You monster!

30 1 16


I hold Y/N in my arms. Have you ever wished time could stop? That's how I feel right now. I look at her peaceful face. I think that's the happiest she's ever looked. If I could spend the rest of my nights like this, I would.

I stay awake all night. Just to make sure she's not in pain from her first time or anything. We're soulmates, I'm sure of it. She's better off with me than her mother.

I get up and put some dark clothes on. I press a kiss on her forehead.

"This is for the better, sweetheart." I whisper softly in her ear.

I walk out to my car and get in. I turn it on and drive away. I sit in silence, no music. I sit there with my thoughts.

I arrive at my destination. I take my knife out and grin. I walk into the house. Silence. My footsteps are quiet as I walk up the stairs.

When I get into the room, there is a sleeping figure. Perfect. I walk over to the bed and shake her. She starts to wake up.

"W-who are you?!" She gasps.

"Shut up." I glare coldly.

I put my hand over her mouth and drag her downstairs. I drag her out to my car and throw her in. I lock the doors so she can't escape.

I get in and start the car. I shift the gear and drive away. She doesn't talk at all.

I drive back to my house and drag her inside. She is put in the basement.

"You're going to die like you deserve. Slowly and painfully." I say, harshly.

"Why are you doing this?!" She shouts.

"Shut up. I swear if you wake her, you will be even more sorry!" I slap her.

She holds her face in pain and I strap her hands so she can't escape. I take out my knife and carve her torso.

She tries to scream in pain but I put a sock in her mouth. Blood drips and I smirk.

"You deserve all of this."

I pour salt in her wounds. Tears drip down her cheeks. I continue cutting her up.

"You'll never escape. Don't try." I mutter.

I punch her one last time and then go upstairs. I leave her down there to suffer.

I go and change clothes so that the gross blood is off of me and shower. Y/N wakes up and joins me.

"Good morning, sweetheart! How did you sleep?" I smile sweetly. My mood changes entirely as if I didn't just get done carving someone up.

"I slept well. Where did you go?" I get in with him.

"Oh just for a run." I caress her soft body.

"Okay." She sighs.

"Something wrong?" I tilt her chin up to look at me.

"I miss Mona."

A flash of annoyance crosses me. "I don't know why you always have to be ridiculous. You have me. I'm better."

"Right." She scoffs.

"Fix your additude or I'll fix it for you, doll~" my voice gets dangerously low.

"Yeah right. Whatever." She gets out. I grab her arm.

"Don't be stubborn." I glare.

She smacks me away and dries off.

"Get over here, doll." I command.



"I said no."

"I won't ask again, doll~"


I get out and grab her. I pin her to the wall.

"I'm getting sick of this additude, doll" I glare at her.

"Oh yeah?! Did you forget that you kidnapped me?!" She spats.

"Well I did what I had to. Plus, I got you out of that bitches house!" I get angry.

"Bitch?! Don't talk about my mom like that!"

"Oh please. You hated her and you know it."

"At least my mom isn't dead!" She screams.

I immediately freeze.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Your mom is dead."

"Oh yeah? Well so is yours." I grin.

"What?" She asks in fear.

I grab her harshly. She tries to fight back. I take her to the basement where the body is.

"M-mom...?" She freezes.

"That's right." I push her onto her mother's bloody body.

She screams in terror. She cries. I grin. She deserves to be taught a lesson. Y/N quickly crawls away from the body and curls up in the corner.

"Doll, this is what happens when you don't listen. Your loved ones pay~" my tone is dripping with malice.

She sobs. I walk over to her and touch her.

"No! No! Get away from me!" She screams.

My eyes widen.

"Doll, don't be like that. She was a monster. You hated her." I look down at her pitiful form.

"No! You're the real monster! I hate you!" She yells between sobs.

"Doll, you don't mean that." I try not to lose my temper.

"Yes I do! I wish we never had sex! I wish I never met you at that party!" She sobs and shakes violently.

"Y'know what... I can really make you regret meeting me."

I grab her harshly. She kicks and screams but I don't care. I restrain her to the wall right next to the corpse of her mother.

"You really want to be with your mother so bad? Fine. You can."

She cries more.

"Amir stop this! Don't leave me here!"

"No, I think it will do you some good."

I walk up the stairs while she screams and cries. I can only imagine her horror. Maybe she will be so broken down that she'll beg to come back upstairs. She'll beg to be in my warm bed. My welcoming arms.

Y/N will be broken to the point that she'll realize that she'll only need me.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now