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Previous chapter ~

Luna opens the door. And is met with a man with blonde hair and is holding a gift bag "hello, is Taylor here?" the Mystery man asks.

"yeah she is why are you asking?" Luna asked, confused as to who this random guy was, and why he knew her girlfriend, personally that is.

"It's her birthday right?" he replied, as Taylor walked into the hallway.

"Who is it, love?" She asked, and walked to the door.

"Hello, Taylor" he smirks, as the color drains from Taylors face.

"Love? Who is this?" Luna asks, Taylor never really told her about her past loves, she gets why. She hasn't told her about hers either.

Taylor finally snaps out of this trance-like state, "what are you doing here joe?" She scowls, out of all the people in the world he shows up? She thought.

"It's your birthday, I wanted to tell you happy birthday," he paused and looked over at Luna who is kind of putting the dots together. "I also wanted to know if you were free later tonight-"

"I'm sorry but she's taken, and you said what you wanted so you can go now thanks" Luna cut him off, and gave him a fake smile. Taylor was caught off guard, but she was impressed by her girlfriend.

"and who are you?" His voice thick with disgust, Luna narrowed her eyebrows at him. She stared at him, like looking through his soul.

"She's my girlfriend" Taylor spoke up, and grabbed Luna's bicep, and pulled her in for a kiss. Luna smiled proudly at her girlfriend.

"Now if you think of going anywhere near Taylor you will regret it" Luna threatened. Joe scoffed, and rolled his eyes.

"And what are you going to do? Your like 5 foot"

"Yes I might be 5 feet tall, but my friend is 6 '2, so you best believe I take the well being of the people I love seriously."

Joe rolled his eyes, "well here I got this for you, Taylor" his British accent showing more now that he was pissed off.

Taylor reluctantly took the bag from his hands, she watched as he walked to his car and drove off. Luna shut the door, and started walking to the living room.

"Mon amour? Are you okay?" Luna stopped when she saw Taylor zoned out. She looked up at Luna with a sad smile on her face.

"Yes, love I'm fine." She reassured her girlfriend. And walked over to her, she set the gift from Joe on the ground.

"Are you sure? You seem shaken up by seeing him" Taylor smiled, of course Luna knew when i was lying.

"I didn't think I would ever see him again, he was a chapter of my life that I never want to open ever again" Luna wiped a stray tear that fell out of Taylor's bright blue eyes, that are now dull with sadness.

"Oh love, you will never have to see him ever and you can count me on that. You are the strongest woman I know, you will get through anything. I'm so proud that I get to call you my girlfriend" Luna pulled the taller girl in for a hug.

They stay like that, just using the warmth of each other to calm everything. Thank God my parents weren't home, Taylor thought.


Luna and Taylor were in Taylors old room, getting ready to go to the restaurant that her mom was taking her to for her birthday. Luna noticed that seeing Joe definitely dampened her girlfriend's mood. She had previously taken off the necklace Luna had got her because her parents were home now. Luna was a little butt hurt seeing her take it off, but she knew why.

"So where do you think your mom is taking us?" Luna smiles, plopping down next to a depressed Taylor. She half smiles at Luna.

"I'm not sure, probably somewhere fancy" Luna took Taylors hand in hers. Taylor looked up, her dull blue eyes meeting bright brown ones.

"Taylor, I know seeing your ex on your birthday was not something you wanted, but we have tomorrow to sulk around about it, but today, we are going to be happy because we are celebrating the birthday of the love of my life," Taylor smiled brightly at Luna's words.

"Okay, okay. I'll quit being so sad '' Taylor laughed and got up and walked over to their suitcases, and dug for their dresses they packed. Taylor pulled out her white one she had brought, then got Lunas out. Hers was in a bag, as she wanted it to be a surprise.

"Yay!" Luna smiled and clapped her hands together, "thank you love" she said as she took her dress bag, Taylor smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I'm gonna go and change, I'll be back when I need your help," Taylor smiled. Luna muttered okay as she walked out the door, as Luna unzipped her dress she heard a knock on the door, Taylor just left so it couldn't be Taylor she thought. She opened the door and she was met with Taylor's mom.

"Hey, Andera" she smiled, and let her into the room. She smiled at the younger girl.

"Hello dear, is Taylor here?" she questioned, Luna shook her head no, "okay, good. Now I know I'm old, but I can still see things." Luna was confused as to what she was getting at, "I can see the way Taylor looks at you, it's like you're her whole world" she smiles. Luna blushed. "I'm happy that she's happy now, she has had a ruff year, but you brought her the daylight she desperately needed" she smiled.

"I needed her too,'' Luna told her softly. "I guess we need each other," she laughed. Andera pulled the younger girl in for a hug.

"I hope that you become family," she whispered.

"Me too, trust me i do" she replied. She definitely could see the future with Taylor, maybe a kid or two. But as long as Taylor is by her side she will be forever grateful for her. 

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

It was infact Joe!

The backstory between Joe and taylor is different than irl just an FYI

Also I think im gonna change the intro and background chapters layout so keep an eye out for that!

Also next chapter will be Taylor birthday dinner!

Their will be some drama but not much

Qotd: any suggestions? I would love to include ur guys ideas!

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