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All the tributes were shoved harshly in a van, seemingly unaware, of the capital student, dressed in red standing near the back, he stood strong, and a few of the tributes regonized him. It was sejanus.

Sejanus dusted off his jacket, even though there wasnt a single speck of dirt on the read coat, and stepped forward, "Im sejanus—"

"We know who you are." Coral didnt let him finish, "why are you here?"

Sejanus frowned, as if the question confused him, "The games were canceled?"

"Why?" Treech stepped forward, crossing his arms.

Sejanus paled drastically, glancing around for any cameras, and when he was sure there was none, he spoke quietly, "You'll have to thank Avi for that."

Treech froze, at the mention of the girl. "What do you mean?"

"She got them canceled." Sejanus paused, then continued more in depth, "She had been planning this for awhile— it was quite smart actually, someone had to take out the key detail for the games, they couldnt go on without it. I tried to convince her not to, but she was just to dedicated, said she owed it to someone, or whatever." Sejanus sucked in a deep breath, becoming more uneasy as she spoke, "shes quite a genuis, I think, to come up with a plan that smart—"

Treech slowly became more frusturated with Sejanus's rambling. "Spit it out!"

"She killed them game maker." Sejanus breathed, watching as everyone froze in shock.

"She what?" Mizzen spoke, his voice delicate. "Where is she now? Is she coming back to the districts?"

"I dont know."

"What do you mean, you dont know?" Treech stepped forward, a defensive gaze set on him. If anything had happenend to Avilyne, then he would kill Sejanus for it.

"i dont know." He repeated, "last I saw her, Dean Highbottom called her to his office— I rushed here, and that was it."

"She got caught?" Coral frowned, her eyebrows pinching together.

"Suppose so." Sejanus let out a shaky breath, his mind coming to the relization of what might've happend to her, he handnt thought about it on the way over. Too nerve-wreteched for the van ride.

"What will happen to her?" Mizzen frowned, as he watched Treech drop onto the bench, and buried his head in his hands.

"Kill her." Treech mumbled, his mind overfilled with loose thoughts, and Mizzen's eyes widened at the words of him.

"You dont know that." Sejanus denied it, but his face gave way at the truth.

"Shes dead?" Mizzen's voice dropped low, as tears welled up in his eyes, but he refused to cry, even if the tributes werent a threat anymore.

"Its okay, bud." Lucy gray, sat next to him, tryiny to console the grieving boy. Mizzen, who was too burdened with his thoughts didnt try to push him away. "Im sure shes gonna be okay."

"Yes!" Sejanus jumped at the opportunity, "y'know what she says 'I always—"

"Come back, Yeah I know." Mizzen finished sadly, hes heard the qoute over and over again from his older siblings, And some of the other kids in four.

"So you know theres a chance." Sejanus said, "besides highbottom, would never kill her for that. . . Atleast I dont suppose, maybe banish her to the districts, but thats all!"

Sejanus's words didnt make anyone feel any better, and Treech sniffled loudly, his head still buried, but the sudden noise in the silence, made everyone snap towards him. Was he crying?

His body shook slightly, as he tried to hide his grief, but there was no use, since everyone in the train's eyes were on him. He couldnt help but think that he had just lost the girl he cared for most, even after he had tried so hard to get out of the arena for her, just to let it all go to waste. She had sacrificed herself for him, atleast gennerally for him, but he knew it was for the distrits. He remembered her soft touch, and sincere words that sent shivers up his spine everytime she spoke. He remembered the touch of her lips against his, that sent waves of adrenaline through his bones, and made him never want to leave, wanting to just stay in her arms forever. He wanted to kiss her one last time, even just the smallest of touches would be enough. No, he didnt have to touch her, or hear her. He just had to see her, he needed to reminence in her presence one last time.

"Oh, dont be a wuss Treach." Tanner rolled his eyes, "She wasnt even your girlfriend, All you did is kiss her a couple of times, not like you'd get anything else out of her— but man, was she hot—" tanner couldnt finish his sparky remarks, as he was slammed hardly into the van's wall.

"What the fuck did you say?" Treech shouted angrily, glaring at the boy with so much fury, it made Tanner shrink in his grip. Trying to push his hold off the coller of his shirt, but Treech didnt budge.

"You heard me." Tanner winced as he was pushed harder against the wall, a loud thud echoeing the room.

"No, dont you dare talk about her like that." Treech warned him, "not now, not ever."

"Oh come on!" Tanner groaned, his one eyeblinking back at Treech, continuing the taunts, even though he was damn well terrified, but he eased up as Treech let go of his collar, "you know its true, you'd tap that if you got the chance—"

Treech's fist flew hard into Tanner's face, making him stumble back into the bench, clutching his jawline. Treech didnt give him enough time to regain himself, as he grabbed him by the collar again, his voice low and threating, "if you ever, say anything about her like that again, I swear to god, I will find a way to send you back to that arena, and kill you myself. Got it?"

Tanner didnt answer, avoiding Treech's gaze entirly.

"I said, got it?"

"Whatever man." Tanner shoved him off, returning to his seat, well aware of the countless glares he was getting.

Treech moved back to his side of the bench, distancing himself away from Tanner as far as he could, and as he did he locked eyes with Mizzen, who sent him a nod of appreciation for sticking up to his sister.

Treech had made a promise to himself on the van ride back to the train, even if Avi was truly dead, he'd never love anyone like he lover her, and he would never let anyone speak down on her. She was his world, wether or not she was alive. He told himself that he'd go back to seven and live for her, telling his family and friends about her, that he loved her.

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