idk tho. I hope everyones having an amazing day!

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