The mission

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"I'm in." I say. This is our chance to save Y/N. I stand up, we need to hurry.

"Slow down girl, we can't just attack when we aren't ready. We will go this evening." I suddenly have a bad feeling in my gut. I push it aside because I want to save Y/N.

'What if she's dead?' I wish my mind would stop thinking about that.

Y/N is alive. She wouldn't just die like that. She is a fighter. I find myself looking in her e/c eyes and seeing the fight in them. She has a spark that I haven't seen in anyone else. I admire that about her.

Marissa and I watch a movie to pass the time. We end up watching "Scream" Y/N loved that movie. Marissa wanted to watch "Clueless" but I am not a fan of that movie. I was just anticipating going to find Y/N.

Marissa checked her phone and looked at the location of Y/N's phone. She suddenly had an idea.

"We should type the address into Zillow! We could see pictures of the house and if the kidnapper lives anywhere close to here!" I think for a moment.

"That's not a bad idea." I encourage her. She looks at the address and types it into Zillow. 'No address found' She rolls her eyes.

"Is this person homeless or something!" She scoffs. I chuckle at her frustration. She looks at me.

"We are a team you know, until we find Y/N!" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, until we find Y/N." We go back to watching the movie.

It is now 2:25 in the afternoon. We will go to the address at 5:30.

"I'll go make us some food, we need to have energy if we want to save Y/N."

"Okay" I reply. I was getting a little hungry, the Hot Cheetos were enough to hold me over until Marissa made food. She came back 20 minutes later with two bowls of pasta. They were fettuccine noodles with Alfredo sauce. She handed a bowl to me, then sat down to eat her own.

"Thanks." I tell her. She doesn't reply.

"Bitch" I whisper. She glared at me, "What was that?"

I smirk, "Nothing!" She rolls her eyes and puts the second "Scream" movie on. We finish the movie a few hours later.

"It's time to get ready." Marissa tells me.

"Am I supposed to wear this?" I ask her with a scoff.

"I have some clothes that you can borrow. You are a bigger than me but they should fit." I scoff at her unnecessary comment.

She goes to her closet and hands me a black long sleeve shirt and some leggings.

"Thanks" I say and then head to the bathroom to change. I put the outfit on.

'Woah, I look good.' I think and check myself out in the mirror. I tie my black hair back in a bun so that it doesn't get in my way. I glance at my brown eyes in the mirror. They are burning with anticipation. I'm ready!

Marissa changed in her room. I walk in and she is ready too. 'She looks good.' I think to myself. After that, I silently curse myself in my head. 'This is about Y/N' it is 5 in the evening by the time we leave the house.

"The address is 45 minutes away." She gets in her pink Corvette and I get in the passenger seat. She pulls out of the driveway really fast.

"Holy shit! Slow down! We'll be dead before we even get to Y/N!" She scoffs,

"Please, if you didn't know, you can't kill bad bitches."

"Well then I guess you'll be dead." I laugh. She glares but soon joins in on the laughing.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now