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I feel like I should put a TW here for ppl who don't like domestic violence

Luna had gotten her phone, and clicked taylors contact. She heard the ring of the phone and she put it to her ear. To say Luna was pissed was a total understatement.

“Hey, Princess,” Taylor answered when she picked up the phone. Luna smiled, but remembered why she had called in the first place.

“Hey, love. Can you pick me back up?” Luna bit her nails, Taylor just left her house. Now she has to come and get her again.

“Uh yeah, any reason why? Is Eli there?” She didn't seem to mind picking her back up. I mean she's her girlfriend, how could she be?

“Oh uh yeah he's here, and unfortunately someone I don't want to see is also here” Luna's fist that wasn't holding her phone was clenched tightly, her knuckles turning white.

“Is it your father? Are you in trouble?” Now Taylor was worried, she knew Luna had a troubled past but she didn't think anything would happen.

“No it's not my father, thank God.” Luna took a breath and continued “my ex is here, she's not a good person. I'll tell you more about her in person but I really don't feel like staying here anymore”

“I'm turning onto your street baby, I'll be there in 3 minutes” Luna smiled and thanked her and they hung up.

As Luna walked out of the dining room she heard Eli and Calista yelling, she flinched. Memories coming back. She fought them so hard.

She had gotten her bag, and what she needed out of her suitcase. By the looks of it she wasn't leaving so she told Eli that Taylor was here for her.

“Oh and where do you think you're going?” Calista chuckled.

“With my girlfriend, that's where I'm going” Luna said, she was blocking the door, she was a lot taller than her, almost 8 inches.

“I don't think so,” Luna knew she wasn't going to get past her, so she slightly called Taylor so she could listen to what was going on. “You see, I don't think we finished what we started all those months ago” she smiles like the demon himself.

“I told you, I'm not talking about that, you made up your choice and I made up mine. Now can you please get the fuck out of my way?” Before Luna could say another word the sound of a smack filled the room.

“Don't talk to me like that honey or you're going to have a lot more problems than not seeing your girlfriend” she mocks the word like it's foreign to her.

Luna's hand was holding her cheek that now was stinging with pain. “What the fuck did I do to you to deserve this?!” She yelled in her face. “What's so wrong with you that you have hurt people!” she continued, her knuckles white with how much she was squeezing them.

Another smack, this one brought tears to her eyes. She fought them back. Calistla grabbed her jaw, “what's wrong with me? Lets see? You made me lose my job, you made me lose my family, you left me” she hissed. She was turning everything onto Luna.

“That's not my fault, I'm not the one who gave you bruises?” Before Calistla could do anything, the door was being busted through. In came a man in a black coat and sunglasses and a peak of blonde hair behind him.

“Get your hands off my girlfriend,” Taylor demanded. Calista laughed, but let go of luna.

“Look at that, your girlfriend to your rescue. You could never solve your own problems” she tuted. Luna ran to Taylor, hiding behind her.

“I don't know who you are, and what the hell you think you are doing. But i sure as hell know that domestic assault is a felony worth prison, so you should be wise with your options here” taylor told her, even though taylor is the sweet person you know, she would be very mean if she wanted to.

“Im Calista Harlow, and you are?” she drawled looking at Taylor, who was even taller that she was.

Taylor narrowed her eyes, she wasn't here to play games with her. “That doesn't matter, you see that body guard there?”she pointed to the guy in the black cloak and sunglasses, “he can arrest you, at any time if you give him a reason. Now, I heard you have some sort of black mail on Luna? What would that be?”

She didn't answer, “or was that a lie?” Taylor questioned, with a smirk playing on her face.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Calista said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh i think you do, now here's what's going to happen, you're going to leave this house, and never and i repeat never come back to this house or Lunas ever again, you already put her through hell and back. I don't think she needs any more of that”

She muttered a fine, and walked out the door without another word. And just as the door closed Luna bursted into tears. “Luna, baby are you okay? Are you hurt?” Taylor asked as she walked over to her girlfriend.

“Im-im fine,” she choked out. “Thank you taylor, i-i don't know what would've happened if-if you didn't come through the door”

“I'm so glad you're okay” Taylor pulled the younger girl in for a hug. Luna barred her head in taylors chest. “I love you darling” she kissed Luna's head.

“I love you too”

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Hello again!

That was a rollercoaster of emotions
Also demanding Taylor is really hot

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