Back to square one

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"I'm back~" He whispers.

I freeze in place. My boyfriend. How does he know I'm here? I don't really remember much about him before the injury.

"Amir!" I smile as I greet him.

"Shh, Y/N, Mona can't know I'm here." He whispers.

"Why not? This is her house, after all." I say confused.

Amir grabs my arms and pulls me through the window. He covers my mouth so I don't make a sound. Amir carries me to the car and puts me in the passenger seat.

"What the hell?!" I exclaim.

"We're going to my house." He said, sternly.

"I have to tell Mona first." I don't want Mona to worry.

"I've already told Mona." Amir lies.

"Oh, okay." I relax.

Amir gets in and starts the car. I lay back in the seat tiredly. He puts his hand on my thigh as he drives. He is quiet as he pays attention to the road.

"Hey, Y/N, do you uh... Perhaps remember anything about me from before you got injured?" He asks, seemingly nervous.

I try to recall something, anything.

"Not really." I say, truthfully.

"Ah, good." His eye widen after he says that. "I mean, in the sense that we get to make new memories!" He chuckles nervously.

'Something is off with him.' I think to myself. I get lost in thought as he caresses my thigh.

"Amir, why did you come get me from Mona's house?" I ask without looking over at him.

"I just missed you, is all." He smiles. I can tell he's not lying but I feel like there's something more to it.

"Ah, okay." I drop the subject.

"You're acting distant, Y/N. Has Mona told you something?" Amir says. I don't answer.

"Y/N answer my question." He gets a little on edge. I look at my lap.

Amir grabs my chin to make me look at him. I try to resist but he holds it tight. He stares into my eyes. I see something that causes a deep feeling in me. There's something sinister about Amir that I don't remember.

"Look at me and answer the question." He stares at me.

"I... No! Mona hasn't said anything about you." I lie.

"Good girl... I knew you would come around, doll~" he grins and let's go of my chin.

'Doll~' I think to myself. It sounds so familiar in that tone. Where have I heard it?

Amir pulls into the driveway of a house that looks kinda familiar. It stirs a bad feeling within me.

'Why the hell am I feeling like this around him?!' My stomach turns as I scold myself in my thoughts.

Amir gets out and opens the door for me.

"My princess~" he grins as he opens the door and helps me out of the black Mercedes.

"Thank you" I say as I blush a bit from his words.

We go inside and to his room. Everything feels familiar. Perhaps I have been here before. He lays on the bed and opens his arms invitingly. I lay in his arms as he holds me close.

"You're finally mine again." He grins.

He puts on a movie. We cuddle up and watch it together. He strokes my h/c hair lovingly. My eyes start to close.

"Get some sleep, sweetheart." He whispers and kisses my forehead gently.

I soon drift off to sleep. I lay in his arms as he turnsnthe TV off so that I could sleep better. His touch feels soothing.


I finally have my love back in my arms. I hold her close. I stroke the h/c hair that I've missed so dearly. I take in her scent that I've been miserable without. My precious sweetheart is finally mine again.

I drift off into sleep finally content. I just hope that she doesn't remember anything that has happened before.

In my dreams, Y/N is in a white dress. She has a bouquet of flowers in her hands. She is walking towards me with a smile.

I stand at the alter, watching as the love of my life walks towards me. She's so perfect. She stands before me as a priest officiates us. I look into her beautiful e/c eyes. I get lost in them.

We both say our vows. We are pronounced husband and wife as we share a passionate kiss. I slip the ring on her finger and carry her down the aisle. We dance together in the light, strung forest. My family applauds.

That dream ends and another begins. She's sitting in bed, drinking tea. Her stomach is swollen and round.

'Is she...?' I think to myself. She looks pregnant. She looks so peaceful and beautiful.

I sit on the bed next to her and put my hand on her stomach. She looks up at me. I feel the little baby as my face lights up. I lean down and gently press a kiss to her tummy.

"You're so beautiful, sweetheart." I whisper to her softly.

I lean down and press a gentle kiss to her lips. We kiss and it's so loving. I hold her close just admiring her.

In the next scene of the dream, she is laying in the hospital bed in a gown. She's in pain and I'm there rubbing her tummy and back to soothe her. I kiss her forehead.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart." I whisper and gaze down at her. I don't like seeing her in pain.

The little baby soon comes out. It's a little boy. She holds him first, of course. I watch as she holds the baby lovingly with so much care. I sit next to her on the hospital bed and watch them interact.
(End of dream)

My dream is cut short at the movement of Y/N. It seems that she is tossing around. I wake up groggily to make sure she is okay. I pull her close. She makes some whimpering sounds in her sleep.

"Y/N...?" I whisper.

"Y-You monster!" I hear her talking.

'Oh shit... Her memories are coming back."

Authors note!
OMG! I've been gone for so long! I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting. Anyway, I gave you all a little fluff! The wedding and a little baby. AWWW so cute. Things are about to not be so cute.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now