The Stranger

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I get up.

"If you want sex, you're going to do everything I want until I feel you deserve it, you understand?" I demand.

"But Y/N!" He whines.

"I said do you understand?" I snap.

"Yes." He huffs.

"Now kneel before my feet!" I point.

He groans but then kneels. He presses his forehead to the floor. Oh I am going to have so much fun with this.

"Now say... Y/N is my gorgeous, beautiful goddess and I am so sorry for ever wronging her."

"Y/N is my gorgeous beautiful goddess and I am so sorry for wronging her! She is perfect and amazing and wonderful!" He says.

"Don't push it." I glare at him.

I then walk away and sit on his bed. He lays next to me.

"Did I say you could lay with me?" I spat.

"No, darling, but please? I want cuddles!" He begs.

"No. Sleep on the floor, weirdo!" I point at the floor.

He looks at me sadly. "Really? No cuddles?"

He pouts as he gets on the floor. He curls up sadly, like a kicked puppy. His dark eyes beg to get up on the bed. He whimpers softly.

"Hush. You're being annoying."

"Please, Y/N, why must you be so cruel?"

"Do you think sleeping in the cold, dark basement with my mother's body was better? Suck it up. Not a peep out of you."

"Y/N c'mon, you know I didn't mean it."

"Well I'll say I didn't mean it when I'm done treating you like shit, too." I glare at him and roll over.

He sighs and lays there on the floor. He stares at the ceiling, as if thinking. He gets up and moves to the end of the bed. He starts massaging my feet.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm really sorry, darling, I really am. I was horrible! What I put you through wasn't okay." He continues massaging.

"Oh so you finally realize." I scoff.

"Yes, I do. And I'll do anything to make it right!" He looks up at me.

"I know you will. But just know, I won't go easy on you!"

"Okay. I deserve it." He continues to rub me.

"Can I lay with you?" He asks.

"Ugh fine. I kinda missed your stupid cuddles."

"Stupid, eh?" He teases and pulls me close.

"Yes. Just like you."

"Oh my heart!" He grabs his chest as if he's so hurt.

"Oh hush, ya dummy!" I playfully smack him.

"I missed you too, princess." He grins.

'Princess...? That's a new one" I think to myself.

We lay there for the majority of the night until we fall asleep.

Something is off about Amir. He's never acted like this. What has he done?


I look up at her, she needs to answer how she knows Amir.

"Well um... You know how Amir is an assassin?"

"Yes." I scoff.

"Well... I work with him."

"What the fuck?!" I get angry.

Allison quickly snatches me up. She grabs me harshly.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I scream.

"My job. You think meeting you in that hospital was by accident? Hell no! I was sent to watch over Y/N! And take her back to Amir. I ratted you both out!" She grins.

"You bitch!" I punch her.

She grabs my neck and I stumble back to the wall.

"Hit me again, Mona. I'll fucking kill you. That's what's going to happen to you, anyway." Allison has an evil look on her face.

"You mother fucking asshole! You will not kill me! You're too fucking weak!" I struggle against her.

"Oh yeah? Amir is killing everyone. Her mother, guess what happened? Dead!" She laughs hysterically.

"What?" I gasp.

"Her bitch mother is dead!"


"And you will be too." Allison drags me down the stairs. She puts me in a car and punches me to knock me out. Everything goes black.


I punch her to knock her out. I get in the drivers seat and begin driving to H.Q. I drive in silence. I find myself glancing back at Mona every few minutes.

Once I get to the headquarters, I drag her out of the car. I carry her to a room where she will be held until her death.

I sit in there with her. I go out and get some food because I'm hungry. I spend a few minutes there chatting with some colleagues.

"Have you heard about Amir? I've heard he's planning on proposing to the girl he's got kidnapped." Someone gossips. I walk over there.

"Who told you that?" I ask.

"His mom. Mrs. Alderaige was here today. I think she still might be." The girl says.

"When will he propose?" I ask.

"She's not sure. Probably very soon! She said he already bought the ring." The girl squeals in delight.

"Oh yeah? Are we all invited?" I ask.

"Of course! I think she's just the prettiest! Perfect to have an heir for the company!" The girl grins.

"An heir? Who said she wants to have an heir?"

"Well she'll have to. Amir will convince her, I suppose."

"Oh... And when do you think he will want her to have an heir?" I question the girl.

"Hmm probably soon. A cute baby! Imagine a little baby running around H.Q"

"Y/N would never let the baby run around here." I scoff.

"You've never met her!" The girl glares.

"Yes I have. She's not that type."

"You've met Amir's future wife? Lucky!"

"Of course I have!"

"When? How?" She asks me.

"We met when she escaped. I was assigned to keep an eye on her." I boast.

"Lucky! She seems nice."

"Oh she is... It's a shame, really." I sigh.

"Well I'm sure Amir treats her nicely."


I started to wake up and stir. I groan at the feeling in my head. That bitch really punched me.

I hear a voice as a figure steps into the room.

"You..." I glare. It's Amir.

Fun fact: Mona liked Y/N in the past! That's why she is extremely protective of her. She never confessed her feelings.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now