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It was late afternoon the next day, when anyone from the group had gathered again. They sat at a table in the center of the district, just conversating with eachother. Originally it was just Treech and Axel, but then Fir came over with Lamina, laughing with her.

"Alright if Lamina joins?" he asked, sending a warning glance to treech.

"Always man." Axel nodded, giving the girl a warm smile.

"Lamina." Treech sent her a nod, but Lamina moved to face away from him, ignoring him completly.

The group remained an uncomfortable silence, untill Sawyer came over with Alina, and Two other girls from district seven, who were friends of Alina.

"Treech, Alina wants to talk to you."

Treech chuckled, sipping the glass of water he had in his hands, and placing it back at the table, "I told you, Im good man."

"Your joking right?" Sawyer frowned, he didnt think Treech would actually turn down the opportunity to date Alina.


"Will you give it up already?" Sawyer sighed, leaning against the table.

"I dont care if you dont believe me."

"Nobody belives you!" He said.

"And I really could not give a fuck." Treech finnally looked up at him, glaring feircly.

"This is so stupid!" Sawyer groaned, "your giving up the chance of an actual girlfriend, over some made up story you made in the arena, to get your dick wet!"

Treech shot up from out of his chair at Sawyer's words, and shoved him back angrily, "The fuck did you just say to me?"

"You heard me." Sawyer didnt back down, glaring back at Treech, "shes not real and we all know it."

Treech didnt answer him.

"Those games really messed you up, and your using her to cover it up!" Sawyer guessed.

"Sawyer!" Axel scolded, "stop it."

"No! Hes being— dumb! And imature. You think you can just come back here with some sob story about a fake girlfriend just for attention!"

"You think I want attention." Treech stepped forward, anger seeping off him as he towered over sawyer.

"Yeah, I do! Apparently going into the games wasnt enough for you, which you wont talk about at all! I mean what happened in there?" Sawyer's voice raised with each word.

"You wanna know?" Treech asked him, his voice so intimadating it made everyone shift in they're seats, "Ill fucking tell you—"

"Treech stop it!" Lamina's voice called out, cuasing the boy to snap around.

"And you!" He pointed at her, "your supposed to have my back with this!"

Lamina scoffed, standing up from her seat, suprising everyone, "like you had my back in the arena!"

Treech flinched back, his voice lowering, "You know I didnt have a choice."

"No, you did!" Lamina told him, "You just left me, for them!"

"What is she talking about?" Fir asked, but he was completly ignored by the two.

"It wasnt like that!" Treech argued.

"You abandoned me, Treech!" She shouted at him.

"They would have killed me if I didnt!" He shouted back. The whole group fell silent, they're eyes shiftting between the two of them.

Just like candy  ✔️ TreechWhere stories live. Discover now