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Luna was almost done setting out the drinks on the table, when she heard a knock on the door. Taylor walked over to the door to open it, "heyyy!" Blake smiled and hugged taylor, Ryan was next to his wife, who hugged Taylor after Blake.

"Come in, come in, make yourself at home, the presents go under the tree, i'll take your guys coats" Taylor smiled, as they walked into her apartment, they both handed her their coats and set the presents down under the said tree.

"Hello" Luna smiles, and walks over to the couple. "I'm Luna" she stuck out a hand for Blake to shake.

"Hello Luna, I'm Blake and this is my husband Ryan" she smiled, and they both shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you both" she grinned, "well if you guys want drinks or finger food, it's in the kitchen" luna told them, they both nodded, and walked off towards the kitchen.

Luna check herself in the mirror, made sure her makeup looked good and her teeth, she had on a simple red dress, that went to the middle of her thigh, it had a A line top, with thin straps, it tied in the back with a black bow, she paired it with black fishnet tights, and black platform heels.

"Well don't you look hot" Taylor smiled, and walked over to her girlfriend, Taylor was wearing a similar red top, to match Luna's red dress. She had on black dress pants, with her doc martens. She had Lunas necklace on as well.

"Says you," Luna grinned at her. Taylor places a quick kiss on Luna's lips. Leaving some of her signature red lipstick on her lips. "I literally can't believe I just met Blake and Ryan," she giggled.

Taylor laughed, "You're too cute" Luna looked up at her, with a big smile. If taylor wasn't already in love with her, she would have fallen in love right then and there.

"Thank you, mon amour" she blushed, as they both heard the knock on the door again, Taylor pecked Luna's lips on last time and walked over to the door to let in her guests.

Luna had on a goofy smile on, as she walked over to Eli who was messing around with the music. "You got that 'in love face' on" Eli commented. Luna hit his shoulder.

"I do, because I am" she sighed, and sat down on the couch next to him. "Do you think this is gonna be different to Clastia?" there was this nagging feeling in the back of her mind that this is too good to be true.

Eli looked up from his computer screen, and looked over at Luna, then he saw that Taylor was looking over at Luna with that same love struck face. "I think this is definitely different from her," Eli replied.

"Hey! I'm Oliva, this is Sabrina" the brown haired girl smiled, as she walked over to the two friends.

"Hi! Nice to meet you guys, I'm Luna, this is my friend Eli" Luna smiled, as she got up. "We have drinks and finger food in the kitchen, if taylor didn't tell you yet you can put the gifts under the tree"

"Okay!, I love your dress by the way, '' Sabrina complemented.

"Thank you" she smiled, as Eli got the music going.


Soon the apartment was full of people, most of them famous, with a few being taylors friends from school. Luna stayed around Eli and Taylor. It was almost time for gifts, they all decided to do a white elephant type of gift estranged so if they didnt know who the other was it was okay.

"Oh my god, are you luna?" a voice asked from behind her, as she turned and saw a girl with red hair, she had a smile and a drink in her hand.

"Yes I am" Luna smiled, "and you are?"

"Oh sorry, im Abby" she smiled, as she took a drink of her champagne.

"Oh my gosh! I was so happy that you were coming, i only thought it was right that i get to meet her best friend, when she met mine" luna laughed. Abby laughed and agreed with her. The two girls talked, and they found that they both had a lot in common as well.

"So I hear that you are making music?" Abby questions the shorter girl. She nodded in response as she was taking a drink of her white wine.

"Yeah! I just released my first single, last Monday. I'm working on an album right now. Honestly if it weren't for Taylor and Eli i wouldn't be where i am today" Luna smiled, as she looked for the two people she loved in the whole world, she locked eyes with the blonde as she sent a wink to her.

"I love to hear that, taylor is really one of the sweetest people on this planet" she said, luna finally agreed to that.

Soon everyone was sitting down in the living room, Taylor was thanking everyone for coming, and merry Christmas. Luna was sitting on the couch next to Eli and an open spot for Taylor next to her. Throughout the night, they were flirty towards each other, but nothing to where people noticed.

"Okay! Now that I'm done with that speech. I'm going to pass around this hat and you guys are going to pick a piece of paper from it, the person with the number one will start" Taylor smiled and handed Dylan the hat who drew a piece of paper and handed off to the next person.

Taylor smiled and went back to sit next to Luna, she patted her thigh and gave it a squeeze. Soon the hat got to them, Luna got number 13 and Taylor got 9. "Who got one?" Taylor asked, Ryan raised his hand. "Okay! So you get to pick the first one"

He picked a medium sized box, wrapped in red and green wrapping paper, everyone watched as he ripped it open, "woah! I was just saying i needed a new one of these" he laughed and held the new coffee Machine up. "Who's next!"

"Me!" Selena smiled.

"Okay Sel you can either steal the coffee maker or pick a new gift" taylor told the group. She made her design by picking out a small bag under the tree closer to her. She pulled out the tissue paper, and smiled when she brought the stuff out, she got hot cocoa mix, candy canes, marshmallows etc.

"It's a hot chocolate kit!" she laughs, and soon everyone got a gift or gotten stolen from. Then it gotta Lunas turn, she was the last one. But there weren't any more gifts under the tree.

"For your gift, i kept it hidden" Taylor started, everyone looked at the two on the couch, Selena giving Eli knowing looks. Taylor pulled out a black box, there were a few gasps around the room. "Dont worry im not proposing," they all laughed, luna looked at taylor, confused as to what she was doing.


Taylor smiled, and turned to her girl, "i know we only have been dating for a month but i've known you for more than that, you have shown me what a real relationship should look like, you got me to love again. I never thought i would do this again, i hope i wont ever have to" Taylor smiled, she had tears clouding her bright blue eyes.

She opened the black box. Luna gasped, in it was a gold band with a teal gem, with small diamonds surrounding it. "This ring is my promise to you, no matter what happens we'll go through it together. I love you to the moon and Saturn" 

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Sorry cliffhanger

Sorry I've been MIA I just had finals and stuff for school

Ugh I hate it but at least it's almost done

Qotd : any celebrities you want Luna to be friends with?

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