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Taylor just got out of the car, in front of Taylor's parents house. To say Luna was nervous was an understatement. Taylor noticed how Luna was picking at the skin on her thumb, she did this when she had anxiety. So Taylor grabbed her hand.

"Hey, they're going to love you okay?" Taylor looked down at the shorter girl. Luna smiled gratefully but it didn't help her nervousness.

"Okay, let's do this" Luna looked up at Taylor, who smiled, and nodded. Taylor walked up to the front door, and pressed the doorbell. The two waited for a few moments before the door was opened.

"Hey Mom!" Taylor smiled, and hugged her mother.

"Hello hun, did you get here alright?" her mother asked.

"Yes, it was very nice," Taylor replied, glancing at Luna, who just smiled.

"Well let's get you two inside, it's too cold out here '' she laughed and ushered them into the house.

"Thank you Mrs. Swift" Luna told Taylor's mom, as she took both Taylor's and her coat.

"Your welcome dear, now what's your name?" she asked, Taylor told her she was bringing someone but didn't tell her who.

"Mom, this is Luna, my-'' Taylor cut herself off, she wasn't out to her parents, nor did she want to out her girlfriend.

"I'm her best friend" Luna smiled, and put out her hand for Taylor's mom to shake, instead she pulled her into a hug.

"Welcome, Luna, it's a pleasure to meet you" she smiled, "please call me Andrea"

"Thank you Andrea, you have a lovely home" Luna complemented. As she looked around her home.

"Thank you dear" Andrea smiled, and led both Taylor and Luna up stairs. "Now, do you guys mind sharing a bed? All the other spare rooms have stuff in them," Luna snickered at the comment.

"Yeah, that's fine mom," Taylor told her, as she put Luna and her suitcases down in front of the bed. "This was my room when I was growing up," Taylor smiled. The walls were a light lavender, there was a double bed in the middle of the room. There were also posters of other singers, there was an archway to a walk-in closet.

"It's so cute, Taylor," Luna laughs, and walks around the room picking up different things, to see what they were. "Omg you were so young in that picture" Luna held up the frame, as Taylor went over to Luna to see what picture she was talking about.

Taylor smiled, as she remembered the memory of that day, it was a picture of her and Abigail. They both had Santa hats on. "That's my friend Abigail, we were Christmas shopping together, it was probably christmas of 08 i think" Luna looked up at Taylor as she told her about Abby, Taylor had on a soft smile, as she talked.

"Do you still talk to her?" Luna questioned, as she put the frame back down on the dresser where she got it.

"Yes I do, she's doing great, we get together every now and then." Taylor smiled and jumped on to the bed, her mother had previously left to go to the kitchen, so it was just Taylor and Luna. Luna looked back where Taylor was laying, she was smiling looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey love" Luna giggled, as she laid down next to Taylor. Taylor moved her head so she was looking at Luna, she smiled, as she saw the face of her girlfriend that she had become so infatuated with.

"Hi darling" Taylor whispered, since their faces were only a few inches apart, Taylor lifted her hand and brushed a piece of hair behind Luna's ear. Luna's face flushed, the pink growing across her cheeks, Taylor could see the faint freckles that lined her nose, she suspected that they would be more noticeable in the summer, she couldn't wait till summer.

"Your mom is nice," Luna said, and played with Taylors hand, "Where's your father and brother?"

"Yeah, she's the sweetest, they should be back later tonight," Taylor told her. "Also i'm sorry for not introducing you as my girlfriend, i just-"

"No, no darling, that's totally fine. I get it, you will come out on your time. And I will be with you every step of the way, you know why? Because i'm your best friend, who just happens to be your girlfriend as well" Luna spoke, Taylor smiled, and pulled Luna in for a hug.

"Thank you, for understanding" Taylor mumbled into Lunas hair, "i love you"

"I love you too darling, to the moon and Saturn" Luna smiled.


"Mom, i'm going to show Luna Centennial park, we will be back before dad gets home" Taylor told her mother. Who was on the couch. Luna had grabbed both hers and Taylor's coats, and was waiting by the door.

"Okay, have fun girls" Andera smiled, like she knew something the others didn't.

"Okay, bye" Taylor said as she put on the coat Luna handed her. And took her hand discreetly as she went out the door.

"Are you sure you want to go there?" Luna asked, they previously had talked about it, Luna was scared of the paps and stuff. But taylor told her that it's going to be fine, and if something happens then it will happen. All Taylor wanted was to have a date with her girlfriend without the consent worry of the paparazzi.

"Yes I am," Taylor grinned at the younger girl who had her whole heart. "I can't wait for you to see it" Taylor looked like a kid on christmas.

"Okay, I'm excited too," Luna smiled, and brought taylors hand to her mouth and kissed it.

They made their way to taylors car, and got in. The drive was about 20 minutes from taylors house, so Luna put on her playlist. Just the way you are by Bruno Mars, is the first song to come on.

Luna had a grin from ear to ear on her face, this song reminds her of when she was little, her and her mother would sing it at the top of their lungs in the car when it came on. "I love this song" luna gushed

"Me too" Taylor grinned, and placed her hand on Luna's thigh, as she started to sing the lyrics.

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes, Make the stars look like they're not shinin', Her hair, her hair, Falls perfectly without her tryin', She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday, Yeah, I know, I know, When I compliment her, she won't believe me" Luna sings like theres nothing holding her back.

Can she get any better? Taylor thought, She was in awe of her girlfriend's singing voice, i mean yeah she's heard it, but she never heard it.

"And it's so, it's so, Sad to think that she don't see what I see, But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?" I say, When I see your face, There's not a thing that I would change, 'Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are" Luna pointed at her girlfriend who blushed.

"Thank you," Taylor smiled, beamed and rubbed Luna's thigh. Luna had on a smile that could last for days. She was so in love with the singer. 

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!


I'm finally on Christmas break!!

Anyway this seems to be going Wayyyyyy to well

Why don't we add some drama in the next chapter

Qotd : do you guys have any suggestions or anything?

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