Who are you!?

226 3 7

"Who are you?! Let me go!"


" Y/n! Are you coming to my sleepover tonight?" Marissa passed a note onto my desk. 'I'll think about it' I wrote back.

I know this is not just going to be a sleepover. There will be many people there drinking and getting high. Not that I minded, this was a highschool sleepover after all. More like a party. I was just not feeling it tonight. I don't want to be a buzzkill, though. Whatever, I have the entire day to think about it.

I looked back up at the board and listened to Mr. Mannaclan teach. History class wasn't exactly boring, my head was just in a different place. I'm not sure why, but I have an odd feeling in my gut. I shrug it off.

'Shit the bell! I didn't pay attention this
entire class!' I internally scolded myself.

"Y/n, please stay after class." Mr. Mannaclan requested.
'Well no party tonight, I have detention.' I thought to myself.

Everyone soon left the classroom. It was Mr. Mannaclan and I alone in the classroom. Mr. Mannaclan was young, per say. In his late 20's. He had medium brown hair and blue eyes. He most likely had a medium build, but I could not tell through his signature dress shirt that he always wore.

"Y/n" Mr. Mannaclan called out to me. I slowly stood from my desk and sat down at the chair that he had set in front of his desk for me.

"I have noticed that you have been a little off today. Anything going on that I could help with?" He asked me with a calm and caring tone.

"I don't know, Mr. Mannaclan. I just have a strange feeling about something. I'm not sure what about." I confided in him.

"Well, Y/n, I'm afraid I can't help you with that. You are excused from tonight's homework. I hope you figure this out."

" Thank you, Mr. Mannaclan, I appreciate it." I stood up and left the class.

'Well, at least I don't have detention.' I thought to myself. I walked down the hallway to my second period class, science.

'God I hate this damn class.' I walked through the door and sat down in my seat. Mrs. Wennifern didn't even ask why I was late. I listened to her lecture us about the severity of climate change. We were all taking notes of some things that are causing climate change. Class dragged on for what felt like hours.

"Psst, Y/n." I heard from behind me. I turn around to face Mona. I look at her tan skin with her brown eyes. She has freckles on her nose and cheeks with a slight blush. Mona is one of my friends. Honestly, she is a better friend than Marrisa, but Marrisa was different when we were younger.

"Yes, Mona?" I responded.

"Are you coming to the party tonight? And the sleepover after?"

"I'm thinking about it."

" Oh, okay." She responded.
Mrs. Wennifern looked at us.

"Mona, since you seem so excited to talk about climate change, why don't you tell me one of the reasons why climate change is happening?" Mrs. Wennifern asked Mona.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now