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As Taylor pulled up to her favorite restaurant in Michigan, the sound of the song Treasure by Bruno Mars fading as it ended, the restaurant was small, it almost looked like a diner, it looked over lake Huron.

“Taylor, it's so pretty” Luna gasped, as she stepped out of Taylors SUV, it was a nice day in Michigan almost like spring, even though it was almost Christmas. You never know what the weather will be in Michigan.

“It's my favorite spot, I like how you can see the water, and the trees on the horizon.” taylor smiled, as they walked to the door of the small diner.

“Hello, welcome to the Raven Cafe, how many?” the Hostess asked, as she smiled at the two girls.

“Just two please thank you” Taylor smiled, the woman nodded and led them to a table in the back that had a clear shot of the water. The table also had Lilies in a vase on the table.

“Your waiter will be out shortly” she smiled and left the table.

“Oh my gosh, this is so pretty I can't,” Luna was in awe, “I've lived here for 5+ years and i've never seen this” taylor smiled, she got to show Luna something she's never seen before.

“Yeah, it's crazy what you don't get to see everyday,” Taylor looked over the menu that the hostess gave them before they left.

“Do you come here often?” Luna asked, as she looked at the drinks on the said menu.

“Once in a while when I'm in Michigan,” Taylor smiled, as the waiter walked over.

“Hello, I'm Ace and I'll be your waiter for the evening. Can I get you guys anything to drink?”  he was tall with shaggy dirty blonde hair, and dull blue eyes.

“Hello, i'll just have some white wine please,” Taylor smiled up at the man.
“And for you miss”

“I'll have the same” Luna smiled, as Ace wrote down what they wanted.

“Great, do you guys need a moment to look over the menu?” he questioned.

“Yes, that would be great,” Taylor told him.

“Great ill be back with your wine in a moment” he told them and walked off.

“What do you think you're going to get?” Luna wondered, as she looked at the different meals you could get.

“I think i'm gonna get a salad, do you want to get an appetizer?” Taylor questioned as she looked at the different appetizers.

“Oh uh, sure, if you want one'' Luna replied, she's not used to not needing to know how much something is worth, as she was growing up it was just her mom and her sisters, living from paycheck to paycheck.

There wasn't room for going out, yeah sometimes they get Mcdonalds but that was a rare occurrence. That's why she was so shocked when they went out for dinner for Taylor's birthday. That was something she's never had.

“Okay, do you know what you want?” Taylor asked, as she put her menu down, and looked at her girlfriend, who was knitting her brows together. “Luna, what's with the face?” 

“Hm?” Luna looked up at the blonde.

“Why are you looking at the menu like that?”

“Everything is so expensive” taylors eyes softened when she heard Luna's whisper. Taylor knew a little about her past, that she had to work along with her older sister, but she didn't know how bad it really was.

“Yeah, it is, but it's my treat. We're here to celebrate you" Taylor smiled, and took Luna's hand, Luna still had a worried look on her face.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! You're my girlfriend of course I'm going to spoil you” Taylor laughed.

“Okay” Luna smiled, Taylor knew she was still hesitant on the topic but whatever she wanted, Taylor would give her. Because she deserves it.


Luna ended up getting Baked French onion soup and Taylor got Oval Portrait which is a salad they have.

“Here is your guys spinach dip, your meals will be out soon” Ace smiled, and left.

Taylor took a chip and dipped it in the sauce. “This stuff is so good”

Luna laughed, and tried it as well. “Oh my god it is” and soon they were both laughing at how good the food was.

“So, do you have any other songs?” Taylor wonders as she takes a sip of her wine.

“Actually I do, I came up with this song called Till Forever Falls Apart, I think it should be a duet though but I haven't thought of who could do it” Luna explained, Taylor just smiled, the kind of smile you get when you look at your partner talking about what they love.

“I love the name, I could see who I have on speed dial” Taylor laughed, Luna giggled as well.

“I wouldn't be surprised if you had someone on speed dial, Anyways I just had this thought, and you can totally say no to it” Taylor looked confused, and nodded for Luna to continue. “I wanted to cover your song Cruel Summer” Luna smiled.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!


Longer chapter!! I'm getting my flo back.

Anyway! I made a tiktok edit of this book and I would really appreciate if you guys go give it some love!

My @ is Tv_Show_Edits.com

ALSO the Raven Cafe is a Real place in Port Huron MI I really want to go to it it looks so cute

Qotd: tiktok or YouTube?

I like both, one is to just scroll the day away and 2nd one is to watch a movie or game play videos

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