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Hello, readers! I included a treat for reading so far in this chapter 😉 enjoy

Mona's POV

My thoughts have been consumed by the weird visit. I can't help but be curious about who visited Y/N. She claims it was her boyfriend but I don't remember her having a boyfriend.

A nurse walks in.
"Okay Ms. Monroe, I have the paperwork that needs to be filled out before Y/N is discharged." The nurse says with a smile.

"Ma'am, can I have a word with you in the hallway?" I ask.

"Of course, follow me." She says and walks into the hallway. I stand up from my chair and follow her.

"Has there been anyone here visiting Y/N besides me or Allison?" I question her.

"Well Ms. I can't exactly disclose that information. I'm terribly sorry."

I pull out a large sum of money.

Will this change your mind?" I ask her.

"That would be very unprofessional of me, Ms. Monroe." She states, looking surprised.

"Oh, drop the act! I know you don't care about that!" I spat. Her face turns.

"Fine! Ms. Monroe, there was a young man around you and Y/N's age. He had to be at least 18 because he stayed the night with her. I'm not sure why you want this information! He is a very nice young man!"

My eyes widen with anger.
"You don't know what Y/N is going through! This is a very dangerous situation! I need to know who visited her last night." I say in fury.

"I'm not sure about his first name but his last name is Alderaige." She finally cracks.

"Describe him." I say, sternly.

"He has black hair. It framed his face to about the middle of his ears. He has fair skin and dark brown eyes. A bit of a cold look in his eyes except for when he looks at her. About 6'3 feet tall. He's more on the slender side." The nurse described him.

I smirk and hand her the money.
"Thank you." She nods.
'That matches the description of the person I saw when I saved Y/N. How does he know where she is? Is there a tracking device on her?' My face pales.

I walk back into Y/N's room.
"What was that about?" Y/N asks me with furrowed brows.

"Nothing. Everything is fine." I say with a smile.

"Alright." She says with a small smile.

"How about we get this paperwork done?" I smile at her.

"Already on it!" Allison replied.
I look over at her and she is writing things down.

"Y/N remembers everything about herself." She tells me. Y/N smiles.

Allison soon finishes the paperwork. I hit the nurse call button on Y/N's bed. I hand her the paperwork.

"All set! It was a delight to take care of you, Y/N." She smiles at Y/N.

"Thank you!" Y/N smiles.

We put her in the wheelchair just so she could leave. All patients have to leave in a wheelchair.
We wheel her down to the lobby and get into my car. The nurse takes the wheelchair and we drive away.

Y/N is smiling to herself.
"When will I get to see my boyfriend again?" She asks.

"Well I'm not sure. Since we don't know who he is, it will be hard to find him." I tell her.

"Oh" she says disappointed. She looks out the window.
I smile at a realization.

"I have your phone." I tell her. I grab it from my pocket and hand it to her.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now