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Taylor was sitting on the couch with Benji curled on her lap, when she heard her phone chime, she wonder what the notification was, so she grabbed it, and unlocked her phone.

StillLuna started following you

Taylors eyes go wide, I didn't expect her to follow me right away, she thought. Luna was the only thing on her mind, it was almost like this invisible string pulling her to Luna. She didn't know what it ment yet but she is going to find out.

I hope sending that box wasn't too much, Taylor chuckled nervously, though no one was round. It wasn't like she could go and talk to her. She really wanted to talk to the girl that has been plaguing her mind for the last 3 days, but that seemed too desperate.

Taylor got a picture of her and Benji. He's too cute for his own good. After that Taylor went and made herself dinner and put on greys in the background as she ate. 


Taylorswift ✔️ posted this photo

Liked by Eliwest, StillLuna, and 4

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Liked by Eliwest, StillLuna, and 4.76 million Others

Taylorswift ✔️ Benji wanted to say hi

View all 3.89 million comments

Username awww Benji is so cute

Username I loved your concert!!

Username I'm literally in love with you

Eliwest too cute!
(Taylorswift ✔️ Liked this comment)

StillLuna He's adorable!!
Taylorswift ✔️ Thank you!!

Username I wish I was Taylor
Username Same!! But I don't know how I would handle the fam part
StillLuna yeah I wouldn't either


Taylor walked into her bedroom, it was about 9:30, she went to take a shower after feeding her cats. By the time she got out it was 10. She sat on her bed and pulled the covers over her. Soon all of the cats joined her. Taylor smiled at her phone, she really wanted to be her friend, maybe more? What if that's the invisible string talking? To be honest she didn't know what she wanted, all she knew was that she wanted to talk to her.

Taylor looked at the clock on her bedside table, she groaned. "Is ten too late to text someone?" she asks aloud, mainly to her cats. "Its fine"

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