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Leer sat beside Avi— in the monkey cage, it was an old abandoned zoo, from before the zoo. Now used to hold the tributes before they were sent to they're deaths, in that sick arena. He played with a stick in his hand, tossing it back and forth, his only amusement he could find. Avi slunked beside him, obviously hungry from not eating in days, she looked worn out, way worse than Leer had ever seen her. Her skin was pale, and her lips chapped, and the games hadnt even started. Her stomache grumbling, as she tried to sleep off the pain, but it didnt help, it seemed like she hadnt slept in days, and neither had Leer, who kept a watchfull eye over her everynight untill he was forced to fall asleep by his tirdness.

Leer sighed, pushing his sore body off of the rocks, and to the front of the cage, where the capital citizens sat, watching them, waiting for some sort of entertainment. He grabbed three nearbye rocks, and began to juggle, cuasing all the citizens to sigh in awe, tossing food into the cage, most of it was half eaten, but Leer couldnt seem to care, something was better than nothing, and they needed something.

"It says dont feed the animals!" One of the kids pouted, as his friends didnt pay him any attention.

His friend only laughed in awe, and when Leer felt like he collected enough, to keep him and Avi going just for a few more days, he threw the rocks to the side, scaring the capital children, and picked up what they had gifted him, retreating back to the corner, Avi laid.

"Here, avi." He dropped to her side, straightening her up, and tipped the water into her mouth. "You doing okay?"

Avi nodded, rubbing her eyes, "yeah—" but her voice was croaky, leaving Leer to not believe her, and his heart ached at the sight of her.

"Were gonna get through this." He told her, but they both knew they're was never going to be a 'we'.

"Will you look after Mizzen?" She asked him.

"Look after him yourself." He shook his head, refusing. "Im getting you out of here." He promised, and Avi, not strong enough to argue, nodded.  Gaining her strenght slowly for the next morning.

Avi was pushed onto her circle in the arena, the cornucopia stared out infront of her, she didnt know where Leer was, most likely hidden by the cornucopia, and he was on the other side

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Avi was pushed onto her circle in the arena, the cornucopia stared out infront of her, she didnt know where Leer was, most likely hidden by the cornucopia, and he was on the other side. But she could see, aretmi, the boy from 2, and Silver, the girl from one, who they had chosen to ally with. Aretmi was closest to her, on the next spot over, and he gave her a nod, getting ready to run. Silver was farther away, a couple of spots down, she didnt glance over at her, only staring ahead, ready as ever. She looked feirce, as did the rest of the pack. They were the strongest, atleast out of the tributes. They had allied themself near the beggining, when Aretmi took Leer's side against a fight he had started in the ride over, saving him from loosing his life early on. It was against the boy from 8, Tino they were both angry, and Avi assumed rhey just needed to get it out somehow, and Leer was the one to snap, after the countless tuants he had recieved in the van. He pushed himself out of his seat, stepping towards Tino. Anger fumed off of him, and Tino stood up facing him, they were nearly the same height, tino only an inch or two taller, but Leer didnt seem to care, glaring at the boy before he shoved him into the wall, and Tino pounced, sending the both of them to the floor, rolling around. Nobody interfered for a few minutes, untill Tino had pulled something out of his jacket pocket, but before anyone could see what it was, Aretmi had him shoved against the wall, on the opposite side of the van from where Leer laid, feeling the boy took enough punches to his face, since his nose had begun to bleed. "Will you two cut it out?" He demanded,  "were on the same side here."

"Are we?" Tino asked, shoving Aretmi off of him, and sat back down in his spot next to his district partner. Aretmi sighed, pulling Leer off the ground and dusted him off, he led him back in his seat, right infront of Tino. In all honestly, Avi didnt mind Tino, they had gotten along, atleast way better than him and Leer had. Tino was stronger than The boy from district four, by alot, and it left Avi to wonder if the two were faced off in the arena together, who would come out. She just hoped it wouldnt come to that, becuase a peice of her knew it wouldnt be Leer.

"Sorry." Leer mumbled to him, but Tino only nodded back. His hand folded in his lap, gripping onto eachother, making his knuckles turn white, he didnt say anything, espeically not to Leer.

It made Avi thankfull that Tino stood on the other side of her,  instead of next to Leer in the arena. Tino gave her a nod, just like Aretmi had, but it wasnt a 'im still your ally' nod it was more of a 'Goodluck four.' And she didnt know if that meant Tino would have her back, if someone was coming at her with a knife or not, but she hoped it wouldnt be him. He had saved her countless times when they were at the zoo, it seemed like they were all saving eachother one way or another, even if they were going to end up killing eacother as soon as that bong fired. Tino had given her the rest of his sandwitch he had earned, when his district partner wouldnt take it from him, it seemed like they didnt get along that well, and it made Avi pity him. He was all alone, but she didnt think he minded it.

She couldnt see the boy from one, Ric, but she didnt awfully care for him all that much, she took one final glance around all the tributes, and the gong sounded, leaving them to rush forward. Her hand hit the cornucopia stopping her fast speed as she picked up a speer with her free hand, turning and throwing it into a nearbye tribute. It stuck them right in the stomache, making them stumble back. Avi didnt bother retreaving it just yet, running up the cornucopia to grab a dagger, as she glanced around. Leer was nowhere in sight, stleast not at the moment, but she could see Tino, running off into the tunnels, that had to he a good sigh.

Avi slid down the cornucopia going after another tribute, It was the girl from twelve, she raised the dagger over her head bringing it down quickly but, the girl had just narrowly rolled out, jumping to her feet, and instead the knife imbedded into the fragile dirt. Avi continued to swing it her, but the girl only just kept backing up, leaving Avi to slash at thin air, finnally her blade hit something, after what seemed like a total of five minutes. It slashed right through her throat, blood splattering all over Avi's face, leaving her to grimace in disgust, wiping it out of her eyes.

By now most of the tributes had run off, expect for one, who avoided Silvers stikes and began to run down one of the tunnels, opposite to the one Tino had taken.

"Lets go" Silver said grumbly, rushing after the tribute, Avi took the spear out of the dead body from earlier, and shoved her dagger into her pocket.

"God, does she ever just shut up." Aretmi mumbled to her, just loud enough for only Leer and Avi to hear, leaving them to shake their heads at him, playfull smiles on their faces.

Silver ran down the tunnels, her feet thudding loudly, as the rest of them railed after her, right on her tail. The tribute she had been chasing turned to look back quickly, panick spread across her face, but this minor distration cuased her to slam into the wall infront of her, sending her flying back.

"Nice going there, Three." Avi laughed, cuasing Silver to smile at her.

"This ones yours, V." She told her, pointing her knife at the girl who laid on the floor, she attempted to scramble up, but Aretmi pushed her back down, as if he didnt care what happened to her, he looked slightly annoyed, "hold her there will you."

Aretmi didnt say anything, only holding the sobbing girl by the collar of her shirt, so she couldnt get away.

"Go ahead." Silver encouraged her, "come on—" silver didnt finish, as two knives came flying through the air, and into the girl, stopping her crys. One in the head and the other in between her ribs.

"Thank god, her crys were begging to get annoying." Ric said, standing besidd silver.

"Lets go, were wasting time." Avi said dryly, not sparing the others another glance as she walked off, Leer took the two daggers out of the girl, and rushed after Avi.

Silver shrugged, like she was used to so much blood shed, and skipped happily after them.


LITTLE BACKROUND; sorry for the lack of treech, but I thought it was important to show Avi's backround, with Leer and the other tributes. I know that the tributes in past times werent fed since they didnt rlly care if they survived or not, but I wanted to still give them hope.

I think Tino and Leer got some issues to settle..... that might play something......

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