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Avi arrived at the zoo— for the last time, Treech would be going into the games tommorow, and she had no reason to return after he was gone. Treech crouched infront of her, his hands reaching out to her through the bars, he wanted to feel her warm touch again, even just for a moment, he yearned for it. 

"V." He said lowly, the sound rolling off his tounge so gracefully it cuased a shiver to go up Avi's spine.

She hummed in response, ignoring the way her cheeks warmed up at just the thought of him, she had never felt like this with anybody, just even the smallest touch sent electricity into her body, and when he had kissed her? She handnt felt anything like it, it was like he was made for her.

His hand met the side of her cheek, as he forced her to look at him, his eyes buzzing with so much love, it made it impossible for her to look away. If anybody had took the moment to spair the pair a glance, they would notice something neither of them thought of, too oblivious to even relize it. They were in love. The way Treech looked so fondly at her, like she was his everything, he was inlove with her, and that was obviouse, but not to Avilyne, who looked for his touch in every moment, he was rebuilding her world, that the capital had made collapse years ago.

"Whats on your mind?" He asked, in a small whisper.

"You." She answered, so delicatly it made Treech go soft, a laugh echoing off his lips.

"Yeah?" He asked, Afraid he had imagined what she had said.

"Yeah." She nodded, with a gently smile, Treech's thumb rubbed the side of her cheek, as he gazed at her, he didnt dare look away, he knew this would be the last time he'd be able to look at her for this long, without any fear. He had come to terms with dying over the last few hours, but he wasnt okay with leaving her, he wanted to go back in time and repeat every moment he had with her, and just stay there, he also wanted to drag her back to district seven with him, introduce her to his family, brag to the whole district that he had scored the most perfect girl, but the chances of that happening were deathly thin.

"Good," he nodded, "becuase I'll be thinking about you the entire time im in the arena."

It was cheesy, but Avi couldt help but let a small giggle escape from her lips, looking away from him as she tried to hide her blushed cheeks, god what was he doing to her?

"Did I just make you blush?" He asked, shock evident on his voice. Avi knew he was smiling, probally so wide, it made him look stupid, though she didnt want to look up to confirm her suspicions.

"No." She denied it shaking her head, he made her feel like a little kid again, like she was back in district four with Kirke and his friends.

Treech looked at her more dearingly, "I so did!" He pointed out, and Avi couldnt help, but burst out laughing at him, when she looked up, "what?"

"Nothing." She shook her head, trying to control her happiness.

"No, what is it?" Treech asked her.

"Its just—" avi didnt know how to put it into words, and Treech stayed silent, giving her the time to figure it out, as he waited patiently, his eyes not moving from her figure, "You make me feel something, And I just cant describe it." She confessed, swallowing harshly, as she said it.

"A good something?" He tilted his head at her.

"Extremly." And suddenly, Treech was reaching past the bars again, pulling her towards him, so he could lean his lips against hers, slowly and delicatly. She pulled back, her eyes boring into his, "God Treech, you make me weak in the knees." She said quitly, only for him to hear. Treech didnt waste a second, crashing against her again, this time more desperstly, as if he needed her, and it was true. Treech couldnt live without her, even if he wanted to, she was his lifelong. His lips were hard against hers, like he was begging her to get closer to him, but the bars between them seperated that from happening, and Treech frusteratedly reached out towards her, his hand grazing her thigh, before it settled there. His hand was calloused and rough, from the hard work in district seven.

"I need you." He mummbled against her lips, "Please V, when I get out of the arena. Dont ever leave me."

Avi felt her heart speed up at the request, what was he asking? And she paused for a moment, knowing the task was impossible, but she agreed anyways, "I wont." She told him, bringing her lips against his, softer and slower than usual, and Treech savored her touch, feeling at home within it. It was a small soft of comfort in a harsh world. "Whats your last name?" She arubtly pulled back, and Treech looked Taken back by the sudden question.

"Thindrel." He laughed, "whats yours."

"Merrit." She smiled, with a wink, "but I like yours better."

Treech felt his bones warm at her comment, his cheeks flushing a bright red, "Oh really? And what are you proposing here?"

"Oh, im not proposing anything." She smirked at him.

Treech just stared at her, not letting a single word escape him, he wanted to confess to her, before it was too late, he knew she recriprocated the feelings he had for her, but still it made him nervouse, it wouldnt be fair for him to say it and then leave, "I think you are." He teased her, "Avi Thindrel." Treech felt himself smiling as he said it, and her face lit up in regonition.

She was too shocked too say anything, and Treech took the opportunity to continue.

"Ill have to agree," he said, "I do like it better."

"Glad were on the same page." She finnally spoke, recovering from her shock, but they couldnt continue they're endless flirting, becuase Mizzen hopped down from the rocks behind Treech, who hesitantly tore away from Avi, "hey, Mizzen."

"Hey." Mizzen said glumly, plopping down next to Treech.

"Whats wrong, bud?" She asked him, a frown replacing her once happy gaze.

"Nothing." He sulked, making it hard to believe.

"What is it, Mizzen?" She said gently, had he seen her and Treech?

Mizzen glanced towards Treech warily, and turned to his sister, "I miss Kirke."

Avi froze at his words, and glanced towards Treech, motioning him to give them space. Treech got up from his spot and sat a good distance away.

"I do too." She told him.

"I miss all of you!" He continued, "Ever seen Kirke got reaped, nothings the same! I know they all try to act like it, but its like everthing ruined, and after you and Leer left, it was so lonely, and then you came back snd I got my hopes up, and then you left again, and I know thats not your fualt, but I feel like everyone's dissapearing again."

Her heart broke at his words, and she pulled him close to her, "after this is over, Ill come back to four, ok?"

"Please." Mizzen begged her, they both had been left alone, in two diffrent ways. Avi was ripped away from her home, alone, at fourteen year old, and Mizzen had felt like he had been abandoned, "Minso is starting to get boring, but I know hes trying his best."

Avi rubbed his back, "I havent seen Minso in forever."

"You havnt seen anyone." Mizzen said, "your friends miss you."

"Do they still hang out at the dock every morning?"

Mizzen shook his head with a laugh, "they try, but most of them have graduated into higher positions, earlier shifts."

"Not fourteen anymore." She laughed, "You hang out at the dock?" She was trying her best to take Mizzen's mind off everything.

"Ive visited a few times, with your friends or Minso. They try to include me sometimes."

"Good." She nodded, "if they arent, ill come back and beat they're asses."


OH MY GOD they're litterally so whipped for eachother its not even funny, like they're eachothers worlds. Why is Mizzen alwaaaaays interuptiing, its ok tho, bc hes a cutie.
The fact shes promising both of them so much is sooo sad....

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