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It was night by the time all the mentors decided to end they're for the night, the tributes had to be somewhere in the tunnels, but they hadnt done anything in hours, the adrenaline from the start running out.

" Mr snow?" A voice called out to the boy , who still hadnt moved from they're spots, it had to have been hours since the other mentors had rushed out, but neither of them moved, unable to say a word to eachother. "A word please, Miss Merrit? Wont you wait outside while me and Coriolanus discuss something. Im sure he will fill you in after." Dr gual spoke firmly, and Avi nodded heading out of the room, she waited for Coriolanus to come out, but it had to have been ten minutes before he made his appearance.

Coriolanus rushed out of the hall, grabbing onto Avi's arm and pulling her along with him, "come on!"

"Where are we going?" She asked him, but she didnt pull back, sensing the boy's urgency.

"Sejanus, hes snuck into the arena." Avi skidded to a quick stop, freezing at his words.

"Exuse me?" She wasnt sure if she had heard Coriolanus right, but she didnt want to take the chance.

"Dr gual needs us to get him out, we dont have a choice." Coriolanus pulled her forward again, leaving her no room to argue.

"Why'd he go into the arena?" She asked, even though the answer was obviouse.

"Why do you think?" Coriolanus shot her a annoyed look. "For marcus, wanted to give him a proper burial or whatever."

Avi understood, and quickened her pace. If sejanus was cuaght in the arena by any of the tributes, he'd be killed without a second thought. They were angry, and acheiving a chance for some sort of revenge would make anyone in that arena happy. It had taken them longer than expected to reach the gates, and Coriolanus stopped to talk to the peacekeepers, who let them in, after a few moment.

"Caught us off gaurd, were not really looking for people breaking into the arena during the games, only out." Avi cuaght a peice of the conversation, but she mostly ignored it,

"Get him, and bring him back here, we'll open the gates so you can get through." The peacekeeper told them, as he closed the gate, both of them nodded, and walked forward through the tunnel. Avi hopped over the barricade, landing swiftly on her feet, the red light bathed her, illumanting her with a soft bloody glow.

"Enjoy the show!" Avi's head snapped towards Coriolanus, who's eyes widened at the sudden noise, as if he had forgotten he was supposed to stay quite.

"Coryo!" She scolded, glaring at him. She grapped him by his red coat, and pushed him forward. He was lucky noone had heard them so far.

Sejanus was crouched infront of Marcus's body, a few feet ahead of them, and when he heard them nearing, his head shifted towards them
In panick, but he relaxed when he relized it was only them, "thought they'd send my Ma." He said, turning back to marcus.

"I wish they had." Coriolanus told him, eyes darting around the arena.

"I had to make a diffrence coryo." Sejanus told him, shaking his head, and Coriolanus put a hand on his shoulder, firmly. "You should go."

"I'd like to." Coriolanus said carefully, "I really would, only theres the matter of your, Ma. Shes waiting out front. Preety upset, I'd promised I'd bring you to her."

Sejanus's expression turned sad, "Poor Ma, Poor old Ma. She never wanted any of this y'know. Not the money, not the move, not the fancy clothes or the driver. She just wanted to stay in two, but my father. . . Bet he isnt here, is he? No, he'll keep his distance till this is settled. Then let the buying begin!"

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