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It was dark by the time— Avi had walked into the zoo enviorment, a hood pulled over her head, looking downwards. Her knees were visible all bruised up, way more than they had been before, her kneecaps were bleeding, but only slightly, and she walked with a slight limp, obviously feeling her leg that had been injured during her games, a constant reminder, of what she had done. 

She limped towards the cage, not wanting to wake up any of the sleeping tributes, they needed they're rest, but she needed to talk to Treech or Mizzen.

"Treech." She called out quitly, barely even audible, he wouldnt have heard it and if he was dozing off like everyone else, but he was awake, he couldnt even think of sleeping, not when he was worrying about her, it confused him, why he was caring for someone so much, when he had only just met her, maybe it was just the fact he needed someone to hold onto, to give him hope, but he knew it was more than that.

"Avi?" He called back, straightening up from the rock he was sitting against, and rushed towards her, scanning her over, it was obviouse she was ruffed up, and he couldent help but reach out towards her, past the bars that seperated them. His hand cupped the side of her face, withdrawing as she winced, he had touched a sore spot, from the pounding she had recieved from the peacekeepers.

"Its fine, im fine." She said to him, but her voice shook, that it made it so hard to believe.

"Your not." Treech shook his head, worry covering his face. "What did they do to you?" He asked her.

Avi sighed, "its nothing really." She pulled something out of her bag, "Sorry I couldnt be there for you earlier." She outstretched the sandwitch towards him, but he pushed it away.

"I dont care about that." He told her, his eyes peiricing into hers, his hand reached forward, pulling back the hood she had attempted to cover herself with, his breathing hitched.

There was a large purple bruise on the side of her face, right on her cheekbone, it was dark, most likely the spot Treech had touched earlier. Blood was dripping from her nose, most of it was dried up, but there was still one small liquid spot beneath it. It wasnt too bad, But it wasnt something treech had seen worse of.

"Its not bad, honestly." She tried to convince him, but it was no use, his eyes scanned over her, his hand reaching out again to push her hair back out of her face, it was loose, fallings out from the neat ponytail she once had earlier that day.

"I'll kill em." He told her, his eyes fierce like he'd take on the world for her. He looked at her like she was everything, maybe he didnt relize it, neither of them did, but it was the way his eyes scanned over her, locking with hers, gave them both hope, something they needed desperatly.

"Dont." She shook her head, yearning for him to reach out for her once more, to feel his warm touch against her. "Its no use, I dont want you to get in any trouble you dont have to."

"I'd do it." He said, acting like she didnt beleive him, "I dont care if I get introuble, Im already in a death sentence. Its worth it."

"Not for me its not." She said, like her life was at the bottom of the chart, like he had more things to worry about, but his gaze didnt waver, his mind didnt change, no matter how much she tried to warn him, to say it was already a lost cuase. He didnt need to be worrying about her, not when he had the games just a few days ahead.

"Thats exactly why it is." His voice was barely above a whisper, "you wont protect yourself, so I will." 

"Why?" Avi frowned, looking towards him for an answer, but he shook his head, as if he didnt know himself, like he'd never thought about it.

"I cant explain it, V, but your something." He said, it was vague as he bit the bottom of his lip, waiting to see if she understood it, but she didnt. "Its like im not even breathing the same oxygen as you, your captivating, and whenever I see you, its like— its like—"  Treech wasnt allowed to continue, his words cut short as he snapped his head around to a sound, Mizzen was up, rising from the rock he was so slumped against, he frowned as he took sight of the two figure in the distance, conversating with eachother.

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