Love, Y/n

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"Darling, does it matter my name? The only thing that matters is you." He says. His voice is smooth and deep. My face heats up a little bit.

"Yes, I want to know your name." I say.

"Didn't I say the only thing that matters is you?" He mutters. I start to get a little annoyed.

"I want to know who kidnapped me." He glares at me.

"It's because I love you." I suddenly get an idea. I put on my best doe eyes and look up at him.

"Please tell me your name." I plead. His eyes get wide and his face turns a little red.

"Amir, my name is Amir." I smirk.

" Don't think that will get you your way every time, doll." He says.

I try to stand up but realize I can't. I look up and around my wrists, there are hand cuffs.
'Hand cuffs?! This guy really did kidnap me. I thought it was a weird role play joke!"
I feel a shiver up my spine. I look up into his eyes and say, "Let me go!"

He stares at me and says, "I thought you were enjoying this, darling."

"Why would I be enjoying being kidnapped by some guy I don't even know?!" I exclaim. His face shifts to a hurt look.

"Darling, why do you have to say such hurtful things?"

My eyes widen. 'Is he manipulating me? Does he actually feel hurt?' His eyes change back in a second.

"Are you hungry?"

'Of course I'm hungry. What if he drugged the food?'

"I didn't put anything in it. If that is what you are thinking about."

'You kidnapped me and expect me to believe you.'

"Doll, you have 3 seconds to answer or you can starve." He has a certain look in his eyes.

"1" He stares at me.

"2" he counts.

"I'll tell you something about me. It's that I don't make empty threats. I'm not messing around, Doll." The tone of his voice told me that he wasn't lying.


"FINE!" I swallow my pride and let out.

"I'll eat." I didn't want to know what happens when he gets to three.

I watched as Amir went to grab the breakfast that he cooked. He stepped into the room and I felt frightened.

"What is the matter darling?" He questioned in a soothing voice. He set the food down on the dresser and sat beside me. I flinched.

"I miss my friends. I want to go home." You felt tears building in your eyes.

"I know sweetheart. But you have me. I'm all you need."

"No, Amir, I don't even know you!" I start to get a little mad.

"No darling you don't. I know you, though." He whispers.

"No you don't!"

"Please, Y/n, you don't even remember."

"Remember what?!"

"This." He pulls out a bracelet. Memories suddenly flood through you.

Flash back 3rd POV
(You are 13 years old)

"Y/n you are a disgrace to this family! You can never do anything right! I thought I told you to go grocery shopping!" Your mother screams at you.

" Mom I'm sorry it's pouring rain outside and storming!" You say to her.

"What you think you'll die because of some rain? Get out of my house!" She yells.

"But mo-"

"Get out!" You get out of bed and walked out the door.

You storm out of the house. You are crying so hard and have no where to go. You walk through the tree line hoping to find someone.

You see a boy your age with black hair and dark eyes. He is taller than you but you assume he is about 13 or 14.

He sees you crying and approaches you.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"M-my mom told me i-I am a disgrace and kicked me out of the house." You sobbed.

He pulled you into a hug and stroked your hair while you cried. He whispered that it would be okay and let you let it all out.

After you were done, he tells you that you can come to his house. He tells you his parents aren't home.

You two walk to his house which is in the woods where you found him. It is a very large house.
He walks you to his room and tells you to wait there. 10 minutes pass by and he finally comes back.

He made you hot cocoa and got you a blanket. You talk to him for hours and he says that you could sleep at his house for however long you needed. This made you wonder where his parents were but you brushed it off. Your face got red.

"But there is only one bed." You say, flustered.

" I'll sleep on the floor silly. Unless..." He joked.

"N-no! I mean sorry but I just met you!" 

"Relax doll. I was kidding." He chuckled.

You woke up to a text from your mom.
'Get back here and clean this damn house! I don't know who you think you are running off like that, little girl.'

You are disappointed that you have to go home. You get up and write a note to the boy sleeping on the floor.

You write, 'I'm sorry but I have to go now. Thank you for everything. I hope we meet again. Love, Y/N'

He wakes up and checks his bed to ask if you want breakfast. He notices a note on the pillow. He reads it and he feels heartbroken. He wanted to at least say goodbye.

Hopefully you would come back and visit him sometime. Wait! 'She wrote her name! I can find her again and save her from her mom!' He thought. He felt a little more hopeful that he would get to see you again. He looked at the note again and noticed something. There was a bracelet laying on the pillow.


Amir's name is pronounced Uh- meer mir rhymes with ear
What did yall think of that cute little memory? Amir was such a cutie.

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