You don't remember

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Amir's POV

Finally, Y/N's friends leave the hospital. I waited about 45 minutes for her to fall asleep. I hated waiting but I can't risk her seeing me. I want to see her gorgeous e/c eyes look up into mine but I can't. Not with her like that. I couldn't save her. Looking into her eyes while she is hurt because of me would just bring me shame.

I finally get rid of my thoughts and step out of the Mercedes.
'God, waiting to see her kills me.' I think to myself as I cross the parking lot. I finally reached the doors.

I walk up to the front desk. She looks at my face.
"Amir Alderaige, correct?" She asks me. I look into her brown eyes.

"Yes, that is correct." I say to her. She hands me the id tag and I walk away.

I walk down the empty hallway. It's so depressing to be here. Thinking of Y/N's fragile body sends a shiver up my spine. It hurts me to see her that way.
'I wonder what she will be like when we finally talk again. I can't wait! What if she missed me?' I chuckle at the unrealistic thought. It does put a smile on my face, though.

I finally reach her door. I hesitate for a moment before I walk in. I have to prepare myself to see her in that state. I slowly open the door. I walk inside to see her peacefully asleep. I release a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. I smile at the sight of her. She looks a lot better than she did last night. She was beautiful of course, but she looked a lot healthier tonight.

I walk over to her bedside. I kiss her hand just like I did last night. She sturrs slightly.

"God how I miss holding you until you fall asleep." I whisper to her. She can't hear me but it couldn't hurt. I just wanted to take her home with me. I miss her firey personality. I missed the gleam in her eyes. I missed everything about her. Seeing her sleep peacefully brought me comfort. Even if it wasn't with me, I was still glad that she was okay. I wouldn't be here right now if she didn't make it. She is the light in my life.

I take her hand in mine to feel her touch again.
'No way would she let me do this to her if she was awake.' I think quietly. This thought makes me chuckle. I love her more than anything. I will make sure she loves me. She will love me and only me. I will make sure of that.

I squeeze her hand. I lean in to kiss her cheek. She sturrs a little bit. This time is different, her eyes glide open. My eyes widen and I gasp.

"Darling! You... You woke up!" I say excited.
She smiles. There is something so much different about her smile. It seems forced now.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Her brows furrow.

"W-what?" I whisper out. This has got to be some joke! Typical Y/N, fucking with me even after being impaled and having to have emergency surgery.

"Sorry, I don't recognize you." She says.
I scan her e/c eyes for any sort of indication that she is joking.

"Darling... You... Don't r-remember me?" I try to say it as calmly as I can. It feels like I just got stabbed in the heart. Everything just shattered with every word she spoke. I can't believe no... I won't! She has to remember! I feel my throat tightening.

"I'm sorry, I don't..." She says, almost confused.

The world is spinning. 'The love of my life doesn't remember me?! No she has to! No, no, no! This can't happen!' My thoughts run wild. I feel like my heart was just stomped on. And it's my own fault.

This is my chance to try to convince her.

"Sweetheart, I'm your boyfriend!" I choke out.

Her eyes widen. "Really?!" She exclaims, excited. I nod. I pull her into a deep passionate kiss. She kisses back.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now