Truth or dare

36 2 1

Your POV

The black Mercedes Benz was a few parking spots away from Mona's car. I am creeped out.

'Is that person stalking us?' I ask in my head.

I grab Mona's hand and rush to the car.

"What's the hurry about, Y/N?" She asks.

"Nothing. I'm just excited to get home and try on our pajamas." I reassured her.

She chuckled. "Me too."

We got into the car and Mona turned it on. She turned the radio on and we sang along to the music. I'm having a fun time with Mona. I hope it can stay like this forever...

"A penny for your thoughts?" Mona says.

"Gimme the penny." I laugh.

"Hey! I paid for your stuff!" She exclaims.

"It's just that living with you is the most fun that I have had in a while. I remember someone making me laugh like this but I can't quite remember the whole memory." I say.

"Oh, alright. Well I'm glad you like living with me. It means a lot to me." Mona says.

I look over at her. She has a small smile on her face. I can tell she's remembering something but I'm not sure what.

We have been driving for 20 minutes. We are almost at Mona's house. I am watching us pass the woods. I see Mona grimace. I feel like I recognize these woods. I just can't quite put my finger on it.

After a few minutes, we finally arrive at Mona's house. We grab the bag and walk to the house. Mona unlocks the door. I see Pickles run to me. She brushed up against my leg.

"Hi, Pickles!" I say, crouching down and scratching her head.

She purrs. I continue to stroke her head as Mona walks to her room. I follow her as does Pickles.

"What should we make for dinner?" She asks.

"We should make grilled chicken with steamed vegetables!" I say. (If you don't like this feel free to imagine something else!)

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Mona says.

We walk out of her room to the kitchen. She already had some chicken in the fridge from before we left. I grab it out and set it on a cutting board.

Mona grabs a steamer pan with a lid and sauteed some butter in it. She waited until it was fully melted to add the vegetables. She seasoned them and then put the lid on the pot so that they would steam.

I continued to cut the chicken into small strips. I grabbed a pan and put some oil in it. I placed the chicken in the pan and seasoned it.

"Now we wait!" I said. Mona nodded her head.

She played some Lana Del Rey on her phone while we waited. I flipped the chicken occasionally and she stirred the vegetables.

Soon, the food was finally done. I grabbed two plates and dished some food onto them.  I handed a plate to Mona and kept one for myself. We walked to the table and sat down.

"So, where are your parents?" I asked.

"They are away because of s business trip." She says, shovelling food into her mouth.

"Ah, okay!" I smile, taking a bite of my food.

We enjoy our dinner and begin to clean up.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"Wanna play a game?"

"Sure, what game?"

"I don't know." Mona says.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now