The attack

35 3 16

Mention of SA ⚠️


I lay there on the cold floor. I'm crying. I'm curled up with my stomach hurting badly. Maggots have invaded my mother's body. I throw up from the sight.

After I throw up, I'm very weak. A part of me wishes I would just die already and I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. But another part of me wants to escape. I want to survive. I want to live free again. And most importantly, I want to see Mona again.

I lay there weakly. I'm not sure how much longer I'll last. I feel very sick and weak. I'm sure I'm dehydrated and starving.

I hear footsteps come down the stairs.

"Kristen?!" I hear Amir's concerned voice and he rushes over to me,"What happened, sweetheart?"

I don't say anything. I'm too weak to say anything. I lay there sickly and pale.

'Is he going to let me die down here?' I think.

"So I was just here so you could fuck me?" I ask weakly.

"What? You know that's not true." He gets upset.

"Don't lie. I know you don't care."

"I would've killed you already if I didn't care." He sighs.

"Well you probably wanted to but fucking a cold body isn't as good as a warm one." I scoff.

"What? How could you say that?!"

"Because it's your exact thought process."

"That's not true!" He says, he's getting defensive.

"Lie to me some more. Lie to me some fucking more!" I snap.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that." He glares sharply.

"Y'know what? I wish I never met you, Amir. I fucking hate your guts."

"Yeah well you're about to hate your mother's guts."

"Hu-" He picks up her decaying guts and smears some on me.

"Holy fuck! Amir stop it!" I scream.

"No. You deserve this"

I squirm as I feel the cold, bloody guys on me. I scream as the maggots crawl on my skin.

"God please, Amir! Please stop!" I cry.

"No. You need to learn to watch your mouth." He continues rubbing them on me.

"You never loved me at all!"

"Don't even say that! Do you know how hard I worked to find you?! I bawled my eyes out when you said you didn't even remember me."

"Because I didn't fucking want to remember you!" I scream.

"Well I wanted you to remember me! I've tried to get you to love me. Those cuddling, the kisses, all of the loving things, and you just pushed me away!"

"Yeah maybe because you fucking kidnapped me!"

"At least I didn't do what I could've!" He shouts.

"Yeah like what?!"

"Do you really fucking think you would survive if it was any other man who kidnapped you?! No! You would've had sex until you couldn't even see straight! Against your consent!"

"Oh yay! Do you want a prize for not violating me?!"

"No! It's basic decency but still. I tried to be loving, caring. I just want to hold you without you fighting me!" He stares at me.

"Well I can't help that I just don't love you!"

"You do love me! I see it in your eyes!"


"Y/N please just stop denying it. I saved you from your mom!"

"Yeah and then left me in this stupid basement for days with her rotting body!"

"I did it so you would know she's dead. She can't hurt you anymore. Trust me, it was to make you feel better."

"Better?! All I got was fucking trauma!" I yell at him.

He sighs.

"Listen. I didn't mean to go this far." He sighs.

"Yeah you didn't mean it but you did!"

"Y/N please."

"Please what, Amir?!"

"Please just love me..." He whispers in desperation.

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm desperate for it. I'm desperate for you. I would do anything for you to just love me. I just want you. Just touch me and caress my face lovingly. I yearn for your affection. I crave it deep in my blood. I know some things I've done are terrible but they're for you. Please Y/N... Please" he begs.

"I...." I gasp.

He pulls me in for a kiss. It's filled with passion and longing. The kiss says everything. It speaks more than words could.

"No, Amir. No" I pull away.

"Stop denying what you want!"

"It's not you." I scoff.

"Yes it is, Y/N. Yes it is."

"Stop being delusional, Amir!"

"You're the one who's being delusional!" He snaps.


"Y/N you are going to beg to come upstairs. Beg. Now. Or else you are staying in this basement with the body for a week." He says sternly. I can tell he's not fucking around.

"And when we go upstairs, first I'll clean you off. Then, we'll cuddle. Maybe some sex but you look sick so probably not. In the morning, we'll wake up with each other. Like lovers. Y/N I just want to be lovers." He desperately pleads.

"I'd rather stay down here than be with yo-"  My words are cut short by a stabbing pain in my abdomen.

I look down. Blood. Lots of it.

"Amir?..." I whisper in shock.

"No fuck that wasn't me!" He looks over to my mother.

She's barely moving but she has the bloody knife in her hand. She grins.

"Mom?! How could you?!" I gasp in pain.

My body is too weak to even go on. It's much weaker now. If I'll die anytime, it'll be now. I cry out in pain.

Everything starts to fade. Amir takes the knife and finishes my mother off. She's dead and I'm about to be dead, too. I hold my abdomen in pain. Severe pain.

I whimper softly. Tears drip down my face.

"No, no. Darling please, stay with me. You can't leave. It's just you and I together forever. Just focus on me!" He holds me tight.

I feel my consciousness fade. Everything starts to go dark. I try to focus on his voice but I can't. I think I'm dying.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now