He's a what?!

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C/T= Current town

Mona's POV

I was doing some research on my MacBook Pro. I was sitting in my room typing away. Alderaige family in C/T. There was a website that had one result. I clicked on it.
'Shit! You have to pay to use the website.' I think to myself. 50 dollars.
'Meh, that's not a terrible price.' I think.

I go over to my dresser and grab my credit card. I type in the information and pay.
'Alderaige... Alderaige... Alderaige' I scan the website and look for the familiar face. I see it. 'Amir Alderaige' I read the name.
"Amir Alderaige, huh?" I say with a smirk.

I look at the top of the page.
'Hire' I read the button.
'What the hell?' I think.

There is an email. I click on it.
There is a family crest.
'Damn rich people.' I roll my eyes.
'Alderaige family of..' My eyes widen at the next word. 'assassins'
'What?! He's an assassin?!' I gasp. How would an assassin know Y/N? What the hell?

There is a phone number. I decide to call it.
"Hello, this is the Alderaige company front desk. I'm Tessa! Could you state your name so I can  help you?" She asks me.

"Um, my name is Mona Monroe," I tell her. "I would like to speak to Amir Alderaige."

"Do you have a reference code?" She asks me.


"Sorry, Ma'am, you have to have a reference code to speak to someone with a high status like Mr. Alderaige." She says.

"High status my ass." I scoff.

"Sorry Ms. I didn't quite get that." She says.

"Nothing, sorry." I smile.

"Can I help you with anything else?"

"No, is there any way to speak to him without a reference code?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, it's going to be a no. There is only one person who is authorized to speak to Mr. Alderaige without a reference code. She does not go by the name Mona Monroe."

I smirk, "Does she happen to go by the name Y/N L/N?"

There is a pause over the phone, "... I am not allowed to disclose that information. I am sorry." She says.

"Alright, sorry to bother you." I say.

"It is quite alright. I'm always happy to help! Have a nice day now!"

"Alright, have a nice day yourself!" I tell her.

(Finally we haven't had this POV in a while)

I am just relaxing in my new room scrolling on my phone. I notice all of my contacts have been erased except for some guy named Amir. I'm not sure who that is.

'Maybe Mona knows.' I decide to delete the number before I go ask Mona. I get out of the bed and head over to Mona's room. I knock on her door.

"Y/N?" She asks.

"Yeah it's me, can I come in?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She calls back.

"Hey, Mona. Do you know anyone named Amir?" Her eyes widened for some reason.

"Let me see the number Y/N." She asks.

"I already deleted it, sorry." I tell her.

"It's alright." She says.

I wonder why she wanted to number.
"Well that's all Mona! Thanks for the help."

"Anytime Y/N! Are you hungry?" She asks me.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now