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Taylor was still up, at 2:13 in the morning, she had come over the day before. It had been a week since everything went down. To Taylor Luna has been doing okay, though she's not her normal happy sarcastic self. But that's to be expected. Taylor was watching TV in the living room and reading the book that Luna had just finished during the plane ride back to michigan.

Eli was at Tyler's house, as they started talking more and became friends. So it was just Luna and taylor. The sound that rang through the house, shocked Taylor to her core, was Luna's screams. Taylor was scared, she knew that she has had nightmares in the past. But she didn't think they were this bad.

Taylor slowly opened Luna's bedroom door, seeing her tossing and turning in her bed, her forehead was shiny with sweat. She was mumbling incoherent words.

Taylor walked over to her bed, she took her hand in hers, she slowly rubbed the top of it. “Luna, baby. You're having a nightmare” she said softly. Luna  winced and turned away from taylor. Taylor knows that you shouldn't wake someone having a nightmare. But she can't help it seeing her lover go through so much pain.

And so she got into bed next to her and waited for the nightmare to pass over. It was about 5 minutes after Taylor went into her room, that Luna jolted up, gasping for air.

“It it was so real, I swear she she was here” Luna had tears falling down her face, her words almost unable to hear over her heavy breathing.

“Shh- no, no don't panic, love. You're safe, she'll never get you, I promise you that.” Taylor kissed Luna's temple. Taylor looked down at the scared girl in her arms, she was shaking. She had this look of fear in her eyes, along with the tear stains down her cheeks.

“Promise you'll never hurt me?” Luna whispered, looking up at Taylor through her wet eyelashes. Taylors heart broke hearing those words come out of her mouth.

“I would never hurt you, I promise” taylors eyes were watering. the realization of what Luna has been through, it hit her like a train, all of the people that she had in her life had hurt her in some way. “I love you Luna, to the moon and Saturn.” Luna gave her a soft smile, and kissed taylors lips.


The following morning, Luna was at the recording studio, despite what Taylor said that she should get some rest, Luna wanted to record a song, and hopefully put it out, as a single.

“So what one do you think you want to do?” Taylor wondered, as they walked up the stairs to meet Jack.

“I definitely think I was Nonsense and Mess it up to be the two singles, and I think I want to call the entire album Nonsense, because singing is nonsense” she laughed, as Taylor opened the door for her.

“I love your thinking,” she smiled and kissed Luna's head. Luna followed Taylor into the recording studio Where she was met with a guy, with glasses. She assumed that was Jack.

“Hey!” He smiled and got up out of the chair. “I'm Jack, you must be Luna?” He questioned.

“Yes, it's nice to meet you” Luna smiled, and shook his hand.

“So I hear that you want to record some songs?”

“Yes! I have the lyrics, they just need a beat, and taylor said that you're the best so” Taylor blushed.

“Of course, lets see what we can do” he smiled and took her to the table. Taylor sat back and watched as her girlfriend worked on something she loved.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

It's happening!!!!


Qotd: what do you think the vibe of TTPD is?

I think is going to be rep & Folklore

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