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There was an uneasy feeling between Avi and Sejanus as they walked the cold morning streets, the breeze blew past them, something Avi wasnt entirely used too, in the two years she had resised in the capital. She was used to her warm air back in district four, and she whished she could take back all the times she complained it was 'too hot!' On the speically sunny days, when they werent in the water. Kirke at the time only laughed at her, and she relized now how stupid she was being.

Neither of the two spoke a word to eachother, just the eary silence of the wind, echoing off the large capital building, maybe it was becuase of what Sejanus had done the night before, going into the arena, had he given up on they're plan already?

Finnally Avi, who couldnt bare the silence anymore, spoke up, "Sejanus?"

The boy hummed in response, sparing her a quick glance.

"This doesnt change anything." She told him, "Im doing it today, when we arrive at the academy."

Sejanus froze in his spot, "But—"

Avi shook her head, "I cant loose them both." She looked at him, her eyes seeping with regret, "and Im not willing to take that chance."

Sejanus understood her and nodded, swallowing the fear that was begging to build in his throat, "ok." He said firmly, "You do what you have to, ill be there if you need backup."

"I wont." Avi spoke as if it was out of the question, and she urged sejanus forward, to keep moving. "I think they will send them to the districts, I've met Felix's dad— the president, and it seemed if he had the opportunity to end the games he would, I dont know if that ideas still stands with Felix being. . . Dead, and all, but its worth a chance."

"Then we'll take it." Sejanus agreed, pulling open the academy doors, and patted Avi on the shoulders, "goodluck."

"Goodluck Sejanus." She nodded, "I'll see you soon."

Sejanus gave her a warm smile, before they parted ways. Avi sucked in a heavy breath and made her way to Dr. Gauls office. Knocking louldy on the door, it flung open to a few peackeepers, and Avi gave them a soft smile, as if to tell them she was no harm.

"Your tense, Miss Merrit." the gamemakers voice sounded, "that is unlike you."

"Its the peacekeepers." She confessed, glancing back to the white uniforms, and Dr Gaul gave her a smile, shoeing them all away.

"Then it will only be us then."

Avi took a moment to glance around, feeling disgusted by the office.

"How are you liking the capital?"

"Very well." Avi answered quickly, "not much like four, alot. . . Colder?"

Dr gaul let out an unsettling laugh, and patted the seat infront of her, Avi hesitatnly sat down, feeling Gaul's eyes burning through her, "then why have you come to see me?"

"Its my leg." She answred, "its been acting up again, ever since the arena exploded."

"Ive notcied." She glanced at her, lifting her leg up, and peering at it, "its been healing, but it will never heal correctly."

Avi understood, "back in four, they said if you put saltwater on wrongly healed wounds, they'd fix right up."

"Too bad there is no Salt water here." Gaul smiled, unamused by her district talk, "i sense you are here for a diffrent cuase, a more intimidating one?"

Avi noticible tensed, more than she had before, but she shook the nerves off, her hand slowly reaching into her back pocket, "Only mentorship."

Gual frowned, "what about it?"

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