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Treech didnt waste any time as he sprinted to the clearing, he saw a small figure leaning against the tree, and he couldnt help but think that was her.

"V!" He called out urgently, and the figure snapped around. Treech froze in his urgency, frowning, as he glanced around the clearing once more, that girl was the only one there, but it wasnt his girl. "Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"Its okay." She smiled, she was probally a few years older then him, and looked almost nothing like Avi.

"Have you by any chance seen anyone else around here?" The girl shook her head.

"No sorry." Treech swallowed harshly, and turned back around, without anothwer word, and stormed back to his group of friends, who had been waiting for him to come back.

"Did you find her?" Fir called out, an arm wrapped around Lamina, confused on why Treech was coming back alone.

Treech angered by his brother, shoved Hilton back harshly, sending him into the wall, "you think this is funny?"

Hilton winced at the impact, "what?"

"You think your such a comedian, dont you?" Treech got in his brothers face, the anger seeping off him it made everyone around him flinch back in fear.

"I— what?" Hilton stumbled on his words, shrinking away in Treech's grip.

Axel pulled them off eachother, holding Treech back, "calm down."

"Whatever." Treech pushed Axel away, and glared at Hilton infront of him, who was deseprstly confused.

"I swear she was there Treech!" He begged him to believe him, but Treech only shook his head.

"Dont." Treech warned him.

"I wasnt lying!" Hilton's voice raised more hysterical.

"Yes you were!" Treech shouted at him. "Dont try to cover this up, not now."

"She must've left." Alder spoke up, trying to make the whole situation seem better.

"I dont care." Treech said lowly, intaking a sharp breath, but it was clear he did care, "its fine."

"Treech—" Axel began, but Treech was already stalking off, "come back!" Axel exhanged looks with his friends, then turned to the pair of younger boys, "Really?"

"We were telling the truth!" Alder exclaimed.

"You both know hes hurting." Axel scolded them, "hes really struggling, ever since he got back from the games, and you both are making it worse."

"She was here." Hilton's answer didnt waver.

"Cut it out." Sawyer, patted them on the back, as the three boys rushed after Treech, whever he had gone.

It took them awhile to find him, but when they did it wasnt a preety sight, his back was pressed against a tree, and his chest heaved with sobs, his whole body shaking, his head was lowered into his knees, in a desperate attempt to cover himself.

Axel was the first to step forward, placing a hand on Treech's shoulder, making him look up, "Treech—"

"Its fine. Really, everythings fine." He told them, and the boys sunk beside him.

"You dont have to lie to us." Axel told him, "were here for you."

Treech shook his head, "You dont understand, and none of you believe me!"

"How can you expect us too?" Sawyer said softly, "I mean we all heard it, in the capital, that something was going on, but we didnt know what to think, and when you came back without her. We just thought it was some act."

"I dont care if you dont believe me." Treech started, "but ever since ive come back, nothings the same, you all look at me like im a monster, and I know I am, and its like everytime im even near anyone they act like im going to kill them, like they're scared of me." Treech trailed off, shaking his hesd in despair, "I just want things to go back to before the games."

"Your not a monster, Treech." Fir told him, swallowing harshly as if the thought hurt him, "We know you did what you had to in the arena, and none of us are mad at you, for anything."

"You are." Treech pointed out, "for Lamina."

"No, I mean maybe a little bit." Said Fir, "but I understand."

"Do you?"

"Honestly, not really, but I trust you." Fir told him, "and If you felt like it was your only choice, then I believe you."

Treech nodded, the tears still pouring from his eyes, "I didnt want to kill them." His voice cracked slightly.

Axel reached out towards him, and let Treech bury his head into his chest, "Its not your fault, none of this is your fault. Its the capital, they forced you to do it."

"But they didnt kill them. I did."

"No, Treech." Axel started, "the blood isnt on your hands, its on theirs."

"The capital is the only one at fualt." Sawyer continued, "and one day, they're going to have it coming to them, for taking all the innocent lives, forcing you in they're little show."

"I gave them the show." Treech's voice dropped into a broken whisper, "I coudlve went about it in a diffrent way."

"You were scared." Fir said, "All of you were, you did what you had to, to go home."

"Im sorry." Treech inhaled a shaky breath, but it only made him cry harder, "im so sorry."

None of them said anything, as Treech sobbed in Axel's arms, as the boys did they're best to comfort him.

"Were here for you." Axel told him, "were not going anywhere."

It took almost ten minutes for Treech's desperation to calm down, and he pulled away from Axel, wiping his eyes.

"God this is so stupid." He laughed.

"Its not." Sawyer nudged him, "and if you want to tell us about that girl, were willing to listen."

Treech broke out into a smile shaking his head, "i dont know." He sighed, "We were fine, before the games, and then it all just. . . Wasnt there? When I got out."

"Have you tried calling her brother? Mizzen right?" Axel suggested and Treech popped up.

"I didnt think of that." He confessed, and the boys stood up.

"Well what are you waiting for?"

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