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Taylor smiled as Luna walked back into her living room. It was Thanksgiving morning, Taylor assumed that she had plans, but she wanted to know if she wanted to stay with her for thanksgiving.

"Hey, do you have any plans for thanksgiving?" Luna beats Taylor to it, as she sits down next to Taylor on the couch. Taylor laughed.

"I was going to ask you that, but no I don't have any plans" Taylor smiled, Luna had managed to lay on Taylor in the process of her replying. Luna looks up, her brown eyes meeting Taylors blue ones.

"Well, my sisters are coming over to my house for dinner, obviously Eli is going to be there as well cause he lives there" she laughs "you should come!" She smiles, and plays with Taylors fingers, that Taylor layed on her chest.

"That would be fun, but having 6 people in your  tiny apartment would be so hectic," she told her. As she thought of another option they could do. "Oh, you guys could come here"

"Really? I don't really want to be a bother, you didn't have plans before...'' Luna started to ramble thinking that she intruded on Taylor. Taylor smiled, before talking.

"You're never a bother, don't ever think that. Now yes, you guys can come here for dinner."

"Okay" Luna smiled, and cuddled closer to Taylor. Greys on in the background, Benji at the end of the couch.


Luna woke up to Benji licking her face, which was half covered on Taylor's chest. Luna started to wake up, and moved out of Taylors grasp, and checked the time on her phone.


She also had gotten texts saying Claire and Melanie had made it to her house. Taylor was still sleeping, so she decided to wake her.

"Taaaaylorrrrr, wake uppppp" she whispered next to her. She didn't move. Luna huffed in annoyance, then she got an idea. She got up and grabbed Benji, and put him on her face.

"Why is there a cat on my face?" Taylors voice was muffled by the cat's fur. Luna smiled and moved the said cat off of her.

"Heyyy, you're awake!" Luna laughed. As Taylor sat up on the couch.

"What time is it?" she asked as yawned.

"2:02" Luna smiled.

"Okay, I um have to feed the cats, I assume he's the one who woke you up?" Taylor asked, glaring at the fluff ball with the pretty blue eyes.

"Bingo" Luna snapped her fingers, Taylor signed and got up and went into the kitchen, and as she did that all 3 cats followed her.

"Are your sisters here yet?" Taylor asked from the kitchen. So instead of shouting back, she walked into the kitchen, and sat on the stool and watched her.

"Yes, they're both at my house with Eli, from the texts I got" she replied, watching as Taylor walked around the kitchen doing things needed to do.

"Okay, i think i'm going to order some food from Zenders or bob Evan's" she said, she seemed very conflicted on where to order.

"I think we should do Zenders," Luna told Taylor, who was putting away a cup in the cupboard.

"Okay, well we have some time before you have to leave, would you want to work on a song?" Taylor asked, leaning on the counter across from Luna.

"I would love to!" Luna smiled, and Taylor walked around the island and grabbed Luna's hand and took her to her music room.


Taylor sits now in a bean bag chair in the corner of the room, Luna follows and sits in the one next to her. She had her note book in hand. She flips through the pages, and finds a section of lyrics that she wants to work on.

“Oh what about this one?” She showed Taylor the bit of lyrics she already had.

To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say, "Meet me behind the mall"
So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
You weren't mine to lose,

“I love that, is this why you said you had an idea when we were parked behind the mall?” Taylor recalled last night seeing her so scared. She wondered how someone could be so happy at one point then the snap of her fingers her whole world came crashing down.

“Yeah, i had the idea from that, this is part of the love triangle story” Luna blushes, the fact that Taylor fingered out how she got the idea amazed her, she wondered what she could help her make this song great. “I was thinking calling it june, or something because of the lyric so much for summer love”

“What about august? 'Because august is the last month of summer, and i think its saying that they aren't together anymore because it's not summer anymore” taylor added. And writing some stuff she thought of.

“Ooo, I like that.” Luna smiled and wrote August on the top of the page. “What are you writing?”

“What do you think? The memories of us slipped away, like august cause you weren't mine” taylor sang, even though the lyrics don't really work, Luna is still in awe of her singing, this is the first time she had heard her sing since the concert.

“I-wow, have I told you that you're an amazing singer?” Luna tells Taylor, who blushes, and waves her off, “but I like that idea, like her memories, of her and the boy she can have slipping away into the time she can't have with him now.” Luna rambles and starts thinking about a way to word those words.

“Oh, maybe this? I can see us lost in the memory" Taylor smiled, Luna clapped and wrote that down.

“Oh my gosh, it's coming together” Luna grinned, and clapped her hands together. “Okay, so i can see us lost in the memory, august slipped away into a moment in time,” luna sang, and wrote those words down.

“‘Cuase you were never mine'' Taylor continued, and Luna wrote those ones down as well. “We make a great team” Taylor smiles, and looks at Luna who is writing in her book.

Luna looks up at Taylor, her blue eyes sparkling, this is where she shines, she's so passionate about it. “We do, Taylor” she grabbed taylors hand, and gave it a squeeze.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

So sorry for the long wait!! School just started back up this week and I haven't had any time to write, but as of writing this I have a sub in my art class lol

Anyway I hope you liked this, their starting working on folklore!!

Qotd : do you have different Playlist for different emotions? Or just one big Playlist?

I have different ones, but some how I have one with just Taylor and a few other artists.

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